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Created January 3, 2014 03:05
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argonaut union type example
package argonaut.example
import argonaut._, Argonaut._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
object UnionExample extends {
sealed trait Thing
final case class One(n: String, i: Int) extends Thing
final case class Two(n: String) extends Thing
case object Three extends Thing
implicit def ThingEncodeJson: EncodeJson[Thing] =
EncodeJson(_ match {
case One(n, i) => Json("one" := Json("name" := n, "age" := i))
case Two(n) => Json("two" := Json("name" := n))
case Three => Json("three" := ())
implicit def ThingDecodeJson: DecodeJson[Thing] =
DecodeJson(c =>
tagged("one", c, jdecode2L(One.apply)("name", "age")) |||
tagged("two", c, jdecode1L(Two.apply)("name")) |||
tagged("three", c, implicitly[DecodeJson[Unit]].map(_ => Three)))
def tagged[A](tag: String, c: HCursor, decoder: DecodeJson[A]): DecodeResult[A] =
(c --\ tag).hcursor.fold([A]("Invalid tagged type", c.history))(decoder.decode)
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toby5box commented Apr 4, 2015

Mark, is there an update to this example? I get:

UnionExample.scala:21: type mismatch;
[error] found : argonaut.DecodeResult[UnionExample.Two]
[error] required: argonaut.DecodeResult[Product with Serializable with UnionExample.Thing]
[error] Note: UnionExample.Two <: Product with Serializable with UnionExample.Thing, but class DecodeResult is invariant in type A.
[error] You may wish to define A as +A instead. (SLS 4.5)
[error] tagged("two", c, jdecode1L(Two.apply)("name")) |||
[error] ^

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toby5box commented Apr 4, 2015

Never mind, it's possible to just widen the type to the common supertype, using another map[T], scalaz widen, or in my case, simple ascription of the supertype to a case object or case class constructor.

(h/t @tpolecat for leading me to the finish line on this one)

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mkalish commented Oct 4, 2016

Hi @toby5box... do you happen to have an updated example on how you got the gist working?

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