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This playbook has been removed as it is now very outdated. |
Just note that the per-action user doesn't work. Ansible complains that multiple actions are defined for that item..
@vmalloc Yes, welcome to conflicting namespaces ! Ever since we allowed to ommit 'action:' and directly do 'module:' we risk having more than one action, or worse conflicting keywords.
LOVE This. Thank you so much.
I just wanted to mention to everyone that this, while great at the time, is now pretty old.
It doesn't show roles and a lot of features in 1.2, and still uses the "only_if" syntax, which is now made easier by "when". In addition, variable substitution is also in many ways improved.
While things remain compatible, these are not the best ways to do everything in all cases. (Many things remain unchanged, of course), nor does it show everything.
I would suggest reading the latest documentation at http://ansible.cc/docs and then also looking at the "ansible-examples repo: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-examples
Which shows various things put into context.
mpdehaan is right. For example, the example above (line 50 and following) states ',' as separator when using multiple groups in a hosts declaration, while http://ansible.cc/docs/patterns.html#selecting-targets shows ':' . The latter is correct, took me some time to figure it out.
But still my respect for this of course! It's helped me a lot getting to know all of ansible's possibilities!
Other misguiding info in this example:
# Notice the minus on the line below -- this starts the playbook's record
# in the YAML document. Only one playbook is allowed per YAML file. Indent
# the body of the playbook.
- hosts: all
So, only one playbook is allowed per YAML file, actually, such YAML file is a playbook. But playbook consists of one or more of "plays", and "hosts:" line marks beginning of a play, there can be multiple, each applying to a different (or even to same!) set of hosts.
Shouldn't this say ${web.httpd} instead of ${web.apache} ?
# For this example, ${web.memcache} and ${web.apache} are both usable
# variables.
At this point in time ${foo} variables are deprecated and slated for removal in 1.6.
Operators with "when_foo" are also completely removed as of 1.5 in favor of the simplified when, and there is no "only_if" operation.
While I'm very happy this was created, folks should refer to docs.ansible.com instead at this time.
this is awesome!
1.6 is due for release in about a week.
At this point, I should also mention a lot of things like do/until are not shown here.
$foo variables no longer are also no longer valid syntax in 1.6 (devel branch, releasing very soon)
Please consult http://docs.ansible.com/ for all the latest
This Gist is very useful and I wish the author keeps it up-to-date. If somebody already tried to update it, please place your Gist link here.
@mpdehaan while this may be out of date it is still way more informative for the beginner than any of the official examples or docs. Take one of the examples in your example directory: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-examples/blob/master/wordpress-nginx/roles/nginx/tasks/main.yml what does this tell someone like me who just picked up ansible?
Wicked useful, thank you!
An insanely great job ;)
Nice collection!
I just started to learn ansible but would suggest the following modifications:
- line 83:
user: remoteuser
remote_user: remoteuser ### The remote_user parameter was formerly called just user. It was renamed in Ansible 1.4 to make it more distinguishable from the user module (used to create users on remote systems).
- line 107:
# For this example, ${web.memcache} and ${web.apache} are both usable
# For this example, ${web.memcache} and ${web.httpd} are both usable
is there a way to specify the become user is handlers part?
- name: restart apache
service: name=apache state=restarted
I know this is out of date... but I'm going to say it anyways as an FYI-- in Line 433 you can no longer include handlers as of Ansible 2.0
This would be really cool to evolve and keep up to date to showcase a detailed changelog.
Great Playbook. A lot of things are clear to me now.
should be part of the core documentation. thanks!
edit: And thanks, @marktheunissen!
In term of using variable in hosts attribute (line 58)
hosts: $groups -- apply to all hosts specified in the variable $groups
hosts : group # No $
$ ansible-playbook playbook1.yml -e "group=myservers"
$ ansible-playbook playbook1.yml --extra-vars="target=myservers"
sudo: true
is deprecated in favor of become: true
which editor u use for yaml?
@antoniopinarella you can use any text editor. I use vim for .yml and it works fine.
(Probably you found it out. However for new people searches. )
Can we please bury this Gist? it keeps showing up as clickbait in search engines while the syntax is horribly outdated.
I love this, please include "become"
I have made a fork and updated some of the content that has been deprecated.
And THAT is how you make nice things!