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gVim 7.3 personal initialization commands (_vimrc)
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
"Set my own variables | |
let s:ruby_path = 'C:/Ruby191/bin' | |
let g:Powerline_symbols = 'compatible' | |
let mapleader = "," | |
let g:mapleader = "," | |
let tabsize=2 | |
let backupDir='~/VimBackup' | |
let g:EasyMotion_leader_key = '<Leader>' | |
let g:EasyMotion_mapping_n = '_n' | |
let g:EasyMotion_mapping_t = '_t' | |
let g:mwHistAdd = '' | |
let g:mwAutoSaveMarks = 1 | |
let g:mwAutoLoadMarks = 1 | |
let g:vundle_default_git_proto = 'http' | |
"------------- Start of settings of Vundle ----------- | |
"set langmenu=zh_tw.utf-8 | |
filetype off | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ | |
call vundle#rc() | |
" let Vundle manage Vundle | |
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' | |
" My Bundles here: | |
" original repos on github | |
Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion' | |
Bundle 'ervandew/supertab' | |
Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree' | |
Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline' | |
Bundle 'godlygeek/tabular' | |
Bundle 'pangloss/vim-javascript' | |
Bundle 'aperezdc/vim-template' | |
Bundle 'Yggdroot/indentLine' | |
Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter' | |
" vim-scripts repos | |
Bundle 'fontsize.vim' | |
Bundle 'repmo.vim' | |
Bundle 'taglist.vim' | |
Bundle 'snipMate' | |
Bundle 'surround.vim' | |
Bundle 'ZoomWin' | |
"Bundle 'SearchComplete' Bug when using replacement | |
Bundle 'Mark--Karkat' | |
Bundle 'Command-T' | |
Bundle 'delimitMate.vim' | |
"Bundle 'AutoClose' | |
filetype plugin indent on | |
"-------------- End of settings of Vundle ----------- | |
colorscheme torte | |
set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,big5,euc-jp,gbk,euc-kr,utf-bom,iso8859-1,utf-16le | |
let $LANG='zh_TW.UTF-8' | |
set langmenu=zh_tw.utf-8 | |
set encoding=utf-8 | |
set fenc=utf-8 | |
set termencoding=utf8 | |
"reload menu with UTF-8 encoding | |
source $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim | |
source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim | |
execute "set softtabstop=".tabsize | |
execute "set shiftwidth=".tabsize | |
execute "set backupdir=".backupDir | |
execute "set directory=".backupDir | |
set autoread | |
set wildmenu | |
set winaltkeys=no | |
set t_Co=256 | |
set ambiwidth=double | |
set cursorline | |
set nrformats=octal,hex,alpha | |
set tabpagemax=30 | |
set nowrap | |
set sidescroll=5 | |
set listchars+=precedes:<,extends:> | |
set guioptions+=h | |
set ruler | |
set nu | |
set backup | |
set expandtab | |
set bg=dark | |
set nocompatible | |
set autoindent | |
set incsearch | |
set showmode | |
set showmatch | |
set ffs=unix,dos | |
set linebreak | |
set switchbuf=usetab | |
set diffopt=filler,vertical | |
set showtabline=2 "Always show tabline | |
set guioptions-=e "Use text-only tabline | |
set guioptions-=T "remove tool bar | |
set guioptions-=m "remove menu bar | |
set guioptions-=r "remove right scroll bar | |
set completeopt=longest,menu "omnicomplete | |
" Font settings | |
if has("gui_running") | |
if has("gui_gtk2") | |
" To install: sudo apt-get install ttf-inconsolata | |
set guifont=Inconsolata\ Medium\ 15 | |
elseif has("x11") | |
" Also for GTK 1 | |
