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Last active June 29, 2024 12:17
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CloudFlare edge worker for WP
// IMPORTANT: Either A Key/Value Namespace must be bound to this worker script
// using the variable name EDGE_CACHE. or the API parameters below should be
// configured. KV is recommended if possible since it can purge just the HTML
// instead of the full cache.
// API settings if KV isn't being used
email: "", // From
key: "", // Global API Key from
zone: "" // "Zone ID" from the API section of the dashboard overview page
// Default cookie prefixes for bypass
* Main worker entry point.
addEventListener("fetch", event => {
const request = event.request;
let upstreamCache = request.headers.get('x-HTML-Edge-Cache');
// Only process requests if KV store is set up and there is no
// HTML edge cache in front of this worker (only the outermost cache
// should handle HTML caching in case there are varying levels of support).
let configured = false;
if (typeof EDGE_CACHE !== 'undefined') {
configured = true;
} else if ( && CLOUDFLARE_API.key.length && {
configured = true;
// Bypass processing of image requests (for everything except Firefox which doesn't use image/*)
const accept = request.headers.get('Accept');
let isImage = false;
if (accept && (accept.indexOf('image/*') !== -1)) {
isImage = true;
if (configured && !isImage && upstreamCache === null) {
event.respondWith(processRequest(request, event));
* Process every request coming through to add the edge-cache header,
* watch for purge responses and possibly cache HTML GET requests.
* @param {Request} originalRequest - Original request
* @param {Event} event - Original event (for additional async waiting)
async function processRequest(originalRequest, event) {
let cfCacheStatus = null;
const accept = originalRequest.headers.get('Accept');
const isHTML = (accept && accept.indexOf('text/html') >= 0);
let {response, cacheVer, status, bypassCache} = await getCachedResponse(originalRequest);
if (response === null) {
// Clone the request, add the edge-cache header and send it through.
let request = new Request(originalRequest);
request.headers.set('x-HTML-Edge-Cache', 'supports=cache|purgeall|bypass-cookies');
if (bypassCache) {
request = createBypassCacheRequest(request);
response = await fetch(request);
if (response) {
const options = getResponseOptions(response);
if (options && options.purge) {
await purgeCache(cacheVer, event);
status += ', Purged';
bypassCache = bypassCache || shouldBypassEdgeCache(request, response);
if ((!options || options.cache) && isHTML &&
originalRequest.method === 'GET' && response.status === 200 &&
!bypassCache) {
status += await cacheResponse(cacheVer, originalRequest, response, event);
} else {
// If the origin didn't send the control header we will send the cached response but update
// the cached copy asynchronously (stale-while-revalidate). This commonly happens with
// a server-side disk cache that serves the HTML directly from disk.
cfCacheStatus = 'HIT';
if (originalRequest.method === 'GET' && response.status === 200 && isHTML) {
bypassCache = bypassCache || shouldBypassEdgeCache(originalRequest, response);
if (!bypassCache) {
const options = getResponseOptions(response);
if (!options) {
status += ', Refreshed';
event.waitUntil(updateCache(originalRequest, cacheVer, event));
if (response && status !== null && originalRequest.method === 'GET' && response.status === 200 && isHTML) {
response = new Response(response.body, response);
response.headers.set('x-HTML-Edge-Cache-Status', status);
if (cacheVer !== null) {
response.headers.set('x-HTML-Edge-Cache-Version', cacheVer.toString());
if (cfCacheStatus) {
response.headers.set('CF-Cache-Status', cfCacheStatus);
return response;
* Determine if the cache should be bypassed for the given request/response pair.
* Specifically, if the request includes a cookie that the response flags for bypass.
* Can be used on cache lookups to determine if the request needs to go to the origin and
* origin responses to determine if they should be written to cache.
