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Created June 30, 2017 14:45
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PowerShell function to remove spurious whitespace from scripts. Shared by JohnLBevan
function Remove-WhiteSpace {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[string]$Encoding = 'UTF8' #type FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding is not public and does not match [System.Text.Encoding
process {
$tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$Path | Get-Content -Encoding $Encoding -Stream | %{"$_".TrimEnd()} | Set-Content -Path $tempFile -Encoding $Encoding
Move-Item -Path $tempFile -Destination $Path -Force
Get-ChildItem '.' -Recurse -File -Filter '*.ps1' | select -ExpandProperty fullname | Remove-WhiteSpace
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