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Last active January 29, 2025 17:02
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  • Save markwragg/867686b70e9a0cb6a95dd111248bd95a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save markwragg/867686b70e9a0cb6a95dd111248bd95a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Function to convert an object into HashTable PowerShell code, with name values optionally anonymized. This was written to quickly create the contents of Pester Mocks, by taking real output and converting it to Hashtables or PsCustomObject output for declaring within the Mock in Pester. The function can anonymize the name strings in the objects a…
function Format-HashTable {
[parameter(, ValueFromPipeline)]
Begin {
filter isNumeric($x) {
return $x -is [byte] -or $x -is [int16] -or $x -is [int32] -or $x -is [int64] `
-or $x -is [sbyte] -or $x -is [uint16] -or $x -is [uint32] -or $x -is [uint64] `
-or $x -is [float] -or $x -is [double] -or $x -is [decimal]
$i = 1
process {
if ($AsPSCustomObject) {
else {
$Properties = ($InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name
$NameProperties = $Properties | Where-Object { $_ -match 'Name' }
foreach ($Property in $Properties) {
$Value = $InputObject.$Property
$PropertyValue = switch ($Value) {
{ $_ -eq $null } { '$null' }
{ $_ -is [string] } { "'" + $Value + "'" }
{ $_ | IsNumeric } { $Value }
if ($AnonymizeNames) {
foreach ($NameProperty in $NameProperties) {
$PropertyValue = $PropertyValue -replace $InputObject.$NameProperty,('somerandomname' + $i)
if ($PropertyValue) {
" " + $Property + " = " + $PropertyValue
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