* @param {Request} request - Request
* @param {Response} response - Response
* @returns {bool} true if the cache should be bypassed
function shouldBypassEdgeCache(request, response) {
let bypassCache = false;
if (request) {
let bypassCookies = DEFAULT_BYPASS_COOKIES;
if (response) {
const options = getResponseOptions(response);
if (options) {
bypassCookies = options.bypassCookies;
let cookieHeader = request.headers.get('cookie');
if (cookieHeader && cookieHeader.length && bypassCookies.length) {
const cookies = cookieHeader.split(';');
for (let cookie of cookies) {
// See if the cookie starts with any of the logged-in user prefixes
for (let prefix of bypassCookies) {
if (cookie.trim().startsWith(prefix)) {
bypassCache = true;
if (bypassCache) {
return bypassCache;
const CACHE_HEADERS = ['Cache-Control', 'Expires', 'Pragma'];
* Check for cached HTML GET requests.
* @param {Request} request - Original request
async function getCachedResponse(request) {
let response = null;
let cacheVer = null;
let bypassCache = false;
let status = 'Miss';
// Only check for HTML GET requests (saves on reading from KV unnecessarily)
// and not when there are cache-control headers on the request (refresh)
const accept = request.headers.get('Accept');
const cacheControl = request.headers.get('Cache-Control');
let noCache = false;
if (cacheControl && cacheControl.indexOf('no-cache') !== -1) {
noCache = true;
status = 'Bypass for Reload';
if (!noCache && request.method === 'GET') {
// Build the versioned URL for checking the cache
cacheVer = await GetCurrentCacheVersion(cacheVer);
const cacheKeyRequest = GenerateCacheRequest(request, cacheVer);
// See if there is a request match in the cache
try {
let cache = caches.default;
let cachedResponse = await cache.match(cacheKeyRequest);
// Check to see if the response needs to be bypassed because of a cookie
bypassCache = shouldBypassEdgeCache(request, cachedResponse);
if (cachedResponse) {
// Copy Response object so that we can edit headers.
cachedResponse = new Response(cachedResponse.body, cachedResponse);
// Copy the original cache headers back and clean up any control headers
if (bypassCache) {
status = 'Bypass Cookie';
} else {
status = 'Hit';
for (header of CACHE_HEADERS) {
let value = cachedResponse.headers.get('x-HTML-Edge-Cache-Header-' + header);
if (value) {
cachedResponse.headers.delete('x-HTML-Edge-Cache-Header-' + header);
cachedResponse.headers.set(header, value);
response = cachedResponse;
} else {
status = 'Miss';
} catch (err) {
// Send the exception back in the response header for debugging
status = "Cache Read Exception: " + err.message;
return {response, cacheVer, status, bypassCache};
* Asynchronously purge the HTML cache.
* @param {Int} cacheVer - Current cache version (if retrieved)
* @param {Event} event - Original event
async function purgeCache(cacheVer, event) {
if (typeof EDGE_CACHE !== 'undefined') {
// Purge the KV cache by bumping the version number
cacheVer = await GetCurrentCacheVersion(cacheVer);
event.waitUntil(EDGE_CACHE.put('html_cache_version', cacheVer.toString()));
} else {
// Purge everything using the API
const url = "" + + "/purge_cache";
method: 'POST',
headers: {'X-Auth-Email':,
'X-Auth-Key': CLOUDFLARE_API.key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify({purge_everything: true})
* Update the cached copy of the given page
* @param {Request} originalRequest - Original Request
* @param {String} cacheVer - Cache Version
* @param {EVent} event - Original event
async function updateCache(originalRequest, cacheVer, event) {
// Clone the request, add the edge-cache header and send it through.
