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Last active November 8, 2018 09:04
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Cross functional / autonomous teams


  • Building a product or feature is not possible by a single team most of the time
  • Teams do not own product from top to bottom, because it's not possible right now
  • Every team uses shared data
  • Dependencies delay deliveries
  • How to handle Pull requests
  • Processing of data is often single point of failure


  • Make it clear what the product per team are
  • List services that belong to each product
  • Impossible to be completely independent from others
  • Evreyone could access any service and make changes given they follow the defined process for that service
  • Identify and remove unneccessary dependencies between teams, e.g. Weekly processing -> RC team, live briefing -> CE team
  • Don't bind ownerships to persons, but teams
  • Try to reduce "external" communication as much as possible

Action items

  • Everyone thinks about dependency reduction, services assignements and ideally write it down for tomorrow's team restructuring discussions
  • Schedule meeting for next week (Martin) - wait for tomorrow to see if neccessary
  • List services that belong to each product Identify and remove unneccessary or unused dependencies per team
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