This is the file that defines how reco4j builds recommendations between items in your neo4j database, when using reco4j as a plugin to neo4j.
Property Name | Default | Description |
recommenderType |
1 (Collaborative Filtering) |
The type of recommendation engine to use. 1 Collaborative Filtering, 2 Matrix Factorization |
DistanceAlgorithm |
0 (Euclidean) |
The distance/similarity algorithm to use between items. 0 Euclidean 1 Euclidean Normalized 2 Jaccard 3 Cosine |
nodeType |
type | The property name to look for to determine if the node is a user or item type. |
userType |
User | The value of the nodeType property that marks this node as the type User |
itemType |
Movie | The value of the nodeType property that marks this node as the type Item |
userIdentifier |
userId | The node property to uniquely identify a node of User type |
itemIdentifier |
itemId | The node property to uniquely identify a node of Item type |
KValue |
25 |
The number of nearest neighbours to use when calculating recommendations (???? Is this right? Not sure what this means) |
rankEdgeIdentifier |
rated | The Edge type to use for rankings between an Item and a User (??? Is this right / could be explained better?) |
RankValueIdentifier |
RankValue | The Rank Value (??? What value should this have? Float/Int? Range between numbers? Also seems to be used on testRankEdgeIdentifier , not sure what this either ) |
testRankEdgeIdentifier |
ratedTest | (??? I have no idea what this is) |
recalculateSimilarity |
false |
Store the similarity value for future reload (??? Is this right?) |
TODO: Include examples with explanations of what the configuration means