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Created January 17, 2018 18:04
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Merge multiple molecules in DeCAF
from rdkit.Chem import MolFromSmiles
from decaf.toolkits.rd import phar_from_mol
from decaf.utils import similarity, combine_pharmacophores, draw, filter_nodes
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import average as avg_clustering
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
smiles = [
phars = [phar_from_mol(MolFromSmiles(smi)) for smi in smiles]
# vector-form distance matrix
distance = [1 - similarity(p1, p2)[0] for i, p1 in enumerate(phars) for p2 in phars[i+1:]]
print('Distance matrix:')
clustering = avg_clustering(distance)
print('Clustering linkage matrix:')
# merge models based on clustering
clusters = phars[:]
for i, j, dist, mols_in_cluster in clustering:
clusters.append(combine_pharmacophores(clusters[int(i)], clusters[int(j)]))
# filter the least frequent nodes
merged_molecules = filter_nodes(clusters[-1], freq_range=(0.3, 1))
# draw and inspect the model
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