set guifont=*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-180-*-*-m-*-* | |
elseif has("gui_win32") | |
set guifont=Consolas:h14 | |
endif | |
endif | |
" Define our own mappings | |
" Select a word for surrond.vim | |
map <A-w> ysiw | |
" Open file mapping | |
map gf :wincmd gf<CR> | |
map <C-F> :vertical wincmd f<CR> | |
map <A-q> gg=G`` | |
map <C-C> :tabnew<CR> | |
map <F3> :browse confirm saveas<CR> | |
map <F4> :close<CR> | |
map <F5> :tabnew $MYVIMRC<CR> | |
map <F8> :set invcursorline<CR> | |
" Press Space to turn off highlighting and clear any message already displayed. | |
nnoremap <silent> <Space> :nohlsearch<Bar>:echo<CR> | |
" Toggle menu bar and right scroll bar | |
nnoremap <C-F1> :if &go=~#'m'<Bar>set go-=m<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=m<Bar>endif<CR> | |
nnoremap <C-F2> :if &go=~#'r'<Bar>set go-=r<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=r<Bar>endif<CR> | |
nnoremap <C-F3> :if &go=~#'b'<Bar>set go-=b<Bar>else<Bar>set go+=b<Bar>endif<CR> | |
" Highlight current line after cursor moves | |
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>l ml:execute 'match Search /\%'.line('.').'l/'<CR> | |
" Mappings For jumping between tabs | |
for i in range(9) | |
let j = i+1 | |
execute "inoremap <C-k".j."> <C-O><k".j.">gt" | |
execute "noremap <C-k".j."> <k".j.">gt" | |
endfor | |
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim | |
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim | |
nunmap <C-A> | |
nunmap <C-V> | |
behave mswin | |
set keymodel-=stopsel "We need to put this after mswin stuff to use arrow key in visual mode | |
set viminfo+=! | |
" We do not trust the following function for some reasons | |
" set diffexpr=MyDiff() | |
function! MyDiff() | |
let opt = '-a --binary ' | |
if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif | |
if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif | |
let arg1 = v:fname_in | |
if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '"' . arg1 . '"' | endif | |
let arg2 = v:fname_new | |
if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '"' . arg2 . '"' | endif | |
let arg3 = v:fname_out | |
if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '"' . arg3 . '"' | endif | |
let eq = '' | |
if $VIMRUNTIME =~ ' ' | |
if &sh =~ '\<cmd' | |
let cmd = '""' . $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff"' | |
let eq = '"' | |
else | |
let cmd = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, ' ', '" ', '') . '\diff"' | |
endif | |
else | |
let cmd = $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff' | |
endif | |
silent execute '!' . cmd . ' ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . ' > ' . arg3 . eq | |
endfunction | |
"Settings of taglist | |
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'C:/Windows/System32/ctags.exe' | |
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window=1 | |
let Tlist_Show_One_File=1 | |
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow=1 | |
let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 0 | |
let Tlist_WinWidth = 25 | |
set tags=./tags,tags; | |
nnoremap <F12> :TlistToggle<CR> | |
map <C-Right> :tabnext<CR> | |
map <C-l> :tabnext<CR> | |
map <C-Left> :tabprevious<CR> | |
map <C-h> :tabprevious<CR> | |
map <C-]> viwy:tab tag <C-R>"<CR> | |
"End of Settings of taglist | |
