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Created November 13, 2022 08:01
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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import type { Prisma, PrismaClient, PrismaPromise } from "@prisma/client";
import type { CamelCase, Merge, SnakeCase, PascalCase } from "type-fest";
import { ColumnType } from "kysely";
export type KyselyOverrides = {
[Model in Prisma.ModelName]?: {
[P in keyof Table<Model>]?: ColumnType<any>;
export type NamingConvention = "snake_case" | "camelCase" | "PascalCase";
type ChangeCase<Value, T extends NamingConvention> = T extends "PascalCase"
? PascalCase<Value>
: T extends "camelCase"
? CamelCase<Value>
: T extends "snake_case"
? SnakeCase<Value>
: Value;
// A deep version of ChangeCaseProperties that respects Prisma scalar types
type ChangeCasePropertiesDeep<
Convention extends NamingConvention
> = Value extends Prisma.Decimal
? Value
: Value extends Buffer
? Value
: Value extends Function | Date | RegExp
? Value
: Value extends Array<infer U>
? Array<ChangeCasePropertiesDeep<U, Convention>>
: Value extends Set<infer U>
? Set<ChangeCasePropertiesDeep<U, Convention>>
: {
[K in keyof Value as ChangeCase<K, Convention>]: ChangeCasePropertiesDeep<
// Hack to get the raw table types. We extract the ReturnType from a "findFirst" query
type Table<TableName extends Prisma.ModelName> = ReturnType<
> extends PrismaPromise<infer T>
? NonNullable<T>
: never;
export type Database<
Overrides extends KyselyOverrides = Record<string, never>,
TableConvention extends NamingConvention = "PascalCase",
ColumnConvention extends NamingConvention = "camelCase"
> = {
[P in Prisma.ModelName as ChangeCase<
>]: Overrides extends Record<string, never>
? ChangeCasePropertiesDeep<Table<P>, ColumnConvention>
: Merge<
ChangeCasePropertiesDeep<Table<P>, ColumnConvention>,
ChangeCase<Overrides[P], ColumnConvention>
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