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  • Save marl0ny/81a2e5498a05f50040f4d928ad805ef6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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/* Numerically solve for the time-dependent Schrodinger equation in 2D,
using the split operator method. To build and run, type:
This will output a series of bmp images which show each frame of the
Split-Operator Method:
James Schloss. The Split Operator Method - Arcane Algorithm Archive.
Fast Fourier Transform (Used in the Split-Operator method):
Wikipedia - Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm
MathWorld Wolfram - Fast Fourier Transform:
William Press et al.
12.2 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) - in Numerical Recipes
Domain coloring method for visualizing complex-valued functions:
Wikipedia - Domain coloring
Wikipedia - Hue
Bitmap file format:
Wikipedia - BMP file format
// Simulation side length in number of pixels (currently only squares used)
const N: usize = 1024;
const NUMBER_OF_STEPS: usize = 3000;
// The timestep used. This is a complex value.
const RE_DT: f32 = 0.5;
const IM_DT: f32 = 0.0;
// Where to save output images
const SAVE_DIRECTORY: &str = "./";
// Number of threads to use for threaded computations
const TH_COUNT: usize = 8;
const W_LOW_RES: usize = 32;
const H_LOW_RES: usize = 32;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Complex<T> {
real: T,
imag: T,
impl <T: std::ops::Neg<Output=T>> Complex<T> {
fn conj(self) -> Complex<T> {
return Complex{real: self.real, imag: -self.imag};
impl <T: std::ops::Mul<Output=T> + Copy> Complex<T> {
fn scale(self, other: T) -> Complex<T> {
return Complex{real: self.real*other, imag: self.imag*other};
/* Into conversion from the size 64 (2 x f32) to size 128 (2 x f64)
bit complex struct. This follows closely to the example given in
the Rust documentation:
impl std::convert::Into<Complex<f64>> for Complex<f32> {
fn into(self) -> Complex<f64> {
return Complex{real: self.real as f64, imag: self.imag as f64};
/* Into conversion from the size 128 (2 x f64) to size 64 bit (2 x f32)
complex struct. This follows closely to the example given in
the Rust documentation:
impl std::convert::Into<Complex<f32>> for Complex<f64> {
fn into(self) -> Complex<f32> {
return Complex{real: self.real as f32, imag: self.imag as f32};
impl Complex<f32> {
fn arg(self) -> f64 {
if self.real == 0.0 {
if self.imag >= 0.0 {
return std::f64::consts::PI/2.0;
} else {
return -std::f64::consts::PI/2.0;
} else {
let val: f64 = f64::atan((self.imag/self.real).into());
if self.real < 0.0 {
if self.imag >= 0.0 {
return std::f64::consts::PI + val;
} else {
return -std::f64::consts::PI + val;
return val;
impl <T: std::ops::Neg<Output=T>
+ std::ops::Add<Output=T>
+ std::ops::Mul<Output=T>
+ std::ops::Div<Output=T> + Copy> Complex<T> {
fn length_squared(self) -> T {
return self.real*self.real + self.imag*self.imag;
fn inv(self) -> Complex<T> {
return Complex {real: self.real/self.length_squared(),
imag: -self.imag/self.length_squared()};
/* Operator add overloading for the Complex struct.
