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Last active May 6, 2017 00:18
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Proposal for new can-set API (Rought Draft)
var set = require('can-set');
// The current API
var algebra = new set.Algebra(
// specify the unique identifier on data"_id"),
// specify that completed can be true, false or undefined
// specify properties that define pagination
// specify the property that controls sorting
* fromSchema {Function} from the 'can-set/from-schema' module
* `fromSchema` iterates the schema's keys and passes each key into the
* schema function that it was given. The return value would be passed
* to `new set.Algebra(schema)`
export function fromSchema (schema, aliases, responseSchemas) {
const fullSchema = {}
Object.keys(simpleSchema).forEach(key => {
const propFn = schema[key]
fullSchema[key] = propFn(key)
return schema // where from here?
* id {Function} from the `can-set/types` module
* This shows a high level example of what one
export function id (prop) {
// Might have some special id handling logic, here
return function (value) {
checkNestedProps(prop, value)
// Check id stuff
export function checkNestedProps (value) {
// Check for special nested properties
const props = [$in, $nin, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $ne]
if (isObject(value)) {
props.forEach(prop => {
if (value[prop]) {
// Do something with the prop.
* This is an example of how the new API would be consumed.
// These are the main schema functions.
import { id, string, equal, enumerable, deepEqual, boolean, rangeStart, rangeEnd, sort, or, select } from 'can-set/types'
// These are schema functions for handling responses
import { data, limit, skip, total } from 'can-set/response-types' // definitely not final
import fromSchema from 'can-set/from-schema'
var algebra = new set.Algebra(fromSchema({
_id: id,
firstName: string,
lastName: string, // can be implicit
applesOrOranges: enumerable(['Apples', 'Oranges']),
retired: boolean,
$sort: sort,
$skip: rangeStart,
$limit: rangeEnd,
$select: select,
// total: 67, // Do we need to account for the response total for rangeEnd?
$or: or, // What would this actually be?
favoriteColor: string
// Optionally alias the special nested query props
}, {
$in: 'in',
$nin: 'notIn',
$lt: 'lessThan',
$lte: 'lessThanOrEqual',
$gt: 'greaterThan',
$gte: 'greaterThanOrEqual',
$ne: 'notEqualTo'
// We need a way to tell the algebra about the response.
}, {
itemResponse: { data },
listResponse: {
data, // results
skip, // works with rangeStart
limit, // works with rangeEnd
total // some utility to work with rangeEnd, maybe?
// And we potentially want headers
}, {
var query = {
_id: '208hvl2l9ehbecoi3o',
lastName: 'Fadeev',
retired: true,
$sort: {
firstName: 1
$skip: 5,
$limit: 10,
$select: ['field1', 'field2'],
favoriteColor: {
$in: ['red', 'blue'],
numberOfChildren: {
$nin: [4, 6],
dateBoughtFirstCar: {
$lt: new Date('2010-01-05'),
numberOfPaintingsOwned: {
$lte: 6,
createdAt: {
$gt: 0,
lastSeen: {
$gte: 1,
archived: {
$ne: null
$or: [
{ archived: { $ne: true } },
{ roomId: 2 }
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