"Need NERDTree plugin first | |
map <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> | |
"Define our own highlight group | |
" We must shorten the cursor highlight group to let command-T works! | |
highlight clear Cursor | |
highlight Cursor gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=Green | |
highlight Comment guibg=blue guifg=white ctermfg=gray ctermbg=darkblue | |
highlight clear CursorLine | |
highlight CursorLine guibg=Grey30 ctermbg=238 | |
"highlight CursorLine term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline guibg=Gray | |
"Highlight tab so we can know the indent of new code | |
syntax match Tab /\t/ | |
highlight Tab gui=underline guifg=blue ctermbg=blue | |
"options for folding | |
set foldmethod=syntax | |
set foldcolumn=1 | |
highlight Folded guibg=darkgrey guifg=yellow | |
highlight FoldColumn guibg=darkgrey guifg=white | |
"Status line power up, now using vim-powerline plugin! | |
set laststatus=2 | |
"set statusline=%4*%<\ %1*[%F] | |
"set statusline+=%4*\ %5*[%{&encoding} " encoding | |
"set statusline+=%{&fileformat}%{\"\".((exists(\"+bomb\")\ &&\ &bomb)?\",BOM\":\"\").\"\"}]%m | |
"set statusline+=%4*%=\ %6*%y%4*\ %3*%l%4*,\ %3*%c%4*\ \<\ %2*%P%4*\ \> | |
highlight User1 guifg=red | |
highlight User2 gui=underline guifg=green | |
highlight User3 gui=underline guifg=yellow | |
highlight User4 gui=underline guifg=white | |
highlight User5 guifg=cyan | |
highlight User6 guifg=white | |
"Enable code highlight in a block | |
function! TextEnableCodeSnip(filetype,start,end,textSnipHl) abort | |
let ft=toupper(a:filetype) | |
let group='textGroup'.ft | |
if exists('b:current_syntax') | |
let s:current_syntax=b:current_syntax | |
" Remove current syntax definition, as some syntax files (e.g. cpp.vim) | |
" do nothing if b:current_syntax is defined. | |
unlet b:current_syntax | |
endif | |
execute 'syntax include @'.group.' syntax/'.a:filetype.'.vim' | |
try | |
execute 'syntax include @'.group.' after/syntax/'.a:filetype.'.vim' | |
catch | |
endtry | |
if exists('s:current_syntax') | |
let b:current_syntax=s:current_syntax | |
else | |
unlet b:current_syntax | |
endif | |
execute 'syntax region textSnip'.ft.' | |
\ matchgroup='.a:textSnipHl.' | |
\ start="'.a:start.'" end="'.a:end.'" | |
\ contains=@'.group | |
endfunction | |
" Start the settings of autocmd | |
if !exists("autocommands_loaded") | |
let autocommands_loaded = 1 | |
" Define and reset augroup used in vimrc | |
augroup vimrc | |
autocmd! | |
augroup END | |
"Reload vimrc settings after save changed | |
"If we auto reload vimrc, the power-statusline would disappear! | |
augroup vimrc | |
au BufWritePost $MYVIMRC so $MYVIMRC | |
au BufWritePost $MYVIMRC call Pl#Load() | |
augroup END | |
augroup vimrc | |
let custom_priority = -20 | |
"au GUIEnter * simalt ~x "maximize the initial Vim window | |
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.aspx set filetype=aspvbs | |
"highlight changes for matlab to octave | |
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.m hi link matlabComment NONE | |
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.m call matchadd("Comment", "\\#.*", custom_priority) | |
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.m call matchadd("matlabStatement", "endfor", custom_priority) | |
