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Created January 27, 2012 17:43
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running dog with alarm clock
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Ueding <[email protected]>
Based on a Question from "Physics - Stack Exchange".
# Position, speed.
dog = [0, 5]
# The timer on the dog's back.
timer = 0
# Global time.
t = 0
# Time interval for simulation.
dt = 0.0001
# List of waves.
waves = []
# Count of iterations.
i = 0
while True:
if timer > 10:
timer -= 10
# Spawn a new wave a meter behind the dog.
waves.append([dog[0]-1, 340])
in_front = 0
for wave in waves:
# Check whether the wave is front of the dog.
in_front_of_dog = wave[0] > dog[0]
# Delete waves that are behind the dog and slower than the dog. Those
# waves could never reach the dog anyway.
if not in_front_of_dog:
if wave[1] < dog[1]:
# Move the wave.
wave[0] += wave[1] * dt
# Check whether the wave is still in front of the (now moved) dog.
still_in_front_of_dog = wave[0] > (dog[0] + dog[1]*dt)
# Count the number of waves that are still in front of the dog.
if still_in_front_of_dog:
in_front += 1
# If the wave passed the dog, he would head it and therefore double his
# speed.
if in_front_of_dog ^ still_in_front_of_dog:
if in_front_of_dog:
print "Dog catches wave."
print "Wave catches dog."
print "t = %.1f, position = %.1f, speed = %.1f, waves in front = %d" % (t, dog[0], dog[1], in_front)
print "Waves at", ', '.join(["%.1f" % x for x in sorted([x[0] for x in waves])])
dog[1] *= 2
# Move the dog.
dog[0] += dog[1] * dt
# Increase the time.
timer += dt
t += dt
i += 1
# Stop when there are no waves in front of the dog left. The t > 100 is a
# safeguard before the first alarm goes off.
if t > 100 and len(waves) == 0:
print "Final speed of the dog:", dog[1]
Wave catches dog.
t = 10.0, position = 50.0, speed = 5.0, waves in front = 1
Waves at 50.0
Wave catches dog.
t = 20.0, position = 150.0, speed = 10.0, waves in front = 2
Waves at 150.0, 3450.1
Wave catches dog.
t = 30.0, position = 350.0, speed = 20.0, waves in front = 3
Waves at 350.0, 3550.1, 6850.1
Wave catches dog.
t = 40.0, position = 750.0, speed = 40.0, waves in front = 4
Waves at 750.1, 3750.1, 6950.1, 10250.2
Wave catches dog.
t = 50.0, position = 1550.1, speed = 80.0, waves in front = 5
Waves at 1550.1, 4150.2, 7150.3, 10350.3, 13650.3
Wave catches dog.
t = 60.0, position = 3150.3, speed = 160.0, waves in front = 6
Waves at 3150.4, 4950.7, 7550.8, 10550.9, 13750.9, 17050.9
Wave catches dog.
t = 60.0, position = 3150.5, speed = 320.0, waves in front = 6
Waves at 3150.5, 4950.8, 7550.9, 10551.0, 13751.0, 17051.0
Dog catches wave.
t = 66.0, position = 6991.1, speed = 640.0, waves in front = 4
Waves at 6991.1, 9591.3, 12591.3, 15791.4, 19091.4
Dog catches wave.
t = 68.8, position = 10531.6, speed = 1280.0, waves in front = 3
Waves at 10531.7, 13531.8, 16731.8, 20031.8
Dog catches wave.
t = 70.1, position = 13991.2, speed = 2560.0, waves in front = 2
Waves at 13991.3, 17191.3, 20491.3
Dog catches wave.
t = 70.8, position = 17418.5, speed = 5120.0, waves in front = 1
Waves at 17418.9, 20718.9
Dog catches wave.
t = 71.1, position = 20831.5, speed = 10240.0, waves in front = 0
Waves at 20832.2
Final speed of the dog: 20480
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