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RNB, a Vim colorscheme template
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
<% | |
# Author: Romain Lafourcade (https://github.com/romainl) | |
# Canonical URL: https://gist.github.com/romainl/5cd2f4ec222805f49eca | |
# This template is designed to help vimmers create their own colorschemes | |
# without much effort. | |
# | |
# You will need Ruby to generate your colorscheme but Ruby knowledge is | |
# not needed at all. | |
# | |
# The process is divided in four steps: | |
# 1. start by editing your colorscheme's information, | |
# 2. define your colors, | |
# 3. define your highlight groups and links, | |
# 4. and generate your colorscheme. | |
# Step 1: information | |
# | |
# Make sure the name of your colorscheme is unique and attractive. | |
# The description should fit in a single line with no linefeed. | |
# 'background' can be "light" or "dark". | |
information = { | |
author: "foo", | |
email: "[email protected]", | |
name: "bar", | |
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.", | |
background: "light", | |
webpage: "http://www.example.com" | |
} | |
# Step 2: colors | |
# | |
# black = [ give each color a distinctive name | |
# "#000000", hexadecimal color for GVim/MacVim and "true colors" terminals | |
# 0, integer between 0 and 255 for terminals supporting 256 colors | |
# "black" color name for less capable color terminals, can be "darkred", "red", | |
# "darkgreen", "green", "darkyellow", "yellow", "darkblue", "blue", | |
# "darkmagenta", "magenta", "black", "darkgrey", "grey", "white" | |
# ] | |
# | |
# If your colors are defined correctly, the resulting colorscheme is guaranteed | |
# to work in GVim (Windows/Linux), MacVim, and any properly set up terminal emulator. | |
# | |
# The colors below are the first 16 colors of the xterm palette. They | |
# are only here as an example so you can get rid of them, I won't be mad. | |
black = ["#000000", 0, "black"] | |
darkred = ["#800000", 1, "darkred"] | |
darkgreen = ["#008000", 2, "darkgreen"] | |
darkyellow = ["#808000", 3, "darkyellow"] | |
darkblue = ["#000080", 4, "darkblue"] | |
darkmagenta = ["#800080", 5, "darkmagenta"] | |
darkcyan = ["#008080", 6, "darkcyan"] | |
gray = ["#c0c0c0", 7, "gray"] | |
darkgray = ["#808080", 8, "darkgray"] | |
red = ["#ff0000", 9, "red"] | |
green = ["#00ff00", 10, "green"] | |
yellow = ["#ffff00", 11, "yellow"] | |
blue = ["#0000ff", 12, "blue"] | |
magenta = ["#ff00ff", 13, "magenta"] | |
cyan = ["#00ffff", 14, "cyan"] | |
white = ["#ffffff", 15, "white"] | |
# Step 3: highlights | |
# | |
# You can define highlight groups like this: | |
# | |
# [ "Normal", name of the highlight group | |
# white, the color used for background color, or use "NONE", "fg" or "bg" | |
# darkgray, the color used for foreground color, or use "NONE", "fg" or "bg" | |
# "NONE" style, can be "bold", "underline", "reverse", "italic", | |
# "standout", "NONE" or "undercurl" | |
# ] | |
# | |
# The sample above tells Vim to render normal text in dark gray against a white | |
# background, without any styling. | |
# | |
# or link an highlight group to another: | |
# | |
# [ "Title", "Normal" ] | |
# | |
# In GUI Vim, there is an additional color for the undercurl used to | |
# highlight spelling mistakes: | |
# | |
# [ "SpellBad", name of the highlight group | |
# "NONE", the color used for background color, or use "NONE", "fg" or "bg" | |
# red, the color used for foreground color, or use "NONE", "fg" or "bg" | |
# "undercurl", style | |
# red color used for the undercurl | |
# ] | |
# | |
# The sample above tells Vim to render badly spelled words in red against the current | |
# background, with a red undercurl. | |
# | |
# You can add any custom highlight group to the standard list below but you shouldn't | |
# remove any if you want a working colorscheme. | |
highlights = [ | |
[ "Normal", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "NonText", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Comment", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Constant", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Error", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Identifier", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Ignore", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "PreProc", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Special", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Statement", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "String", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Number", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Todo", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Type", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Underlined", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "StatusLine", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "StatusLineNC", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "VertSplit", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "TabLine", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "TabLineFill", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "TabLineSel", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Title", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "CursorLine", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "LineNr", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "CursorLineNr", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "helpLeadBlank", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "helpNormal", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Visual", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "VisualNOS", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Pmenu", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "PmenuSbar", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "PmenuSel", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "PmenuThumb", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "FoldColumn", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Folded", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "WildMenu", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "SpecialKey", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "DiffAdd", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "DiffChange", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "DiffDelete", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "DiffText", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "IncSearch", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Search", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Directory", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "MatchParen", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "SpellBad", white, darkgray, "NONE", red ], | |
[ "SpellCap", white, darkgray, "NONE", blue ], | |
[ "SpellLocal", white, darkgray, "NONE", magenta ], | |
[ "SpellRare", white, darkgray, "NONE", cyan ], | |