This and the other operator overloading functions are based
on the code examples from the Rust documentation:
impl <T: std::ops::Add<Output=T>> std::ops::Add for Complex<T> {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
return Self {real: self.real + other.real,
imag: self.imag + other.imag};
impl <T: std::ops::Sub<Output=T>> std::ops::Sub for Complex<T> {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
return Self {real: self.real - other.real,
imag: self.imag - other.imag};
impl <T: std::ops::Mul<Output=T>
+ std::ops::Add<Output=T>
+ std::ops::Sub<Output=T>
+ Copy> std::ops::Mul for Complex<T> {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self {
return Self {real: self.real*other.real - self.imag*other.imag,
imag: self.real*other.imag + self.imag*other.real};
impl <T: std::ops::Neg<Output=T>
+ std::ops::Add<Output=T>
+ std::ops::Sub<Output=T>
+ std::ops::Mul<Output=T>
+ std::ops::Div<Output=T> + Copy>std::ops::Div for Complex<T> {
type Output = Self;
fn div(self, other: Self) -> Self {
return self*other.inv();
fn c64exp(z: Complex<f32>) -> Complex<f32> {
return Complex {
real: f32::exp(z.real)*f32::cos(z.imag),
imag: f32::exp(z.real)*f32::sin(z.imag),
/* fn c128exp(z: Complex<f64>) -> Complex<f64> {
return Complex {
real: f64::exp(z.real)*f64::cos(z.imag),
imag: f64::exp(z.real)*f64::sin(z.imag),
fn square_transpose_in_place<T: Copy>(array: &mut [Complex<T>], n: usize) {
for i in 0..n {
for j in i+1..n {
let tmp = array[i*n + j];
array[i*n + j] = array[j*n + i];
array[j*n + i] = tmp;
/* Reverse bit sort an array, where the size of the array
must be a power of two.
fn reverse_bit_sort<T: Copy>(array: &mut [Complex<T>], n: usize) {
let mut u: usize;
let mut d: usize;
let mut rev: usize;
for i in 0..n {
u = 1;
d = n >> 1;
rev = 0;
while u < n {
rev += d*((i&u)/u);
u <<= 1;
d >>= 1;
if rev >= i {
let tmp = array[i];
array[i] = array[rev];
array[rev] = tmp;
/* This function implements the iterative in place radix-2
Cooley-Turkey Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm. The size of the input
array must be a power of two, or else bad things will happen. There
are currently no checks done to ensure this.
Wikipedia - Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm
MathWorld Wolfram - Fast Fourier Transform:
William Press et al.
12.2 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) - Numerical Recipes
fn base_f32_fft_in_place(array: &mut [Complex<f32>],
size: usize, is_inverse: bool) {
reverse_bit_sort(array, size);
let mut block_size: usize = 2;
while block_size <= size {
let mut j: usize = 0;
while j < size {
for i in 0..block_size/2 {
let sgn: f64 = if is_inverse {-1.0} else {1.0};
let e: Complex<f64> = Complex {
real: f64::cos(2.0*std::f64::consts::PI
*(i as f64)/(block_size as f64)),
imag: sgn*f64::sin(2.0*std::f64::consts::PI
*(i as f64)/(block_size as f64)),
let even: Complex<f64> = array[j + i].into();
let odd: Complex<f64> = array[j + i + block_size/2].into();
let s: f64 = if is_inverse && block_size == size
{1.0/(size as f64)} else {1.0};
array[j + i] = (even + odd*e).scale(s).into();
array[j + i + block_size/2] = (even - odd*e).scale(s).into();
j += block_size;
block_size *= 2;
fn fft_in_place(array: &mut [Complex<f32>], size: usize) {
base_f32_fft_in_place(array, size, false);
fn ifft_in_place(array: &mut [Complex<f32>], size: usize) {
base_f32_fft_in_place(array, size, true);
/* Perform the fft algorithm on each row of an array.
Rows are placed into separate groups, where each group is
handled by its own thread.
