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Last active May 14, 2024 08:48
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A class to create multiline text textures easily with curtains.js
Helper class to create text textures easily with curtains.js
- vertical and horizontal text alignements
- lowercase and uppercase
- filled or stroked text
Does not support:
- right to left text (TODO)
- custom letter spacing
@plane (curtains.js Plane object): curtains.js plane that will use that texture.
@textElement (HTML element, optional): An HTML element containing the text to use. Default to the associated plane HTML element.
@skipFontLoading (bool, optional): Whether to skip the font loading check (in case you handle that logic elsewhere in your code). Default to false.
@verticalAlign (string, optional): Vertical text alignment. Accepts "top", "center" or "bottom". Default to "top".
@adjustAscenderRatio (float, optional): Adjust font vertical ascender to fit original font display. Might vary with the font used. Default to 0.1.
@allowedLineEndSpace (float, optional): What additional space to add at the end of line to check if a word can fit. Default to 0.5.
@fillType (string, optional): Fill type used to draw the text. Accpets "fill" or "stroke". Default to "fill".
@sampler (string, optional): The texture sampler's name that will be used in the shaders.
@texturesOptions (object, optional): Options/parameters to apply to the WebGL texture. See curtains.js texture documentation.
@resolution (float, optional): Resolution of the canvas used to render the text. The bigger the better result, at the expense of a bigger performance impact. Default to 1.
@onBeforeWordMeasuring (function, optional): Callback called before measuring the size each word of the text element. Use it if you want to make some changes to your text that might affect its layout.
@onAfterWordMeasuring (function, optional): Callback called after measuring the size each word of the text element. Use it if you made some changes to your text that might have affected its layout.
@onBeforeWordWriting (function, optional): Callback called before writing each word of the text element to the canvas. Use it if you want to make some changes to your text like change its color or underline it.
@onAfterWordWriting (function, optional): Callback called after writing each word of the text element to the canvas. Use it if you made some changes to your text like changed its color or underlined it and want to restore the default values.
const textTexture = new TextTexture({
plane: plane,
textElement: plane.htmlElement,
sampler: "uTexture",
skipFontLoading: true, // meaning we've already loaded the font earlier in our app
resolution: 1.5,
texturesOptions: {
// pass some textures options if needed
onBeforeWordWriting: (ctx, wordInfos, boundingRect) => {
if(wordInfos.word === "underlined") {
// underline the word "underlined" in the text
ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.moveTo(boundingRect.left, boundingRect.bottom - 1);
ctx.lineTo(boundingRect.right, boundingRect.bottom - 1);
export class TextTexture {
skipFontLoading = false,
verticalAlign = "top",
adjustAscenderRatio = 0.1,
allowedLineEndSpace = 0.5,
fillType = "fill",
sampler = "uTextTexture",
texturesOptions = {},
resolution = 1,
// callbacks
onBeforeWordMeasuring = () => {},
onAfterWordMeasuring = () => {},
onBeforeWordWriting = () => {},
onAfterWordWriting = () => {},
} = {}) {
const acceptedTypes = ["Plane", "PingPongPlane", "ShaderPass"];
if(!plane || !plane.type || !acceptedTypes.find(type => type === plane.type)) {
console.error("TextTexture: can't be created without a plane");
if(! {
console.error("TextTexture: can't be created because the WebGL context is undefined");
this.plane = plane;
if(!textElement) {
textElement = this.plane.hmltElement;
this.textElement = textElement;
this.resolution = resolution;
this.skipFontLoading = skipFontLoading;
this.adjustAscenderRatio = adjustAscenderRatio;
this.allowedLineEndSpace = allowedLineEndSpace;
this.onBeforeWordMeasuring = onBeforeWordMeasuring;
this.onAfterWordMeasuring = onAfterWordMeasuring;
this.onBeforeWordWriting = onBeforeWordWriting;
this.onAfterWordWriting = onAfterWordWriting;
this.content = {
verticalAlign: verticalAlign,
text: this.textElement.textContent.replace(/[\n\r]+|[\s]{2,}/g, ' ').trim() // trim text content
this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
