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Created December 21, 2011 00:22
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Pollard's rho factoring method
* pollard-rho.c
* Created on: Dec 20, 2011
* Author: martani
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>
mpz_t xSquared, a, n;
double my_gettimeofday()
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return tv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_usec * 1.0e-6L);
//rop <- (rop² + a) mod n
void f(mpz_t rop)
mpz_pow_ui(xSquared, rop, 2);
mpz_add(xSquared, xSquared, a);
mpz_mod(rop, xSquared, n);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
mpz_t g, gMul, s, u, v, uMinusV;
mpz_t nMinus3, nMinus1;
gmp_randstate_t rnd_state;
int found=0, finished=0;
double start, end;
mpz_init(n); mpz_init(xSquared);
if(argc < 2)
printf("Use %s N\n", argv[0]);
//if p q are provided
if(argc == 3)
mpz_t p, q;
mpz_init_set_str(p, argv[1], 10);
mpz_init_set_str(q, argv[2], 10);
mpz_addmul(n, p, q);
else if(mpz_set_str(n, argv[1], 10) == -1)
printf("Cannot load %s\n", argv[1]);
printf("Factoring %s ..\n", mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, n));
//a belongs to [1, n-2]
//u, v <-> s belongs to [0, n-1]
mpz_init_set(nMinus3, n);
mpz_sub_ui(nMinus3, nMinus3, 4);
mpz_init_set(nMinus1, n);
mpz_sub_ui(nMinus1, nMinus1, 1);
//[1 choose seeds]
mpz_init(a); mpz_init(s);
//mpz_urandomm(a, rnd_state, nMinus3);
//mpz_add_ui(a, a, 1);
//a is set to 1, comment this if you want it random
mpz_set_ui(a, 1);
mpz_urandomm(s, rnd_state, nMinus1);
mpz_init_set(u, s);
mpz_init_set(v, s);
mpz_init(uMinusV); mpz_init(g); mpz_init_set_ui(gMul, 1);
//Pollard's rho cannot tell if a number is prime, test before getting into an infinite loop
if(mpz_probab_prime_p(n, 5) > 0)
printf("%s is prime\n", mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, n));
unsigned long steps = 0;
start = my_gettimeofday();
//[Factor search]
mpz_set(uMinusV, u);
mpz_sub(uMinusV, uMinusV, v);
mpz_abs(uMinusV, uMinusV);
//We don't calculate gcd everytime, we do 100 multiplications and use the result to
//extract the gcd, since it must be among the product
mpz_mul(gMul, gMul, uMinusV);
if(steps%100 == 0)
mpz_gcd(g, gMul, n);
if(mpz_cmp_ui(g, 1) != 0)
found = 1;
mpz_set_ui(gMul, 1);
printf("Testing GCD: %s\n", mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, g));
//[Bad seed]
if(mpz_cmp(g, n) != 0)
finished = 1;
end = my_gettimeofday();
printf("Found divisor g = %s in %lu steps [%.3f s]\n", mpz_get_str(NULL, 0, g), steps,
end - start);
//mpz_clear stuff here
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