###Project Moved
This project has moved to https://github.com/marklister/basen
The new version supports Scala 2.10.3 / newer sbt
###Scala Hex / Decimal / Binary / Crypto DSL
I used this DSL / library to complete Dan Boneth's Cryptography I Coursera course. I did all the exercises in Scala. Scala was (IMHO) a pretty good fit for the task and I suspect my solutions performed a bit better than Python based code. Functional programming and crypto prototyping seem to go quite well together.
Apache 2, or if you need something else just shout. Please, if you fork this don't add any spoilers (ie exercise specific code).
Unfortunately due to issue SI-4684 you can't load this file directly into the REPL. You can try (it might be fixed by now). scala> :load ./BaseN.scala
#####Plan B (best method!):
Save the file BaseN.scala its own directory. Run sbt console
from that directory. From the console prompt type import BaseN._; import CryptoOps._
#####Plan C -- use the REPL :paste
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
//Paste the file
//Type CTRL-D
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
warning: there were 2 deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details
defined class BaseN
defined module BaseN
defined class Hex
defined class Decimal
defined class Binary
import BaseN._
Now you can use the REPL as a Binary / Hex / Decimal calculator:
"String".b // interpret string as binary
"String".h // interpret string as hex
"String".d // interpret string as a decimal
Int.h // convert Int into a BaseN number (hex in this case)
you can use either ^ or 'xor' as an xor operator
scala> "10".b
res0: Binary = 00000010 [base: 2]
scala> "10".b * "10".b
res1: BaseN = 00000100 [base: 2]
scala> "0a".h
res2: Hex = 0a [base: 16]
scala> "0a".h <<1
res3: BaseN = 14 [base: 16]
scala> "0a".h <<"10".b
res4: BaseN = 28 [base: 16]
scala> "11111111".b xor "10101010".b
res5: BaseN = 01010101 [base: 2]
scala> "0a".h
res10: Hex = 0a [base: 16]
scala> "0a".h.d
res11: Decimal = 010 [base: 10]
scala> "0a".h.b
res12: Binary = 00001010 [base: 2]
The default toString implemenation is byte orientated, so for example, "256".d is displayed as: 001:255 [base 10]. You can use toRawString or toString(10) to display the number conventionally.
If you use a BigInt operator that I've not implemented you'll wind up with a BigInt. You can convert a BigInt using the .h .d or .b methods. scala> res14.b
The CryptoOps class adds crypto primatives to Array[Byte] via implicit conversions (ie the pimp my library pattern).
scala> "Hello World".getBytes.sha256
res6: Array[Byte] = Array(-91, -111, -90, -44, 11, -12, 32, 64, 74, 1, 23, 51, -49, -73, -79, -112, -42, 44, 101, -65, 11, -51, -93, 43, 87, -78, 119, -39, -83, -97, 20, 110)
scala> res6.h
res7: Hex = a5:91:a6:d4:0b:f4:20:40:4a:01:17:33:cf:b7:b1:90:d6:2c:65:bf:0b:cd:a3:2b:57:b2:77:d9:ad:9f:14:6e [base: 16]
scala>import BaseN._
import BaseN._
scala>import CryptoOps._
import CryptoOps._
scala>"Hello World".getBytes.pkcs5Pad.aesEncrypt("Short key".getBytes.pkcs5Pad)
res1: CryptoOps = 01:73:69:fa:78:43:38:ae:07:4e:8d:10:c4:3c:cc:fd [base: 16]
scala>res1.aesDecrypt("Short key".getBytes.pkcs5Pad).h.toByteArray.map(_.toChar)
res3: Array[Char] = Array(H, e, l, l, o, , W, o, r, l, d, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
My pleasure Greg, I hope you are enjoying the course. I thought it was excellent especially the programming exercises...