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Created September 4, 2024 11:34
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cursor cast 09-04-2024 updates

1. Each Video has its Own Page

  1. Database: Ensure you have a videos table with fields like:

    Schema::create('videos', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->string('url'); // Link to video file
  2. Route Changes:

    Route::get('/video/{id}', [VideoController::class, 'show'])->name('');
  3. Controller (VideoController.php):

    public function show($id)
        $video = Video::findOrFail($id);
        return view('', compact('video'));
  4. Blade View (resources/views/videos/show.blade.php):

        <h1>{{ $video->title }}</h1>
        <video src="{{ $video->url }}" controls></video>
        <p>{{ $video->description }}</p>

2. Create Sections (Basics, Prompt Files, UI, Tips)

  1. Database Changes: Ensure you have a sections table.

    Schema::create('sections', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->string('name'); // section name
  2. Model Changes:

    • Video.php:

      public function section()
          return $this->belongsTo(Section::class);
    • Section.php:

      public function videos()
          return $this->hasMany(Video::class);
  3. Route:

    Route::get('/section/{id}', [SectionController::class, 'show'])->name('');
  4. Controller (SectionController.php):

    public function show($id)
        $section = Section::with('videos')->findOrFail($id);
        return view('', compact('section'));
  5. Blade View (resources/views/sections/show.blade.php):

    <h1>{{ $section->name }}</h1>
    @foreach($section->videos as $video)
        <a href="{{ route('', $video->id) }}">{{ $video->title }}</a>

3. Auto-Play the Next Video in Section (or Next Section)

  1. Database: Ensure videos are ordered within each section by adding a position field in the videos table:

    Schema::table('videos', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->integer('position')->default(0); // Position in section
  2. JavaScript (Alpine.js): In the video player, you can add an @ended event to handle auto-playing the next video.

  3. Blade View:

    <video @ended="nextVideo" src="{{ $video->url }}" controls></video>
        function nextVideo() {
            window.location.href = "{{ route('', $nextVideoId) }}";
  4. Controller Logic: Update the show method in the controller to calculate the next video in sequence:

    public function show($id)
        $video = Video::findOrFail($id);
        $nextVideo = Video::where('section_id', $video->section_id)
                          ->where('position', '>', $video->position)
                          ->orderBy('position', 'asc')
        if (!$nextVideo) {
            $nextSection = Section::where('id', '>', $video->section_id)->first();
            if ($nextSection) {
                $nextVideo = $nextSection->videos()->orderBy('position', 'asc')->first();
        return view('', compact('video', 'nextVideo'));
  5. Error Handling: The error handling for when there's no next video is included in the controller logic above.

4. Mark Lesson/Video as Complete (Gamification)

  1. Database: Create a user_video_progress table to track completed videos.

    Schema::create('user_video_progress', function (Blueprint $table) {
  2. Livewire Component (MarkComplete.php):

    public function markComplete($videoId)
            ['user_id' => auth()->id(), 'video_id' => $videoId],
            ['completed' => true]
  3. Blade View:

    <button wire:click="markComplete({{ $video->id }})">Mark as Complete</button>
  4. Progress Tracking: Add a method to calculate overall progress:

    public function getOverallProgress()
        $totalVideos = Video::count();
        $completedVideos = UserVideoProgress::where('user_id', auth()->id())
                                            ->where('completed', true)
        return ($completedVideos / $totalVideos) * 100;

5. Add Comments to Build Community

  1. Database: Create a comments table:

    Schema::create('comments', function (Blueprint $table) {
  2. Livewire Component (Comments.php):

    public $commentText;
    public function addComment($videoId)
            'user_id' => auth()->id(),
            'video_id' => $videoId,
            'comment_text' => $this->commentText,
  3. Blade View:

    <form wire:submit.prevent="addComment({{ $video->id }})">
        <textarea wire:model="commentText"></textarea>
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    @foreach($video->comments as $comment)
        <p>{{ $comment->user->name }}: {{ $comment->comment_text }}</p>
  4. Comment Moderation: Implement a basic moderation system:

    public function moderateComment($commentId)
        $comment = Comment::findOrFail($commentId);
        $comment->is_approved = !$comment->is_approved;

6. Downloadable Code to Follow Along

  1. Database: Add a code_file field to the videos table.

    Schema::table('videos', function (Blueprint $table) {
  2. Blade View:

    <a href="{{ asset('storage/' . $video->code_file) }}" download>Download Code</a>

7. Chat with the Videos Using Your Own API Key (ChatGPT/Claude)

  1. Frontend (Alpine.js): Add an input for the API key and textarea for chatting.

    <input type="text" placeholder="Enter API Key" x-model="apiKey">
    <textarea x-model="chatInput"></textarea>
    <button @click="sendMessage">Send Message</button>
  2. Backend (Livewire): In the Livewire component, handle the API call with the provided API key:

    public function sendMessage($apiKey, $message)
        $response = Http::withHeaders([
            'Authorization' => "Bearer $apiKey"
        ])->post('', [
            'prompt' => $message,
        return $response->json();
  3. API Key Security: Ensure the API key is not stored in the database. Use session storage or encrypt it if necessary.

8. Directory of .cursorRules Files

  1. Database: Store .cursorRules files in a dedicated table or as part of the existing file storage setup.

    Schema::create('cursor_rules', function (Blueprint $table) {
  2. Blade View:

    @foreach($cursorRules as $rule)
        <a href="{{ asset('storage/' . $rule->file_name) }}" download>{{ $rule->file_name }}</a>

9. Directory of Prompts for Different Languages/Frameworks

  1. Database: Create a table to store prompts for various languages/frameworks.

    Schema::create('prompts', function (Blueprint $table) {
  2. Blade View:

    @foreach($prompts as $prompt)
            <h4>{{ $prompt->name }} ({{ $prompt->language }})</h4>
            <p>{{ $prompt->prompt }}</p>
  3. Controller: Create a controller to list the available prompts and display them on the frontend.

    public function index()
        $prompts = Prompt::all();
        return view('prompts.index', compact('prompts'));
  4. Route: Define a route to access the prompt directory.

    Route::get('/prompts', [PromptController::class, 'index'])->name('prompts.index');

10. Full Over-the-Shoulder Advanced App Builds

  1. Database: Ensure the videos table has a field for indicating whether a video belongs to an "advanced app build" series, such as a boolean is_advanced_build flag.

    Schema::table('videos', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->foreignId('series_id')->nullable()->constrained()->onDelete('set null');
  2. Frontend: Create a page for listing all "over-the-shoulder" advanced app builds.

        <h1>Advanced App Builds</h1>
        @foreach($advancedBuilds as $video)
            <a href="{{ route('', $video->id) }}">{{ $video->title }}</a>
  3. Controller: Add logic to the controller to query for advanced app build videos.

    public function advancedBuilds()
        $advancedBuilds = Video::where('is_advanced_build', true)->get();
        return view('videos.advanced', compact('advancedBuilds'));
  4. Route: Define a route to access the advanced app builds.

    Route::get('/advanced-builds', [VideoController::class, 'advancedBuilds'])->name('advanced.builds');
  5. Series Progression: Implement a way to track progress through a series of videos:

    public function getSeriesProgress($seriesId)
        $totalVideos = Video::where('series_id', $seriesId)->count();
        $completedVideos = UserVideoProgress::where('user_id', auth()->id())
                                            ->whereHas('video', function ($query) use ($seriesId) {
                                                $query->where('series_id', $seriesId);
                                            ->where('completed', true)
        return ($completedVideos / $totalVideos) * 100;
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