Multithreading reference:
fn horizontal_square_fft(is_inverse: bool, array: &mut [Complex<f32>]) {
let mut receivers = std::vec::Vec::<
for th_index in 0..TH_COUNT {
let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
let mut v
= std::vec::Vec::<Complex<f32>>::with_capacity(N*N/TH_COUNT);
for i in th_index*N*N/TH_COUNT..(th_index + 1)*N*N/TH_COUNT {
std::thread::spawn(move || {
for i in 0..N/TH_COUNT {
if is_inverse {
ifft_in_place(&mut v.as_mut_slice()[i*N..(i+1)*N], N);
} else {
fft_in_place(&mut v.as_mut_slice()[i*N..(i+1)*N], N);
/* let mut vec_vec = std::vec::Vec::<
for i in 0..TH_COUNT {
let mut th_index: usize = TH_COUNT - 1;
while let Some(r) = receivers.pop() {
let v = r.recv().unwrap();
for i in th_index*N/TH_COUNT..(th_index + 1)*N/TH_COUNT {
let i_get = i - th_index*N/TH_COUNT;
for j in 0..N {
// let transpose_index: usize = j*N + i;
// let src_val = v[i_get*N + j];
array[N*i + j] = v[i_get*N + j];
th_index = if th_index == 0 {th_index} else {th_index-1};
struct WavePacket {
a: f32, // amplitude
x0: f32, y0: f32, // initial x and y positions (x: [0, 1], y: [0, 1])
sx: f32, sy: f32, // x and y standard deviations
nx: f32, ny: f32, // Wavenumber in the x and y direction
fn init_wave_packet(
array: &mut [Complex<f32>],
w: WavePacket) {
for i in 0..N {
for j in 0..N {
let x: f32 = (j as f32)/(N as f32);
let y: f32 = (i as f32)/(N as f32);
let xt: f32 = x - w.x0;
let yt: f32 = y - w.y0;
let abs_val: f32 = w.a
let nr = w.nx*x + w.ny*y;
array[i*N + j] = Complex {
real: abs_val*f32::cos(2.0*std::f32::consts::PI*nr),
imag: abs_val*f32::sin(2.0*std::f32::consts::PI*nr),
/* Initialize the V(x, y) term of the Shrodinger equation. */
fn init_potential(potential: &mut [Complex<f32>]) {
let mut potential_low_res = std::vec::Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(32*16);
for i in 0..(W_LOW_RES*H_LOW_RES + H_LOW_RES) {
let c: u8 = POTENTIAL_ASCII[i];
if c != b'\n' {
for i in 0..N { // Height
for j in 0..N { // Width
let d_i: usize = i/(N/H_LOW_RES);
let d_j: usize = j/(N/W_LOW_RES);
let c: u8 = potential_low_res[d_i*W_LOW_RES + d_j];
let re_phi: f32 = if c == b'#' {
(b'.' - c) as f32} else {0.0};
let im_phi: f32 = if c == b'I' {
(c - b'.') as f32} else {0.0};
potential[(N - 1 - i)*N + j] = Complex {
// real: 0.0*re_phi,
real: 0.1*re_phi,
imag: -im_phi,
/* for i in 0..N {
for j in 0..N {
let y = (i as f32)/(N as f32);
if y > 0.9 {
let val = 0.05 - f32::abs(y - 0.95);
potential[N*i + j] = potential[N*i + j]
- Complex {real: -val, imag: val};
/* for i in 0..N {
for j in 0..N {
let x: f32 = (j as f32)/(N as f32);
let y: f32 = (i as f32)/(N as f32);
potential[i*N + j] = Complex {
real: 0.25*((x-0.5)*(x-0.5) + (y-0.5)*(y-0.5)), imag: 0.0}
/* fn init_vector_potential(v_x: &mut [Complex<f32>], v_y: &mut [Complex<f32>]) {
for i in 0..N {
for j in 0..N {
v_x[i*N + j] = Complex {real: 0.0, imag: 0.0};
v_y[i*N + j] = Complex {real: 0.0, imag: 0.0};
/* Initialize the square of the momentum values that correspond to the
real-space simulation domain. These are shifted to match the fft output. */
fn init_momentum_squared(p_squared: &mut [f32]) {
for i in 0..N {
for j in 0..N {
let i_shift: i32 = if i < N/2 {i as i32}
