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Last active June 26, 2017 20:05
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Card game generator
#Generate the deck
$Suits = 'Hearts','Diamonds','Spades','Clubs'
$Pack = ForEach ($Suit in $Suits) {
2..10 + 'Jack','Queen','King','Ace' | ForEach-Object { "$_ of $Suit" }
#Shuffle the deck between 1 and 5 times
1..(Get-Random -Min 1 -Max 5) | ForEach-Object { $Pack = $Pack | Sort-Object {Get-Random} }
#Deal 5 cards to each player and sort them in natural order
$ToNatural = { [regex]::Replace($_, '\d+', { $args[0].Value.PadLeft(20) }) }
1..5 | ForEach-Object {
"Dealing cards to player $_"
$Pack | Select -First 5 -Skip (5*$_) | Sort-Object $ToNatural
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