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<?php | |
/* | |
Plugin Name: Connect Cards | |
Plugin URI: | |
Description: Enable the Connect Card Content Library. | |
Version: 2.0 | |
Author: Digital Church | |
Author URI: | |
License: GPL2 | |
*/ | |
// Register Custom Post Type | |
function custom_post_type_connect_card() { | |
$labels = array( | |
'name' => _x( 'Connect Cards', 'Post Type General Name', 'text_domain' ), | |
'singular_name' => _x( 'Connect Card', 'Post Type Singular Name', 'text_domain' ), | |
'menu_name' => __( 'Connect Cards', 'text_domain' ), | |
'name_admin_bar' => __( 'Connect Card', 'text_domain' ), | |
'archives' => __( 'Connect Card Archives', 'text_domain' ), | |
'attributes' => __( 'Connect Card Attributes', 'text_domain' ), | |
'parent_item_colon' => __( 'Parent Connect Card:', 'text_domain' ), | |
'all_items' => __( 'All Connect Cards', 'text_domain' ), | |
'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Connect Card', 'text_domain' ), | |
'add_new' => __( 'Add New', 'text_domain' ), | |
'new_item' => __( 'New Connect Card', 'text_domain' ), | |
'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Connect Card', 'text_domain' ), | |
'update_item' => __( 'Update Connect Card', 'text_domain' ), | |
'view_item' => __( 'View Connect Card', 'text_domain' ), | |
'view_items' => __( 'View Connect Cards', 'text_domain' ), | |
'search_items' => __( 'Search Connect Cards', 'text_domain' ), | |
'not_found' => __( 'Not found', 'text_domain' ), | |
'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'Not found in Trash', 'text_domain' ), | |
'featured_image' => __( 'Featured Image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'set_featured_image' => __( 'Set featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'remove_featured_image' => __( 'Remove featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'use_featured_image' => __( 'Use as featured image', 'text_domain' ), | |
'insert_into_item' => __( 'Insert into Connect Card', 'text_domain' ), | |
'uploaded_to_this_item' => __( 'Uploaded to this Connect Card', 'text_domain' ), | |
'items_list' => __( 'Connect Cards list', 'text_domain' ), | |
'items_list_navigation' => __( 'Connect Cards list navigation', 'text_domain' ), | |
'filter_items_list' => __( 'Filter Connect Cards list', 'text_domain' ), | |
); | |
$args = array( | |
'label' => __( 'Connect Card', 'text_domain' ), | |
'description' => __( 'Connect Card Description', 'text_domain' ), | |
'labels' => $labels, | |
'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'page-attributes' ), | |
'taxonomies' => array( 'category', 'post_tag' ), | |
'hierarchical' => false, | |
'public' => true, | |
'show_ui' => true, | |
'show_in_menu' => true, | |
'menu_position' => 5, | |
'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-screenoptions', | |
'show_in_admin_bar' => true, | |
'show_in_nav_menus' => true, | |
'can_export' => true, | |
'has_archive' => false, | |
'exclude_from_search' => false, | |
'publicly_queryable' => true, | |
'capability_type' => 'page', | |
); | |
register_post_type( 'connections', $args ); | |
} | |
add_action( 'init', 'custom_post_type_connect_card', 0 ); | |
add_post_type_support( 'connections', 'thumbnail' ); post_type_supports( 'connections', 'thumbnail' ); | |
/** add order column to admin listing screen for CPT <-- Did we do this because of the drag and drop sorting? **/ | |
function add_new_connect_card_column($connect_card_columns) { | |
$connect_card_columns['menu_order'] = "Order"; | |
return $connect_card_columns; | |
} | |
add_action('manage_edit-connect_card_columns', 'add_new_connect_card_column'); | |
/** show custom order column values **/ | |
function show_order_column($name){ | |
global $post; | |
switch ($name) { | |
case 'menu_order': | |
$order = $post->menu_order; | |
echo $order; | |
break; | |
default: | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
add_action('manage_connect_card_posts_custom_column','show_order_column'); | |
/** make column sortable **/ | |
function order_column_register_sortable($columns){ | |
$columns['menu_order'] = 'menu_order'; | |
return $columns; | |
} | |
add_filter('manage_edit-connect_card_sortable_columns','order_column_register_sortable'); | |
/** Add Custom Fields to the Post Type **/ | |
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', 'dgtl_connect_cards_register_meta_boxes' ); | |
function dgtl_connect_cards_register_meta_boxes( $meta_boxes ) { | |
if ( class_exists('GFForms') ) { | |