// get text style = window.getComputedStyle(this.textElement); = fillType !== "fill" && fillType !== "stroke" ? "fill" : fillType;
texturesOptions = Object.assign(texturesOptions, {sampler: sampler});
this.plane.loadCanvas(this.canvas, texturesOptions, (texture) => {
this.texture = texture;
this.texture.shouldUpdate = false;
if(this.content.fontLoaded && !this.content.firstWrite) {
// override plane's default onAfterResize callback
this.plane._onAfterResizeCallback = () => {
this._onAfterResizeCallback && this._onAfterResizeCallback();
this.plane.onAfterResize = (callback) => {
if(callback) {
this._onAfterResizeCallback = callback;
return this.plane;
Sets our canvas element sizes and scales
setCanvasSize() {
this.pixelRatio = this.plane.renderer.pixelRatio;
const planeBBox = this.plane.getBoundingRect();
// set sizes
this.canvas.width = planeBBox.width * this.resolution;
this.canvas.height = planeBBox.height * this.resolution;
this.context.width = planeBBox.width;
this.context.height = planeBBox.height;
this.context.scale(this.resolution, this.resolution);
this.content.boundingRect = this.textElement.getBoundingClientRect();
this.content.innerBoundingRect = {
width: this.content.boundingRect.width - parseFloat( - parseFloat(,
height: this.content.boundingRect.height - parseFloat( - parseFloat(,
top: parseFloat( + ( - / this.pixelRatio),
left: parseFloat( + (this.content.boundingRect.left - planeBBox.left / this.pixelRatio),
this.content.innerBoundingRect.right = this.content.innerBoundingRect.left + this.content.innerBoundingRect.width;
this.content.innerBoundingRect.bottom = + this.content.innerBoundingRect.height;
// multiply by pixel ratio
this.content.innerBoundingRect.width *= this.pixelRatio;
this.content.innerBoundingRect.height *= this.pixelRatio; *= this.pixelRatio;
this.content.innerBoundingRect.left *= this.pixelRatio;
this.content.innerBoundingRect.right *= this.pixelRatio;
this.content.innerBoundingRect.bottom *= this.pixelRatio;
Create an array with all the words contained in the text element, split by white spaces and "-"
setWords() {
this.content.words = [];
// we're going to split words by "-" because it can cause line breaks
const separatedWords = this.content.text.split("-");
const words = [];
const wordsLength = separatedWords.length;
separatedWords.forEach((word, index) => {
if(index < wordsLength - 1) {
else {
// now split text by spaces
words.forEach(word => {
const splittedWords = word.split(" ");
splittedWords.forEach((w, index) => {
// no space before and after "-" elements
word: w,
spaceAfter: !(w === "-" || index === splittedWords.length - 1 || w === ""),
Load the font if necessary and the write our text to the canvas if everything's ready
loadFont() {
if(!this.skipFontLoading) {
// wait for the font to be loaded
document.fonts.load( + " " + + " 1em " + => {
this.content.fontLoaded = true;
if(this.texture && !this.content.firstWrite) {
// resize the plane because its dimensions might have changed
// if it has been created before the actual font has been loaded
else {
this.content.fontLoaded = true;
Measure (if needed) then write our text to the canvas
@measureText (bool, optional): whether to measure the text or skip this step. Default to true.
writeTexture(measureText = true) {
this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
// we're going to build an array of each lines first
// then we'll write those lines with the correct vertical/horizontal alignment on the canvas
// first, apply the correct styles
this.context.fillStyle =;
this.context.strokeStyle =;
this.context.font = + " " + + " " + parseFloat( * this.plane.renderer.pixelRatio + "px " +;
this.context.lineHeight =;
const startingPos = this.content.innerBoundingRect.left ;
const lineHeight = parseFloat( * this.pixelRatio;
const fontSize = parseFloat( * this.pixelRatio;
const spaceWidth = this.context.measureText(" ").width;
// start at the right position
this.context.textBaseline = "top";
// top position needs to be adjusted based on line height and font size
const lineHeightRatio = lineHeight / fontSize;
let adjustTopPos = fontSize * this.adjustAscenderRatio + (lineHeightRatio - 1) * fontSize * 0.5;
// safari seems to handle this differently!
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') !== -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') === -1) {
adjustTopPos = (lineHeightRatio - 1.4) * fontSize / 2;
const position = {
x: startingPos,
y: + adjustTopPos,
// now build our lines
if(measureText || !this.lines) {
this.lines = [];
this.content.words.forEach((w, i) => {