[ "ColorColumn", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "SignColumn", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "ErrorMsg", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "ModeMsg", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "MoreMsg", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Question", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "WarningMsg", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "Cursor", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "CursorColumn", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "QuickFixLine", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "StatusLineTerm", white, darkgray, "NONE" ], | |
[ "StatusLineTermNC", white, darkgray, "NONE" ] | |
] | |
# Step 4: generation | |
# | |
# From a separate shell: | |
# | |
# $ erb -T - bar.erb > bar.vim | |
# | |
# From Vim: | |
# | |
# :!erb -T - % > %:r.vim | |
# These online resources can help you design your colorscheme: | |
# | |
# * http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/15/Xterm_256color_chart.svg | |
# the xterm palette | |
# * http://whatcolor.herokuapp.com/ | |
# play with hexadecimal colors right in the address bar (currently down) | |
# * http://color.hailpixel.com/ | |
# similar concept, fuzzier implementation | |
# * http://colourco.de/ | |
# similar concept, fancier implementation | |
# * http://www.colr.org/ | |
# extract a palette from an image | |
# * http://colores.manugarri.com/ | |
# search for 'word', get images and color palettes | |
# * http://www.colourlovers.com/palettes | |
# user-created palettes | |
# * http://www.perbang.dk/color+scheme/ | |
# a no-nonsense colorscheme generator | |
# * https://color.adobe.com/ | |
# Adobe's fancy colorscheme generator | |
# * http://paletton.com/ | |
# The classic 'Color Scheme Designer', rebranded | |
# * http://vrl.cs.brown.edu/color | |
# A very smart palette generator | |
# * https://cmcenroe.me/2018/04/03/colour-scheme.html | |
# "I Made My Own Colour Scheme and You Can Too!" | |
# A few general advices: | |
# | |
# * The Windows console is limited to the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors but it has | |
# a few of them interverted which makes numbers impractical. Use color names | |
# instead of numbers: :help cterm-colors | |
# * The Windows console (yeah…) doesn't do italics, underlines or bolded text; | |
# it is limited to normal and reverse. Keep that in mind if you want | |
# your colorscheme to be usable in as many environments as possible by as many | |
# people as possible. | |
# * All of the terminal emulators in use these days allow their users to | |
# change the 16 so-called "ANSI" colors. It is also possible on some platforms | |
# to change some or all of the 256 colors in the xterm palette. Don't take | |
# anything for granted. | |
# * When used against a light background, strong colors work better than muted | |
# ones. Light or dark doesn't really matters. Also, it is harder to discriminate | |
# between two similar colors on a light background. | |
# * Both strong and muted colors work well against a dark background. It is also | |
# easier to work with similar colors, but dark colors don't work at all. | |
# * Use as many text samples as possible. String-heavy languages may look completely | |
# different than keyword-heavy ones. This can have an impact on the usability | |
# of your colorscheme. | |
# * Most terminal emulators and terminal multiplexers currently in use on unix-like | |
# systems support 256 colors but they almost always default to a '$TERM' that tells | |
# Vim otherwise. Your users will need to make sure their terminal emulator/multiplexer | |
# is correctly set up if they want to enjoy the best possible experience. | |
# Many thanks to Barry Arthur (https://github.com/dahu) for the original idea. | |
# You don't need to edit anything beyond this line. | |
-%> | |
" <%= information[:name] %>.vim -- Vim color scheme. | |
" Author: <%= information[:author] %> (<%= information[:email] %>) | |
" Webpage: <%= information[:webpage] %> | |
" Description: <%= information[:description] %> | |
hi clear | |
if exists("syntax_on") | |
syntax reset | |
endif | |
let colors_name = "<%= information[:name] %>" | |
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running") | |
<% for highlight in highlights -%> | |
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%> | |
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %> | |
<% elsif highlight.length == 4 -%> | |
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %> | |
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%> | |
set background=<%= information[:background] %> | |
<% end -%> | |
<% else -%> | |
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][1] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][1] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> guibg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][0] %> guifg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][0] %> gui=<%= highlight[3] %> guisp=<%= highlight[4].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[4] : highlight[4][0] %> | |
<% end -%> | |
<% end -%> | |
elseif &t_Co == 8 || $TERM !~# '^linux' || &t_Co == 16 | |
set t_Co=16 | |
<% for highlight in highlights -%> | |
<% if highlight.length == 2 -%> | |
hi link <%= highlight[0] %> <%= highlight[1] %> | |
<% else -%> | |
hi <%= highlight[0] %> ctermbg=<%= highlight[1].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[1] : highlight[1][2] %> ctermfg=<%= highlight[2].kind_of?(String) ? highlight[2] : highlight[2][2] %> cterm=<%= highlight[3] %> | |
<% if highlight[0] == "Normal" -%> | |
set background=<%= information[:background] %> | |
<% end -%> | |
<% end -%> | |
<% end -%> | |
endif | |
" Generated with RNB (https://gist.github.com/romainl/5cd2f4ec222805f49eca) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
" bar.vim -- Vim color scheme. | |
" Author: foo ([email protected]) | |
" Webpage: http://www.example.com | |
" Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. | |
hi clear | |
if exists("syntax_on") | |
syntax reset | |
endif | |
let colors_name = "bar" | |
if ($TERM =~ '256' || &t_Co >= 256) || has("gui_running") | |
hi Normal ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
set background=light | |
