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markosjal / AirScan-eSCL.txt
Last active February 1, 2025 23:49
Reverse Engineering eSCL / Apple AirScan
Reverse Engineering the Apple Airscan / eSCL Protocol
I am not certain of the origins, one person involved in IPP printing claimed it was proprietary of HP , but then again they have their own protocol. AirScan/eSCL is used by other manufacturers too like Xerox, Kyocera, Canon and more. Mopria also seems to claim some responsibility for it but then again it seems not completely. In any case it seems shrouded in such secrecy that to date several years after its implementation, unless someone wants to take it all apart.
I offer this as my contribution. It is not perfect but almost there.
As I began looking for information to make a scanner more compatible, I could only find fragments of information. Even Apple Developer Forums offered zero help.
Server/Client in eSCL / AirScan:
There is a “server”and a “client” the client can be a desktop computer or mobile device. The server is a scanner or another device configured to emulate a hardware scanner, even a desktop computer. In my case I did this on Linux, so