let request = new Request(originalRequest);
request.headers.set('x-HTML-Edge-Cache', 'supports=cache|purgeall|bypass-cookies');
response = await fetch(request);
if (response) {
status = ': Fetched';
const options = getResponseOptions(response);
if (options && options.purge) {
await purgeCache(cacheVer, event);
let bypassCache = shouldBypassEdgeCache(request, response);
if ((!options || options.cache) && !bypassCache) {
await cacheResponse(cacheVer, originalRequest, response, event);
* Cache the returned content (but only if it was a successful GET request)
* @param {Int} cacheVer - Current cache version (if already retrieved)
* @param {Request} request - Original Request
* @param {Response} originalResponse - Response to (maybe) cache
* @param {Event} event - Original event
* @returns {bool} true if the response was cached
async function cacheResponse(cacheVer, request, originalResponse, event) {
let status = "";
const accept = request.headers.get('Accept');
if (request.method === 'GET' && originalResponse.status === 200 && accept && accept.indexOf('text/html') >= 0) {
cacheVer = await GetCurrentCacheVersion(cacheVer);
const cacheKeyRequest = GenerateCacheRequest(request, cacheVer);
try {
// Move the cache headers out of the way so the response can actually be cached.
// First clone the response so there is a parallel body stream and then
// create a new response object based on the clone that we can edit.
let cache = caches.default;
let clonedResponse = originalResponse.clone();
let response = new Response(clonedResponse.body, clonedResponse);
for (header of CACHE_HEADERS) {
let value = response.headers.get(header);
if (value) {
response.headers.set('x-HTML-Edge-Cache-Header-' + header, value);
response.headers.set('Cache-Control', 'public; max-age=315360000');
event.waitUntil(cache.put(cacheKeyRequest, response));
status = ", Cached";
} catch (err) {
// status = ", Cache Write Exception: " + err.message;
return status;
* Utility Functions
* Parse the commands from the x-HTML-Edge-Cache response header.
* @param {Response} response - HTTP response from the origin.
* @returns {*} Parsed commands
function getResponseOptions(response) {
let options = null;
let header = response.headers.get('x-HTML-Edge-Cache');
if (header) {
options = {
purge: false,
cache: false,
bypassCookies: []
let commands = header.split(',');
for (let command of commands) {
if (command.trim() === 'purgeall') {
options.purge = true;
} else if (command.trim() === 'cache') {
options.cache = true;
} else if (command.trim().startsWith('bypass-cookies')) {
let separator = command.indexOf('=');
if (separator >= 0) {
let cookies = command.substr(separator + 1).split('|');
for (let cookie of cookies) {
cookie = cookie.trim();
if (cookie.length) {
return options;
* Retrieve the current cache version from KV
* @param {Int} cacheVer - Current cache version value if set.
* @returns {Int} The current cache version.
async function GetCurrentCacheVersion(cacheVer) {
if (cacheVer === null) {
if (typeof EDGE_CACHE !== 'undefined') {
cacheVer = await EDGE_CACHE.get('html_cache_version');
if (cacheVer === null) {
// Uninitialized - first time through, initialize KV with a value
// Blocking but should only happen immediately after worker activation.
cacheVer = 0;
await EDGE_CACHE.put('html_cache_version', cacheVer.toString());
} else {
cacheVer = parseInt(cacheVer);
} else {
cacheVer = -1;
return cacheVer;
* Generate the versioned Request object to use for cache operations.
* @param {Request} request - Base request
* @param {Int} cacheVer - Current Cache version (must be set)
* @returns {Request} Versioned request object
function GenerateCacheRequest(request, cacheVer) {
let cacheUrl = request.url;
if (cacheUrl.indexOf('?') >= 0) {
cacheUrl += '&';
} else {
cacheUrl += '?';
cacheUrl += 'cf_edge_cache_ver=' + cacheVer;
return new Request(cacheUrl);
function createBypassCacheRequest(request) {
const req = request instanceof Request ? request : new Request(request);
let url = new URL(req.url);
let query_string =;
let search_params = new URLSearchParams(query_string);
search_params.set('wdtcack', '1'); = search_params.toString();
let new_url = url.toString();
return new Request(new_url, req)
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