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Created May 1, 2019 03:03
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Keys point to values "Look up" (like a dictionary)

var person = {
  name: 'Martin',
  hair: 'brown',
  height: 188

console.log( // 'Martin' accessed via _dot notation_
console.log(person['name']) // 'Martin' accessed via _bracket notation_

Objects hold data and methods to act on that data.

person // variable lookup, object is returned
. // property lookup operator
name // at this location

We can even act on the data we get back:

console.log('Height in inches:', person.height / 2.54) 

But wait, what's happening in console.log()? console is an object!! Hiding before our eyes.

> console
Console {
  log: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  warn: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  error: [Function: bound consoleCall],
  table: [Function: bound consoleCall],

console's keys are mapped to functions! We can output to the console using console.log('hi), 'console.warn('uh oh'), or console.error('yikes'), all of which are keys present in the console object, mapping to functions that consume the argument we pass into it in quotes (in this case 'hi', 'uh oh', and 'yikes'). We invoke functions in javascript using parentheses:

var person = {
  name: 'Martin',
  height: 188,
  hair: 'brown',
  laugh: function() {
    return console.log('hahahahaha')

person.laugh() // 'hahahahaha' from the invoked function

person.laugh  // ƒ () {
              //     console.log('hahahahahaha')
              // }

I think that we are starting to see the power of objects as groups of data and functions to act on that data. Let's give our person some friends:

var person = {
  name: 'Martin',
  height: 188,
  hair: 'brown',
  friends: [],
  addFriend: function(newFriend) {


person.friends // ['Scott']

Cool! We're able to transform data within our person object using functions that we can group with the data itself.

What happens if we assign person to another variable?

var person = {
  name: 'Martin',

var martin = person // martin now contains a *reference* to the person object

martin.height = 180

person.height // 180 ~waaaaaaaat is happening~

The only way you can create a new instance of an object is to use a constructor function. These usually have capitalized names.

function Person(name) {
  return {
    name: name,
    height: 180,
    hair: 'brown',
    friends: [],
    addFriend: function(newFriend) {

var martin = new Person('martin')
console.table(martin) // martin is born, also sweet table!

var scott = new Person('scott') 
console.table(scott) // scott is his own man!

Objects are fun + powerful javascript friends, and we'll be using them a lot in our web development journeys.

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