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Last active August 9, 2019 14:02
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Install CFCLI

Install CFCLI

CFCLI is available on Docker Hub. You will need to login with your Docker ID and password. The README is on GitHub.

You can use Docker to run a variety of apps like CFCLI, or develop PHP code in a local virtual machine.

If you already have Docker, update to the latest version. Otherwise, begin this tutorial by installing Docker for Windows or Mac.

Windows installation

  • Install Docker and confirm that it is working properly on your system
  • Run these commands once Docker is installed:
$ mkdir cfcli
$ docker build --no-cache -t seanhamlin/cfcli:dev -f cfcli .

You will need your Cloudflare API key.

To update the docker image

$ docker pull seanhamlin/cfcli

To get a complete list of CFCLI commands

$ docker run --rm -it -v$HOME/.cfcli:/root/.cfcli seanhamlin/cfcli

To get help for a specific command

$ docker run --rm -it -v$HOME/.cfcli:/root/.cfcli seanhamlin/cfcli zone:read --help
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