There are some words which carry with them the baggage of sexism and ableism and so they're words we've chosen to avoid using within our community.
We realise that sometimes SlackBot might get a bit over-eager and correct you when you intentionally chose that word and it is appropriate. That's okay, but we find that in most cases, SlackBot's reminders help us choose our words with intention and promote a more inclusive and welcoming space.
There are plenty of other words that you can use which can still convey the meaning you're looking for. Sometimes it might require a bit of creativity, but trust us – it can be done.
We don't assume you were intentionally being sexist or ableist. Our language is littered with the legacy of unfortunate cultural baggage. You might not even believe that there's a problem with the word you used. That's cool, but we don't use that word here.