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Last active February 19, 2020 10:26
Show Gist options
  • Save markselby/7209751 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save markselby/7209751 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Load GitHub Gists asynchronously and optionally specify which file to show. This allows you to keep related files in a single gist but show them individually on your pages. The async loading prevents your page rendering from stalling.
function loadGists() {
var els = $('code[gist]'), gists = {}, code = [], stylesheets = [];
// Get elements referencing a gist and build a gists hash referencing the elements that use it
els.each(function(idx, rawEl) {
var el = $(rawEl), gist = el.attr('gist');
rawEl.gist = gist;
rawEl.file = el.attr('file');
gists[gist] = gists[gist] || { targets: [] };
// Load the gists
$.each(gists, function(name, data) {
$.getJSON(name + '?callback=?', function(data) {
var gist = gists[name]; = data;
// Only insert the stylesheets once
if(stylesheets.indexOf( < 0) {
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + + '" />');
gist.files = $('.gist-file');
gist.outer = $('');
// Iterate elements refering to this gist
$(gist.targets).each(function(idx, target) {
var file = target.get(0).file;
if(file) {
var o = gist.outer.clone();
var c = '<div class="gist-file">' + $(gist.files.get( + '</div>';
else {
// Load them on document ready
<!-- Note the .json at the end of the gist URL -->
<p>Add some markup like this :</p>
<code gist="" file="sample-markup.html"></code>
<p>Here's the javascript that does the work.</p>
<code gist="" file="async-gists.js"></code>
<p>Bingo! I now have a self referencing Gist :-)</p>
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Hi Mark. Thanks for the solution. Works like a charm. Here's something you might wanna fix. return the complete url to the stylesheet (including We have to remove from line 19.

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razor-x commented May 16, 2015

I've created a Bower package based on this:

Original fork for reference:

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