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Last active October 25, 2017 16:01
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'use strict';
* Represent movie genre
* @constructor
* @param {string} genreName - The genre name
function Genre(genreName) {
// properties = genreName;
// methods
Genre.prototype.getData = function () {
var name =;
var firstIndex = 0;
var lastIndex = name.length - 1
var output = name.charAt(firstIndex) + name.charAt(lastIndex);
return output.toUpperCase();
* Represent a movie
* @constructor
* @param {string} title - The movie title
* @param {Genre} genreObj - The Movie Genre object
* @param {number} length - The movie length in minutes
function Movie(title, genreObj, length) {
// properties
this.title = title;
this.genre = genreObj; // This is object
this.length = length;
// methods
Movie.prototype.getData = function () {
return this.title + ", " + this.length + "min, " + this.genre.getData();
* Represents a festival program
* @constructor
* @param {date} date - Date object
function Program(date) {
// properties = date;
this.listOfMovies = [];
// methods
Program.prototype.getProgramDuration = function () {
var programLength = 0;
// Alternative way to loop arrays
this.listOfMovies.forEach(function (movie) {
programLength += movie.length;
}, this);
return programLength;
Program.prototype.addMovie = function (movie) {
Program.prototype.getData = function () {
var date =;
var movies = this.listOfMovies;
var programDuration = this.getProgramDuration();
var dateStr = date.getDate() + "." + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "." + date.getFullYear();
var outputStr = dateStr + ", program duration " + programDuration + "min\n";
for (var i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) {
var movie = movies[i];
outputStr += "\t\t" + movie.getData() + "\n";
return outputStr;
* Represents movie festival
* @constructor
* @param {string} name - Festival name
function Festival(name) { = name;
this.listOfPrograms = [];
* Adds program to the list of programs
Festival.prototype.addProgram = function (program) {
* Returns movie count in all programs
* @returns {number}
Festival.prototype.getMoviesCount = function () {
var programs = this.listOfPrograms;
var moviesCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < programs.length; i++) {
var program = programs[i];
moviesCount += program.listOfMovies.length;
return moviesCount;
* Returns formated string with all festival information
* @returns {string}
Festival.prototype.getData = function () {
var festivalName =;
var programs = this.listOfPrograms;
var totalMovieCount = this.getMoviesCount();
var outputStr = festivalName + " has " + totalMovieCount + " movie titles\n"
for (var i = 0; i < programs.length; i++) {
var program = programs[i];
outputStr += "\t" + program.getData();
return outputStr;
(function () {
* Returns the created Movie
* @param {string} mTitle - The movie title
* @param {number} mLength - The movie length in minutes
* @param {string} genreName - The genre name
function createMovie(mTitle, mLength, genreName) {
var genreObj = new Genre(genreName);
// var movie = new Movie(movieTitle, new Genre(genreName), mLength);
var movie = new Movie(mTitle, genreObj, mLength);
return movie;
* Returns created program for a given date
* @param {string} dateStr - String representing date
function createProgram(dateStr) {
var date = new Date(dateStr);
var program = new Program(date)
return program;
// Create movies
var spiderman = createMovie("Spider-Man: Homecoming", 133, "Action");
var planetApes = createMovie("War for the Planet of the Apes", 140, "Drama");
var darkTower = createMovie("The Dark Towe", 95, "Western");
var deadpool = createMovie("Deadpool", 108, "Comedy");
// Create programs
var actionProgram = createProgram("Oct 28 2017");
var comedyProgram = createProgram("Oct 29 2017");
// Add action movies to action program
// Add comedy movies to comedy program
// Create festival
var weekendFestival = new Festival("Weekend festival");
// Add programs to the festival
// Output festival data
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