CFCLI is available on Docker Hub. You will need to login with your Docker ID and password. The README is on GitHub.
You can use Docker to run a variety of apps like CFCLI, or develop PHP code in a local virtual machine.
If you already have Docker, update to the latest version. Otherwise, begin this tutorial by installing Docker for Windows or Mac.
- Install Docker and confirm that it is working properly on your system
- Run these commands once Docker is installed:
$ mkdir cfcli
$ docker build --no-cache -t seanhamlin/cfcli:dev -f cfcli .
You will need your Cloudflare API key.
$ docker pull seanhamlin/cfcli
$ docker run --rm -it -v$HOME/.cfcli:/root/.cfcli seanhamlin/cfcli
$ docker run --rm -it -v$HOME/.cfcli:/root/.cfcli seanhamlin/cfcli zone:read --help