// AllFormsTable.php Line: 114 | |
$forms = RGFormsModel::get_forms( 1, 'title' ); | |
$key = array(); | |
$value = array(); | |
foreach ( $forms as $form ) : | |
$key[] = absint( $form->id ); | |
$value[] = esc_html( $form->title ); | |
endforeach; | |
$option = array_combine($key, $value); | |
} else { | |
$option = array('no_forms' => 'ACTIVATE FORM PLUGIN!!'); | |
} | |
$meta_boxes[] = array ( | |
'title' => 'Connect Card', | |
'id' => 'connect-card', | |
'post_types' => array( | |
0 => 'connections', | |
), | |
'context' => 'normal', | |
'priority' => 'high', | |
'fields' => array( | |
array ( | |
'id' => 'cc_cover_photo', | |
'type' => 'single_image', | |
'name' => 'Cover Photo', | |
'tooltip' => 'This cover photo will serve as a background image for the connect card. Featured Image will be used if a cover image is not set.', | |
), | |
array ( | |
'id' => 'dgtl_cc_excerpt', | |
'type' => 'text', | |
'name' => 'Short Description', | |
'tooltip' => 'This description can be displayed on the connect card for this connection as well as in the header of the single connection under the title.', | |
), | |
array ( | |
'id' => 'cc_call_to_action', | |
'name' => 'Call to Action', | |
'type' => 'button_group', | |
'std' => 'None', | |
'options' => array( | |
'None' => 'None', | |
'Button' => 'Button', | |
'Form' => 'Form', | |
'Redirect' => 'Redirect', | |
'Latest' => 'Latest', | |
), | |
'inline' => 1, | |
), | |
array ( | |
'id' => 'cc_button_text', | |
'type' => 'text', | |
'name' => 'Button Text', | |
'visible' => array( | |
'when' => array( | |
array ( | |
0 => 'cc_call_to_action', | |
1 => '=', | |
2 => 'Button', | |
), | |
), | |
'relation' => 'and', | |
), | |
), | |
array ( | |
'id' => 'cc_button_url', | |
'type' => 'text', | |
'name' => 'Button URL', | |
'visible' => array( | |
'when' => array( | |
array ( | |
0 => 'cc_call_to_action', | |
1 => '=', | |
2 => 'Button', | |
), | |
), | |
'relation' => 'and', | |
), | |
), | |
array( | |
'name' => 'Select a Form', | |
'id' => 'cc_gravity_form', | |
'type' => 'select_advanced', | |
'options' => $option, | |
'multiple' => false, | |
'placeholder' => 'Select a Form', | |
'visible' => array( | |
'when' => array( | |
array ( | |
0 => 'cc_call_to_action', | |
1 => '=', | |
2 => 'Form', | |
), | |
), | |
'relation' => 'and', | |
) | |
), | |
array ( | |
'id' => 'cc_redirect_url', | |
'type' => 'text', | |
'name' => 'Redirect URL', | |
'admin_columns' => 'replace categories', | |
'visible' => array( | |
'when' => array( | |
array ( | |
0 => 'cc_call_to_action', | |
1 => '=', | |
2 => 'Redirect', | |
), | |
), | |
'relation' => 'and', | |
), | |
), | |
array ( | |
'id' => 'cc_latest_post_type', | |
'type' => 'select', | |
'options' => array( | |
//'post' => 'Blog Post', | |
'sermon' => 'Sermon', | |
), | |
'name' => 'Post Type', | |
'admin_columns' => 'replace categories', | |
'visible' => array( | |
'when' => array( | |
array ( | |
0 => 'cc_call_to_action', | |
1 => '=', | |
2 => 'Latest', | |
), | |
), | |
'relation' => 'and', | |
), | |
) | |
), | |
); | |
return $meta_boxes; | |
} | |
/**** Add a Shortcode to Display Form [form-connect] ****/ | |
function dgtl_form_connect($atts, $content=null){ | |
$gravity_form = rwmb_meta("cc_gravity_form"); | |
return do_shortcode('[gravityform id=' . $gravity_form . ' title="false" description="false"]'); | |
} | |
add_shortcode('form-connect', 'dgtl_form_connect'); | |
/**** Redirect to URL if Redirect is set****/ | |
function build_connect_card_redirect(){ | |
if( is_single() && get_post_type()=='connections' ){ | |
if( get_field('cc_call_to_action', $curauth) == 'Redirect' ): | |
$redirect_link = get_field('cc_redirect_url'); | |
wp_redirect($redirect_link); | |
exit; | |
endif; | |
} | |
} | |
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'build_connect_card_redirect'); | |
/** Redirect if the latest post field is true **/ | |
function build_connect_card_latest(){ | |
if( is_single() && get_post_type()=='connections' ){ | |
if( get_field('cc_call_to_action', $curauth) == 'Latest' ): | |
//$posttype = get_field('cc_latest_post_type'); | |
$getpost = get_posts( array( | |
'number' => 1, | |
'post_type' => get_field('cc_latest_post_type'), | |
) | |
); | |
$getpost = $getpost[0]; | |
$link = get_post_permalink($getpost->ID); | |
wp_redirect($link); | |
exit; | |
endif; | |
} | |
} | |
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'build_connect_card_latest'); | |
/*** END ***/ |
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