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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Reads CSV files while handling all types of edge cases. (Built as an exercise - probably not useful)
import re
import unittest
class CsvReader(object):
Reads CSV files while handling all types of edge cases.
def __init__(self, lines):
A new CSV reader with the given lines.
self.__lines = lines
def lines(self):
Return a full list.
return list(self.iter_lines())
def iter_lines(self):
Yield the resulting rows.
tokens = self.__tokenizer()
in_quo = False
just_left_quo = False
item = []
items = []
for token, lexeme in tokens:
if in_quo:
if token == 'quo':
in_quo = False
just_left_quo = True
if token == 'comma':
just_left_quo = False
item = []
elif token == 'eol':
yield items
item = []
items = []
elif token == 'quo' and not ''.join(item).strip():
item = []
in_quo = True
if just_left_quo:
just_left_quo = False
if lexeme.strip():
# We made a mistake, let's add the quote back in
yield items
def __tokenizer(self):
Yield the tokens.
tokens = [
('double_quo', re.compile(r'""')),
('quo', re.compile(r'"')),
('comma', re.compile(r',')),
('eol', re.compile(r'\n\r|\r\n|\n|\r')),
('other', re.compile(r'[^,"\n\r]+')),
for L in self.__lines:
rest = L
while rest:
for name, r in tokens:
m = r.match(rest)
if m:
yield name,
rest = rest[len(]
class TestCsvReader(unittest.TestCase):
def test_quote_handling(self):
Test the quote handling.
test1 = [
'a,1,22,ff, "f" , "3 "," 2" , "another\n',
' whatever, yeah," , hohoho,',
'slkdfjslkdfj oops, heres a quote: " blah, quote:"\n',
# This isn't handled perfectly, but it's good enough.
'tricky: "blah" yeah, what"yeah", "yeah"blah,'
parse1 = [
['a', '1', '22', 'ff', 'f', '3 ', ' 2', 'another\n whatever, yeah,',
' hohoho', 'slkdfjslkdfj oops', ' heres a quote: " blah',
' quote:"'],
['tricky: "blah" yeah', ' what"yeah"', 'yeah"blah', '']]
self.assertEqual(CsvReader(test1).lines(), parse1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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