else {-(N as i32) + (i as i32)};
let j_shift: i32 = if j < N/2 {j as i32}
else {-(N as i32) + (j as i32)};
let px: f32
= 2.0*std::f32::consts::PI*(i_shift as f32)/(N as f32);
let py: f32
= 2.0*std::f32::consts::PI*(j_shift as f32)/(N as f32);
p_squared[i*N + j] = px*px + py*py;
/* Propagate the wave function psi with free-space periodic boundary
conditions for time step dt:
|psi(dt)> = exp(-i*p_squared*dt/2)|psi(0)>.*/
fn propagate_kinetic(psi: &mut [Complex<f32>],
p_squared: &[f32], dt: Complex<f32>,
use_mt: bool) {
if use_mt {
horizontal_square_fft(false, psi);
square_transpose_in_place(psi, N);
horizontal_square_fft(false, psi);
square_transpose_in_place(psi, N);
} else {
for i in 0..N {
fft_in_place(&mut psi[i*N..(i+1)*N], N);
square_transpose_in_place(psi, N);
for i in 0..N {
fft_in_place(&mut psi[i*N..(i+1)*N], N);
square_transpose_in_place(psi, N);
for i in 0..N {
for j in 0..N {
psi[i*N + j] = psi[i*N + j]*c64exp(
Complex {real: 0.0, imag: -0.5*p_squared[i*N + j]} * dt);
if use_mt {
horizontal_square_fft(true, psi);
square_transpose_in_place(psi, N);
horizontal_square_fft(true, psi);
square_transpose_in_place(psi, N);
} else {
for i in 0..N {
ifft_in_place(&mut psi[i*N..(i+1)*N], N);
square_transpose_in_place(psi, N);
for i in 0..N {
ifft_in_place(&mut psi[i*N..(i+1)*N], N);
square_transpose_in_place(psi, N);
struct Nonlinear {
square: f32,
/* Apply the transformation
exp(-i*(potential + nonlinear(psi))*dt) on psi */
fn propagate_spatial_terms(
psi: &mut [Complex<f32>],
potential: &[Complex<f32>],
// vec_potential_x: &[Complex<f32>],
// vec_potential_y: &[Complex<f32>],
nonlinear: Nonlinear,
dt: Complex<f32>) {
for i in 0..N {
for j in 0..N {
let ij: usize = i*N + j;
let psi_ij = psi[ij];
let potential_ij = potential[ij];
let nonlinear_term
= (psi_ij*psi_ij.conj()).scale(nonlinear.square);
psi[i*N + j] = psi_ij*c64exp(
Complex {real: 0.0, imag: -1.0}
* (potential_ij + nonlinear_term)* dt);
/* Dampen the wavefunction inside a region, where the probability
* current inside this region is used to compute the decay.
* References:
* Wikipedia - Probability current
* Widipedia - Perfectly matched layer
fn dampen(psi: &mut [Complex<f32>], dt: f32) {
let modi = |val: usize| {
return val % N;
let mut jx = std::vec::Vec::<f32>::with_capacity(N*N);
let mut jy = std::vec::Vec::<f32>::with_capacity(N*N);
for i in 0..N { // height
for j in 0..N { // width
let y = (i as f32)/(N as f32);
let abs_psi2 = (psi[i*N + j]*psi[i*N + j].conj()).real;
if y > 0.9 && abs_psi2 > 1e-30 {
let ddx_psi =
psi[N*i + modi(j+1)] - psi[N*i + modi(j)];
let ddy_psi =
psi[N*modi(i+1) + j] - psi[N*modi(i) + j];
let val = 0.05 - f32::abs(y - 0.95);
// let val = y - 0.9;
// let val = 0.25*f32::exp(-0.5*(y - 0.95)*(y - 0.95)/(0.0225*0.0225));
jx.push(val*(psi[i*N + j]*ddx_psi).imag);
jy.push(val*(psi[i*N + j]*ddy_psi).imag);
} else {
for i in 0..N {
for j in 0..N {
let damp_factor
= f32::exp(-0.35*dt*f32::sqrt(jx[N*i + j]*jx[N*i + j]
+ jy[N*i + j]*jy[N*i + j]));
psi[N*i + j].real *= damp_factor;
psi[N*i + j].imag *= damp_factor;
struct Color {
r: f64, g: f64, b: f64,
/* Function that converts a hue angle to its corresponding color.