if( === "uppercase") {
w.word = w.word.toUpperCase();
else if( === "lowercase") {
w.word = w.word.toLowerCase();
this.onBeforeWordMeasuring && this.onBeforeWordMeasuring(this.context, w, i);
// get the width of current word
const wordWidth = this.context.measureText(w.word).width;
this.onAfterWordMeasuring && this.onAfterWordMeasuring(this.context, w, i);
if(i > 0 && position.x + wordWidth > (this.content.innerBoundingRect.width + this.content.innerBoundingRect.left) + spaceWidth * this.allowedLineEndSpace || w.word === "") {
position.x = startingPos;
position.y += lineHeight;
// new line
if(position.x === startingPos) {
const line = this.lines[this.lines.length - 1];
word: w.word,
wordWidth: wordWidth,
position: {
x: position.x,
y: position.y,
spaceAfter: w.spaceAfter
// update x position to next word
position.x += wordWidth;
// add a space after the word if needed
if(w.spaceAfter) {
position.x += spaceWidth;
// now we're gonna write the text on the canvas
// handling vertical and horizontal text align
const offset = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
// vertical alignment is handled using the whole block size
const totalHeight = this.lines[0][0].position.y + this.lines[this.lines.length - 1][0].position.y + fontSize;
if(this.content.verticalAlign === "center") {
offset.y = (this.content.innerBoundingRect.height - totalHeight) * 0.5 - adjustTopPos * 0.5;
else if(this.content.verticalAlign === "bottom") {
offset.y = this.content.innerBoundingRect.height - totalHeight + adjustTopPos * 0.5;
// write each lines
this.lines.forEach((line, index) => {
line.forEach(word => {
// horizontal alignment is handled lines by lines
const lineWidth = line[0].position.x + line[line.length - 1].position.x + line[line.length - 1].wordWidth - startingPos;
if( === "right" || === "end") {
offset.x = this.content.innerBoundingRect.right - lineWidth;
else if( === "center") {
offset.x = (this.content.innerBoundingRect.right - lineWidth) / 2;
if(this.onBeforeWordWriting) {
left: word.position.x + offset.x,
top: word.position.y + offset.y,
right: word.position.x + offset.x + word.wordWidth,
bottom: word.position.y + offset.y + fontSize,
// write the text
if( === "stroke") {
this.context.miterLimit = 2;
this.context.strokeText(word.word, word.position.x + offset.x, word.position.y + offset.y);
else {
this.context.fillText(word.word, word.position.x + offset.x, word.position.y + offset.y);
this.onAfterWordWriting && this.onAfterWordWriting(this.context, word, offset,, index);
// resize our texture and upload it again to our GPU
if(measureText) {
// update the texture to send the newly written canvas to the GPU
// flag that indicate that we have made our first texture write
this.content.firstWrite = true;
Resize the canvas and write the texture again (internally called right after the plane object has been resized)
resize() {
if(this.texture) {
/*** DESTROYING ***/
Cleanly dispose our TextTexture object
Call it after you have removed your plane object
dispose() {
this.content = {};
this.textElement = null;
this.plane = null;
this.texture = null;
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Just a note that you'll need to change the adjustTopPos calculation (line 275) for different fonts as it's not consistent and this adjustment doesn't work for all fonts..

let adjustTopPos = fontSize * 0.1 + (lineHeightRatio - 1) * fontSize * 0.5;

in my case for a font I had to adjust it to 0.062, which I found just by manually changing until it matched the HTML, so it looked like this for me:

let adjustTopPos = fontSize * 0.062 + (lineHeightRatio - 1) * fontSize * 0.5

I haven't tested on Safari yet but could potentially require per font adjustment too.

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Hey @bmcfetty,

thanks for the feedback!
I honestly don't remember how I came up with that exact formula, but I do remember having seen different results with different fonts.
Anyway, I've added an adjustAscenderRatio parameter that should help with that.


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maxyinger commented Feb 28, 2022

@martinlaxenaire made a little demo using the Range api to read the line breaks, as well as a way to calculate adjustTopPos without passing in adjustAscenderRatio (reference approach looks like it only works for chrome tho 🤷 ). Hope this is useful. Thanks for writing the article this gist was referenced in! has been super helpful.

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