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Last active September 17, 2021 07:46
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PushBullet AFL Code
//Coded by Rajandran R : Date 16th Nov 2014
//Website :
//Copyright : Never Cared about it do whatever you want but dont forget to give relevant credits
Public Sub pushbullet(Message_Text)
Dim Message
'Your Message
Message = Message_Text
Dim objXmlHttpMain , URL
strJSONToSend = "{""type"": ""note"", ""title"": ""Alert"", ""body"":""" &Message_Text&"""}"
Set objXmlHttpMain = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
on error resume next "POST",URL, False
objXmlHttpMain.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
objXmlHttpMain.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
objXmlHttpMain.send strJSONToSend
set objJSONDoc = nothing
set objResult = nothing
'Store response
'response.Write (objXmlHttpMain.responseText)
End Sub
pb = GetScriptObject();
if (LastValue(ValueWhen(Ref(Buy,-1),BarIndex())==BarIndex()) AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlert")==0 )
pb.PushBullet("Buy Alert in " +Name() + " : BuyPrice Value is " + BuyPrice + " Time " + TimeNum());
StaticVarSet(Name()+ GetChartID() + "buyAlertBar", LastValue(TimeNum()));
if (LastValue(TimeNum()) == StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlertBar"))
StaticVarSet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlert",1); //alert was triggered, no more alerts on this bar
StaticVarSet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlert",0); // new bar formed, and alerts can be trigered.
if (LastValue(ValueWhen(Ref(Sell,-1),BarIndex())==BarIndex()) AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlert")==0 )
pb.PushBullet("Sell Alert in " +Name() + " : SellPrice Value is " + SellPrice + " Time " + TimeNum());
StaticVarSet(Name()+ GetChartID() + "sellAlertBar", LastValue(TimeNum()));
if (LastValue(TimeNum()) == StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlertBar"))
StaticVarSet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlert",1); //alert was triggered, no more alerts on this bar
StaticVarSet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlert",0); // new bar formed, and alerts can be trigered.
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