Wikipedia - Domain coloring
Wikipedia - Hue
fn argument_to_color(arg_val: f64) -> Color {
let pi: f64 = std::f64::consts::PI;
let max_col: f64 = 1.0;
let min_col: f64 = 50.0/255.0;
let col_range: f64 = max_col - min_col;
if arg_val <= pi/3.0 && arg_val >= 0.0 {
return Color {
r: max_col,
g: min_col + col_range*arg_val/(pi/3.0),
b: min_col};
} else if arg_val > pi/3.0 && arg_val <= 2.0*pi/3.0 {
return Color {
r: max_col - col_range*(arg_val - pi/3.0)/(pi/3.0),
g: max_col,
b: min_col};
} else if arg_val > 2.0*pi/3.0 && arg_val <= pi {
return Color {
r: min_col,
g: max_col,
b: min_col + col_range*(arg_val - 2.0*pi/3.0)/(pi/3.0)};
} else if arg_val < 0.0 && arg_val > -pi/3.0 {
return Color {
r: max_col,
g: min_col,
b: min_col - col_range*arg_val/(pi/3.0)};
} else if arg_val <= -pi/3.0 && arg_val > -2.0*pi/3.0 {
return Color {
r: max_col + (col_range*(arg_val + pi/3.0)/(pi/3.0)),
g: min_col,
b: max_col};
} else if arg_val <= -2.0*pi/3.0 && arg_val >= -pi {
return Color {
r: min_col,
g: min_col - (col_range*(arg_val + 2.0*pi/3.0)/(pi/3.0)),
b: max_col};
else {
return Color {r: min_col, g: max_col, b: max_col};
fn fill_pixel_data(pixels: &mut [u8], pixel_offset: usize,
psi: & [Complex<f32>], psi_brightness: f64,
phi: & [Complex<f32>], phi_brightness: f64,
w: usize, h: usize) {
for i in 0..h {
for j in 0..w {
let index: usize = i*w + j;
let abs_val2: f64 = psi[index].length_squared() as f64;
let c_psi: Color = argument_to_color(psi[index].arg() as f64);
let phi_val: f64 = (phi[index].real as f64)*phi_brightness;
let c = Color {
r: phi_val + c_psi.r*abs_val2*psi_brightness,
g: phi_val + c_psi.g*abs_val2*psi_brightness,
b: phi_val + c_psi.b*abs_val2*psi_brightness};
pixels[pixel_offset + 3*index + 2] = c.r as u8;
pixels[pixel_offset + 3*index + 1] = c.g as u8;
pixels[pixel_offset + 3*index] = c.b as u8;
fn copy_i32(bytes: &mut [u8], val: i32, offset: &mut usize) {
let val_arr: [u8; 4] = val.to_ne_bytes();
for i in 0..4 {
bytes[*offset] = val_arr[i];
*offset += 1;
fn copy_u32(bytes: &mut [u8], val: u32, offset: &mut usize) {
let val_arr: [u8; 4] = val.to_ne_bytes();
for i in 0..4 {
bytes[*offset] = val_arr[i];
*offset += 1;
fn copy_u16(bytes: &mut [u8], val: u16, offset: &mut usize) {
let val_arr: [u8; 2] = val.to_ne_bytes();
for i in 0..2 {
bytes[*offset] = val_arr[i];
*offset += 1;
/* Struct for keeping track of bitmap header image information.