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.m call matchadd("matlabStatement", "endif", custom_priority) | |
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.m call matchadd("matlabStatement", "endwhile", custom_priority) | |
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.m call matchadd("matlabStatement", "endfunction", custom_priority) | |
au TabEnter,BufNew,BufWinEnter,WinEnter *.txt let txtmatch = [] | |
au TabEnter,BufNew,BufWinEnter,WinEnter *.txt call add(txtmatch, matchadd("Special", "\\(^\\|\\( \\+\\)\\)[0-9]\\+\\..*$", custom_priority)) | |
au TabEnter,BufNew,BufWinEnter,WinEnter *.txt call add(txtmatch, matchadd("VisualNOS", "\\(^\\|\\( \\+\\)\\)[A-Z]\\{1,1\\}\\..*$", custom_priority)) | |
" Here is for reading dialog in Skype | |
au BufNew,BufWinEnter *.txt call add(txtmatch, matchadd("User2", "Person1:", custom_priority)) | |
au BufNew,BufWinEnter *.txt call add(txtmatch, matchadd("User3", "Person2:", custom_priority)) | |
au BufLeave *.txt call Deletematch(txtmatch) | |
au BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h "change working directory | |
augroup END | |
" save view (to restore fold later) and load automatically | |
set viewoptions-=options | |
set viewdir=~/.vim/view | |
augroup vimrc | |
autocmd BufWritePost * | |
\ if expand('%') != '' && &buftype !~ 'nofile' | |
\| mkview | |
\| endif | |
autocmd BufRead * | |
\ if expand('%') != '' && &buftype !~ 'nofile' | |
\| silent loadview | |
\| endif | |
augroup END | |
if (&diff==0) | |
"au BufReadPost * <buffer> tab ball | |
"au BufWinEnter <buffer> tab ball | |
endif | |
endif | |
" End of settings of autocmd | |
"Start the settings of tabline | |
set tabline=%!SetTabLine() | |
function! SetTabLine() | |
" NOTE: left/right padding of each tab was hard coded as 1 space. | |
" NOTE: require Vim 7.3 strwidth() to display fullwidth text correctly. | |
" settings | |
let tabMinWidth = 0 | |
let tabMaxWidth = 40 | |
let tabMinWidthResized = 15 | |
let tabScrollOff = 5 | |
let tabEllipsis = '…' | |
let tabDivideEquel = 0 | |
let s:tabLineTabs = [] | |
let tabCount = tabpagenr('$') | |
let tabSel = tabpagenr() | |
" fill s:tabLineTabs with {n, filename, split, flag} for each tab | |
for i in range(tabCount) | |
let tabnr = i + 1 | |
let buflist = tabpagebuflist(tabnr) | |
let winnr = tabpagewinnr(tabnr) | |
let bufnr = buflist[winnr - 1] | |
let filename = bufname(bufnr) | |
let filename = fnamemodify(filename, ':p:t') | |
let buftype = getbufvar(bufnr, '&buftype') | |
if filename == '' | |
if buftype == 'nofile' | |
let filename .= '[Scratch]' | |
else | |
let filename .= '[New]' | |
endif | |
endif | |
let split = '' | |
let winCount = tabpagewinnr(tabnr, '$') | |
if winCount > 1 " has split windows | |
let split .= winCount | |
endif | |
let flag = '' | |
if getbufvar(bufnr, '&modified') " modified | |
let flag .= '+' | |
endif | |
if strlen(flag) > 0 || strlen(split) > 0 | |
let flag .= ' ' | |
endif | |
call add(s:tabLineTabs, {'n': tabnr, 'split': split, 'flag': flag, 'filename': filename}) | |
endfor | |
" variables for final oupout | |
let s = '' | |
let l:tabLineTabs = deepcopy(s:tabLineTabs) | |
" overflow adjustment | |
" 1. apply min/max tabWidth option | |
if s:TabLineTotalLength(l:tabLineTabs) > &columns | |
unlet i | |
for i in l:tabLineTabs | |
let tabLength = s:CalcTabLength(i) | |
if tabLength < tabMinWidth | |
