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Created January 27, 2025 17:36
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[Vue] Format numbers depending on locale
export type Unit = 'acre' | 'bit' | 'byte' | 'celsius' | 'centimeter' | 'day' | 'degree' | 'fahrenheit' | 'fluid-ounce' | 'foot' | 'gallon' | 'gigabit' | 'gigabyte' | 'gram' | 'hectare' | 'hour' | 'inch' | 'kilobit' | 'kilobyte' | 'kilogram' | 'kilometer' | 'liter' | 'megabit' | 'megabyte' | 'meter' | 'microsecond' | 'mile' | 'mile-scandinavian' | 'milliliter' | 'millimeter' | 'millisecond' | 'minute' | 'month' | 'nanosecond' | 'ounce' | 'percent' | 'petabyte' | 'pound' | 'second' | 'stone' | 'terabit' | 'terabyte' | 'week' | 'yard' | 'year';
export type FormatOptions = {
currency?: string;
units?: 'short' | 'narrow' | 'long';
sign?: boolean;
integers?: number;
decimals?: number;
round?: 'ceil' | 'floor' | 'expand' | 'trunc';
notation?: 'standard' | 'scientific' | 'engineering' | 'compact';
export const useFormat = (options?: FormatOptions) => {
const { locale } = useI18n();
const { currency = 'EUR', units = 'long', notation, round, sign, decimals, integers } = options || {};
const config = {
signDisplay: sign ? 'exceptZero' : 'auto',
minimumIntegerDigits: integers,
minimumFractionDigits: decimals,
maximumFractionDigits: decimals,
roundingMode: round,
return computed(() => {
const NUMBER = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale.value, config).format;
const PRICE = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale.value, { style: 'currency', currency, ...config }).format;
const PERCENT = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale.value, { style: 'percent', ...config }).format;
const UNIT = (number: number, unit: Unit) => {
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale.value, { style: 'unit', unit, unitDisplay: units, ...config });
return formatter.format(number);
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