Wikipedia - BMP file format
struct BitmapInfo {
total_file_size: i32, // In number of bytes
data_offset: i32, // Offset to the image data, in number of bytes
header_size: u32, // In number of bytes
width: i32, height: i32, // Image dimensions in number of pixels
plane_count: u16, // Just set this to 1
bits_per_pixel: u16,
compression_method: u32, // 0 = no compression
image_size: u32, // Number of bytes used for image data
horizontal_resolution: i32, // Horizontal image dpi
vertical_resolution: i32, // Vertical image dpi
color_palette_count: u32, // Use 16777216 colors
important_colors_count: u32, // Set this to 0
fn fill_bitmap_header(
bytes: &mut [u8], info: BitmapInfo) {
bytes[0] = b'B';
bytes[1] = b'M';
let mut offset: usize = 2;
copy_i32(bytes, info.total_file_size, &mut offset);
offset = 10;
copy_i32(bytes, info.data_offset, &mut offset);
copy_u32(bytes, info.header_size, &mut offset);
copy_i32(bytes, info.width, &mut offset);
copy_i32(bytes, info.height, &mut offset);
copy_u16(bytes, info.plane_count, &mut offset);
copy_u16(bytes, info.bits_per_pixel, &mut offset);
copy_u32(bytes, info.compression_method, &mut offset);
copy_u32(bytes, info.image_size, &mut offset);
copy_i32(bytes, info.horizontal_resolution, &mut offset);
copy_i32(bytes, info.vertical_resolution, &mut offset);
copy_u32(bytes, info.color_palette_count, &mut offset);
copy_u32(bytes, info.important_colors_count, &mut offset);
// println!("{}", offset);
/* Write the contents of the data array to a bitmap file. Based
on the examples given in the Rust documentation:
fn make_bitmap_file(filename: std::string::String,
data: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<()> {
use std::io::Write;
let mut file = std::fs::File::create(filename)?;
fn copy_f32(bytes: &mut [u8], val: f32, offset: &mut usize) {
let val_arr: [u8; 4] = val.to_ne_bytes();
for i in 0..4 {
bytes[*offset] = val_arr[i];
*offset += 1;
fn save_f32_simulation_data(filename: std::string::String,
psi: &[Complex<f32>],
potential: &[Complex<f32>]
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let sizeof_complex: usize = 2*4;
let header_size: usize = 8;
let width: u32 = N as u32;
let height: u32 = N as u32;
let total_size: usize
= header_size + 2*sizeof_complex*((width*height) as usize);
let mut bytes = std::vec::Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(total_size);
for _ in 0..total_size {
let mut offset: usize = 0;
copy_u32(bytes.as_mut_slice(), width, &mut offset);
copy_u32(bytes.as_mut_slice(), height, &mut offset);
for i in 0..width*height {
copy_f32(bytes.as_mut_slice(), psi[i as usize].real, &mut offset);
copy_f32(bytes.as_mut_slice(), psi[i as usize].imag, &mut offset);
copy_f32(bytes.as_mut_slice(), potential[i as usize].real, &mut offset);
copy_f32(bytes.as_mut_slice(), potential[i as usize].imag, &mut offset);
use std::io::Write;
let mut file = std::fs::File::create(filename)?;
fn write_f32(bytes: &[u8]) -> f32 {
let mut val_arr: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
for i in 0..4 {
val_arr[i] = bytes[i];
return f32::from_ne_bytes(val_arr);
fn write_u32(bytes: &[u8]) -> u32 {
let mut val_arr: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
for i in 0..4 {
val_arr[i] = bytes[i];
return u32::from_ne_bytes(val_arr);
fn load_f32_simulation_data(psi: &mut [Complex<f32>],
potential: &mut [Complex<f32>],
filename: std::string::String,
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let sizeof_complex: usize = 2*4;
let header_size: usize = 8;
let width: u32 = N as u32;
let height: u32 = N as u32;
let total_size: usize
= header_size + 2*sizeof_complex*((width*height) as usize);
use std::io::prelude::*;
let mut bytes = std::vec::Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(total_size);
let file = std::io::BufReader::new(std::fs::File::open(filename)?);
let mut size = 0;
for b in file.bytes() {
match b {
Ok(val) => bytes.push(val),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
size += 1;
if size > total_size {
break; // TODO!