let i.filename .= repeat(' ', tabMinWidth - tabLength) | |
elseif tabMaxWidth > 0 && tabLength > tabMaxWidth | |
let reserve = tabLength - StrWidth(i.filename) + StrWidth(tabEllipsis) | |
if tabMaxWidth > reserve | |
let i.filename = StrCrop(i.filename, (tabMaxWidth - reserve), '~') . tabEllipsis | |
endif | |
endif | |
endfor | |
endif | |
" 2. try divide each tab equal-width | |
if tabDivideEquel | |
if s:TabLineTotalLength(l:tabLineTabs) > &columns | |
let divideWidth = max([tabMinWidth, tabMinWidthResized, &columns / tabCount, StrWidth(tabEllipsis)]) | |
unlet i | |
for i in l:tabLineTabs | |
let tabLength = s:CalcTabLength(i) | |
if tabLength > divideWidth | |
let i.filename = StrCrop(i.filename, divideWidth - StrWidth(tabEllipsis), '~') . tabEllipsis | |
endif | |
endfor | |
endif | |
endif | |
" 3. ensure visibility of current tab | |
let rhWidth = 0 | |
let t = tabCount - 1 | |
let rhTabStart = min([tabSel - 1, tabSel - tabScrollOff]) | |
while t >= max([rhTabStart, 0]) | |
let tab = l:tabLineTabs[t] | |
let tabLength = s:CalcTabLength(tab) | |
let rhWidth += tabLength | |
let t -= 1 | |
endwhile | |
while rhWidth >= &columns | |
let tab = l:tabLineTabs[-1] | |
let tabLength = s:CalcTabLength(tab) | |
let lastTabSpace = &columns - (rhWidth - tabLength) | |
let rhWidth -= tabLength | |
if rhWidth > &columns | |
call remove(l:tabLineTabs, -1) | |
else | |
" add special flag (will be removed later) indicating that how many | |
" columns could be used for last displayed tab. | |
if tabSel <= tabScrollOff || tabSel < tabCount - tabScrollOff | |
let tab.flag .= '>' . lastTabSpace | |
endif | |
endif | |
endwhile | |
" final ouput | |
unlet i | |
for i in l:tabLineTabs | |
let tabnr = i.n | |
let split = '' | |
if strlen(i.split) > 0 | |
if tabnr == tabSel | |
let split = '%#TabLineSplitNrSel#' . i.split .'%#TabLineSel#' | |
else | |
let split = '%#TabLineSplitNr#' . i.split .'%#TabLine#' | |
endif | |
endif | |
let text = ' ' . split . i.flag . i.filename . ' ' | |
if i.n == l:tabLineTabs[-1].n | |
if match(i.flag, '>\d\+') > -1 || i.n < tabCount | |
let lastTabSpace = matchstr(i.flag, '>\zs\d\+') | |
let i.flag = substitute(i.flag, '>\d\+', '', '') | |
if lastTabSpace <= strlen(i.n) | |
if lastTabSpace == 0 | |
let s = strpart(s, 0, strlen(s) - 1) | |
endif | |
let s .= '%#TabLineMore#>' | |
continue | |
else | |
let text = ' ' . i.split . i.flag . i.filename . ' ' | |
let text = StrCrop(text, (lastTabSpace - strlen(i.n) - 1), '~') . '%#TabLineMore#>' | |
let text = substitute(text, ' ' . i.split, ' ' . split, '') | |
endif | |
endif | |
endif | |
let s .= '%' . tabnr . 'T' " start of tab N | |
if tabnr == tabSel | |
let s .= '%#TabLineNrSel#' . tabnr . '%#TabLineSel#' | |
else | |
let s .= '%#TabLineNr#' . tabnr . '%#TabLine#' | |
endif | |
let s .= text | |
endfor | |
let s .= '%#TabLineFill#%T' | |
return s | |
endf | |
function! s:CalcTabLength(tab) | |
return strlen(a:tab.n) + 2 + strlen(a:tab.split) + strlen(a:tab.flag) + StrWidth(a:tab.filename) | |
endf | |
function! s:TabLineTotalLength(dict) | |
let length = 0 | |
for i in (a:dict) | |
let length += strlen(i.n) + 2 + strlen(i.split) + strlen(i.flag) + StrWidth(i.filename) | |
endfor | |
return length | |
endf | |
function! StrWidth(str) | |
if exists('*strwidth') | |
return strwidth(a:str) | |
else | |
let strlen = strlen(a:str) | |
