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Created July 23, 2011 19:46
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me.rb - My entry to the "Terminal admin" contes


In almost every my project there is a model that refers to myself. It can be an instance of User, Staff, Admin, Dude, etc. I use it for logging in and testing staff. I use it many times in rails console as well. Because typing User.where(:email => '[email protected]').first can by annoying so I've put together little snippet that work in Mongoid and AcitveRecord as well.

$ rails console
Loading development environment (Rails 3.1.0.rc4)
>> load 'me.rb'
=> nil
=> #<User _id: 4c14ba297826c943b2000002, encrypted_password: "16336dd440d4bbe843dc39....", .... >

I hope you find it useful!

module ActiveRecord
class Base
class << self
def me
where(:email => `git config`.chomp).first
end if defined? ActiveRecord
module Mongoid
module Document
module ClassMethods
def me
where(:email => `git config`.chomp).first
end if defined? Mongoid
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inkel commented Jul 25, 2011

Interesting idea

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joshk commented Jul 25, 2011

Nice, simple and handy

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Great entry! Fetching the user's email address from the git config is very clever. :)

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asaaki commented Aug 6, 2011

Love this! And will use it in current and future project.

(I let it load automatically and instanciate it in a global var for very quick'n'dirty access. ;o)

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