// return Err::<&str, ()>(());
let width2: u32 = write_u32(&bytes.as_slice()[0..4]);
let height2: u32 = write_u32(&bytes.as_slice()[4..8]);
// println!("{}, {}", width2, height2);
if width2 == width && height2 == height {
let arr = &bytes.as_slice()[8..total_size];
let s = sizeof_complex*2;
for i in 0..width*height {
let k = s*(i as usize);
psi[i as usize] = Complex {
real: write_f32(&arr[k..k+4]),
imag: write_f32(&arr[k+4..k+8])};
potential[i as usize] = Complex {
real: write_f32(&arr[k+8..k+12]),
imag: write_f32(&arr[k+12..k+16])};
} else {
use std::env;
fn main() {
let mut boxed_pixels: Box<[u8; 54 + 3*N*N]>
= Box::new([0; 54 + 3*N*N]);
let info: BitmapInfo = BitmapInfo {
total_file_size: ((54 + 3*N*N) as i32),
data_offset: 54,
header_size: 40,
width: N as i32,
height: N as i32,
plane_count: 1,
bits_per_pixel: 24,
compression_method: 0,
image_size: ((3*N*N) as u32),
horizontal_resolution: 100,
vertical_resolution: 100,
color_palette_count: 16777216,
important_colors_count: 0,
fill_bitmap_header(&mut *boxed_pixels, info);
let mut psi_vec
= std::vec::Vec::<Complex<f32>>::with_capacity(N*N);
let mut potential_vec
= std::vec::Vec::<Complex<f32>>::with_capacity(N*N);
// let mut vector_potential_x_vec
// = std::vec::Vec::<Complex<f32>>::with_capacity(N*N);
// let mut vector_potential_y_vec
// = std::vec::Vec::<Complex<f32>>::with_capacity(N*N);
let mut p_squared_vec
= std::vec::Vec::<f32>::with_capacity(N*N);
for _ in 0..N*N {
psi_vec.push(Complex {real: 0.0, imag: 0.0});
potential_vec.push(Complex {real: 0.0, imag: 0.0});
// vector_potential_x_vec.push(Complex {real: 0.0, imag: 0.0});
// vector_potential_y_vec.push(Complex {real: 0.0, imag: 0.0});
// On a device from around 2016:
// The glsl/js version ran at 10 fps for 1024x1024.
// This Rust implementation took 17m22.741s of real time
// for 2400 frames and a grid size of 1024x1024,
// corresponding to 2.3 fps.
// On a device released late 2020:
// The glsl/js version ran at 27-28 fps for 1024x1024.
// Rust version took 5:48.50 minutes of cpu time for 3000 steps
// and a grid size of 1024x1024, corresponding to
// 9.13 steps/s.
let dt = Complex {real: RE_DT, imag: IM_DT};
// ch12-01-accepting-command-line-arguments.html
let mut input_args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if input_args.len() > 1 {
let fname = input_args.pop();
match load_f32_simulation_data(psi_vec.as_mut_slice(),
fname.unwrap()) {
Ok(a) => a,
Err(e) => println!("{}", e),
} else {
WavePacket {a: 25.0, x0: 0.5, y0: 0.2,
sx: 0.07, sy: 0.07,
nx: 0.0,
// ny: 50.0*(N as f32)/512.0,
ny: 60.0,
for i in 0..NUMBER_OF_STEPS {
Nonlinear {square: 0.0},
p_squared_vec.as_slice(), dt, true);
dampen(psi_vec.as_mut_slice(), dt.real);
Nonlinear {square: 0.0},
let at_every_step: usize = 3;
if i % at_every_step == 0 {
fill_pixel_data(&mut *boxed_pixels, 54,
psi_vec.as_slice(), 12.0,
potential_vec.as_slice(), 100.0, N, N);
let frame_number: usize = i/at_every_step;
let prefix: String = String::from(SAVE_DIRECTORY);
let number_str: String = if frame_number < 10 {
"000".to_string() + &frame_number.to_string()
} else if frame_number < 100 {
"00".to_string() + &frame_number.to_string()
} else if frame_number < 1000 {
"0".to_string() + &frame_number.to_string()
} else {
let filename: String = prefix + &number_str + &".bmp".to_string();
println!("Saving {}", filename);
let _ = make_bitmap_file(filename, &mut *boxed_pixels);
let _ = save_f32_simulation_data("last_state.bin".to_string(),
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