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Last active May 19, 2017 11:43
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PowerShell Function to recurse all levels of a nested object and convert valid date strings to [datetime] properties
Function Convert-DateProperties {
Converts string properties that have 'date' in their name to datetime properties, recursively in all levels of an object.
The object to convert.
The string that should be matched in the name property of the object. Default = 'Date'.
$MyObj | Convert-DateProperties
[string]$Name = 'Date'
Begin {
$TypesToExclude = 'System.DateTime', 'System.Boolean', 'System.String', 'System.Int32', 'System.Char'
Process {
$Object.Psobject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
If ( ($_.Name -match $Name) -and ($_.Value -as [DateTime]) ) { $_.Value = [DateTime]$_.Value }
ElseIf ($_.TypeNameOfValue -notin $TypesToExclude) {
$Obj = $($Object.$($_.Name))
If ($Obj -ne $null) { Convert-DateProperties -Object $Obj }
Write-Output $Input
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