hi NonText ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Comment ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Constant ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Error ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Identifier ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Ignore ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi PreProc ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Special ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Statement ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi String ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Number ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Todo ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Type ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Underlined ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi StatusLine ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi VertSplit ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi TabLine ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi TabLineFill ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi TabLineSel ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Title ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi CursorLine ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi LineNr ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi CursorLineNr ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi helpLeadBlank ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi helpNormal ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Visual ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi VisualNOS ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Pmenu ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi PmenuSbar ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi PmenuSel ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi PmenuThumb ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi FoldColumn ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Folded ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi WildMenu ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi SpecialKey ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi DiffAdd ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi DiffChange ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi DiffDelete ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi DiffText ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi IncSearch ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Search ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Directory ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi MatchParen ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi SpellBad ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE guisp=#ff0000 | |
hi SpellCap ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE guisp=#0000ff | |
hi SpellLocal ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE guisp=#ff00ff | |
hi SpellRare ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE guisp=#00ffff | |
hi ColorColumn ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi SignColumn ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi ErrorMsg ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi ModeMsg ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi MoreMsg ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Question ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi WarningMsg ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi Cursor ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi CursorColumn ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi QuickFixLine ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi StatusLineTerm ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
hi StatusLineTermNC ctermbg=15 ctermfg=8 cterm=NONE guibg=#ffffff guifg=#808080 gui=NONE | |
elseif &t_Co == 8 || $TERM !~# '^linux' || &t_Co == 16 | |
set t_Co=16 | |
hi Normal ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
set background=light | |
hi NonText ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Comment ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Constant ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Error ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Identifier ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Ignore ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi PreProc ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Special ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Statement ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi String ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Number ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Todo ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Type ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Underlined ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi StatusLine ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi VertSplit ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi TabLine ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi TabLineFill ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi TabLineSel ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Title ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi CursorLine ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi LineNr ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi CursorLineNr ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi helpLeadBlank ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi helpNormal ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Visual ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi VisualNOS ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Pmenu ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi PmenuSbar ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi PmenuSel ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi PmenuThumb ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi FoldColumn ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Folded ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi WildMenu ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi SpecialKey ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi DiffAdd ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi DiffChange ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi DiffDelete ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi DiffText ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi IncSearch ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Search ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Directory ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi MatchParen ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi SpellBad ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi SpellCap ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi SpellLocal ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi SpellRare ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi ColorColumn ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi SignColumn ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi ErrorMsg ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi ModeMsg ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi MoreMsg ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Question ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi WarningMsg ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi Cursor ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi CursorColumn ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi QuickFixLine ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi StatusLineTerm ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
hi StatusLineTermNC ctermbg=white ctermfg=darkgray cterm=NONE | |
endif | |
" Generated with RNB (https://gist.github.com/romainl/5cd2f4ec222805f49eca) |
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