let mstrlen = strlen(substitute(a:str, ".", "x", "g")) | |
if strlen == mstrlen | |
return strlen | |
else | |
" Note: 暫不處理全形字(以下值不正確) | |
return strlen | |
endif | |
endif | |
endf | |
" }}}2 依字串長度(column 數)裁切多餘文字 {{{2 | |
function! StrCrop(str, len, ...) | |
let l:padChar = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ' ' | |
if exists('*strwidth') | |
let text = substitute(a:str, '\%>' . a:len . 'c.*', '', '') | |
let remainChars = split(substitute(a:str, text, '', ''), '\zs') | |
while strwidth(text) < a:len | |
let longer = len(remainChars) > 0 ? (text . remove(remainChars, 0)) : text | |
if strwidth(longer) < a:len | |
let text = longer | |
else | |
let text .= l:padChar | |
endif | |
endwhile | |
return text | |
else | |
" Note: 暫不處理全形字(以下值不正確) | |
return substitute(a:str, '\%>' . a:len . 'c.*', '', '') | |
endif | |
endf | |
hi TabLine cterm=underline ctermfg=15 ctermbg=242 gui=underline guibg=#6c6c6c guifg=White | |
hi TabLineSel cterm=bold gui=NONE guifg=cyan guibg=black | |
hi TabLineNr cterm=underline ctermbg=238 guibg=#444444 guifg=#f1d7f0 | |
hi TabLineNrSel cterm=bold ctermfg=45 guifg=yellow | |
hi TabLineFill cterm=reverse gui=reverse | |
hi TabLineMore cterm=underline ctermfg=White ctermbg=236 gui=underline guifg=White guibg=#303030 | |
hi TabLineSplitNr cterm=underline ctermfg=148 ctermbg=240 gui=underline,italic guifg=#afd700 guibg=#6c6c6c | |
hi TabLineSplitNrSel cterm=NONE ctermfg=148 ctermbg=236 gui=NONE,italic guifg=#afd700 guibg=#303030 | |
"End of setting tabline | |
"My function to delete a list of match | |
function! Deletematch(matchList) | |
for i in (a:matchList) | |
silent! call matchdelete(i) | |
endfor | |
endfunction | |
" function to search in visual block | |
function! RangeSearch(direction) | |
call inputsave() | |
let g:srchstr = input(a:direction) | |
call inputrestore() | |
if strlen(g:srchstr) > 0 | |
let g:srchstr = g:srchstr. | |
\ '\%>'.(line("'<")-1).'l'. | |
\ '\%<'.(line("'>")+1).'l' | |
else | |
let g:srchstr = '' | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
" Mapping for RangeSearch | |
vnoremap <silent> / :<C-U>call RangeSearch('/')<CR>:if strlen(g:srchstr) > 0\|exec '/'.g:srchstr\|endif<CR> | |
vnoremap <silent> ? :<C-U>call RangeSearch('?')<CR>:if strlen(g:srchstr) > 0\|exec '?'.g:srchstr\|endif<CR> | |
" command PP: print lines like :p or :# but with with current search pattern highlighted | |
command! -nargs=? -range -bar PP :call PrintWithSearchHighlighted(<line1>,<line2>,<q-args>) | |
function! PrintWithSearchHighlighted(line1,line2,arg) | |
let line=a:line1 | |
while line <= a:line2 | |
echo "" | |
if a:arg =~ "#" | |
echohl LineNr | |
echo strpart(" ",0,7-strlen(line)).line."\t" | |
echohl None | |
endif | |
let l=getline(line) | |
let index=0 | |
while 1 | |
let b=match(l,@/,index) | |
if b==-1 | | |
echon strpart(l,index) | |
break | |
endif | |
let e=matchend(l,@/,index) | | |
echon strpart(l,index,b-index) | |
echohl Search | |
echon strpart(l,b,e-b) | |
echohl None | |
let index = e | |
endw | |
let line=line+1 | |
endw | |
endfunction | |
" Use PrintWithSearchHighlighted to highlight results of internal [I, ]I | |
nmap [I :execute 'g/\<' . expand( '<cword>' ) . '\>/PP #'<CR> | |
nmap ]I :execute 'g/\<' . expand( '<cword>' ) . '\>/PP #'<CR> |
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