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Last active December 6, 2018 22:53
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  • Save martinlindhe/4c594db58b314d4c780b8fe614e73580 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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.gitconfig fat fingers [alias] section qwerty keyboard. ymmv
# alias block from
a = add
ad = add
adfd = add
addd = add
dd = add
tadd = add
afdd = add
affd = add
adff = add
addf = add
asdd = add
amend = commit -a --amend
b = branch
br = branch
bra = branch
bran = branch
branc = branch
branhc = branch
brnach = branch
co = checkout
cob = checkout -b # checkout new branch
clon = clone
clo = clone
com = commit
comm = commit
commi = commit
comit = commit
commt = commit
cmmit = commit
commir = commit
cpommit = commit
commut = commit
comut = commit
commtit = commit
ocmmit = commit
commiut = commit
covmmit = commit
cvommit = commit
ocommit = commit
vommit = commit
commmit = commit
commiyt = commit
d = diff
di = diff
dif = diff
diiff = diff
difff = diff
dfff = diff
diffi = diff
diuff = diff
diof = diff
dof = diff
dsif = diff
dioff = diff
dikff = diff
didff = diff
doff = diff
if = diff
iff = diff
idf = diff
idff = diff
dff = diff
df = diff
siff = diff
dfif = diff
difgf = diff
dfiff = diff
diif = diff
digf = diff
sif = diff
dfi = diff
didf = diff
cg = gc
fetcvh = fetch
lo = log
lg = log
lgo = log
tlog = log
loig = log
oog = log
pul = pull
pl = pull
pll = pull
pill = pull
poull = pull
pyl = pull
pyll = pull
puyll = pull
poul = pull
oull = pull
ph = push
ps = push
pus = push
puh = push
puhs = push
psuh = push
psh = push
pushh = push
puysh = push
pusg = push
pish = push
pusb = push
pius = push
piush = push
pudsh = push
pusdh = push
poush = push
psih = push
posh = push
pusgh = push
pushj = push
pusjh = push
pusj = push
puosh = push
pusbh = push
puyshg = push
pysg = push
pihs = push
phs = push
psyh = push
pysh = push
pudh = push
psub = push
pouhs = push
poushg = push
puszh = push
piuh = push
pisjh = push
opush = push
pushg = push
oush = push
push--force = push --force
rem = remote
remo = remote
remot = remote
remtoe = remote
remoet = remote
rmeote = remote
remotre = remote
remoe = remote
emote = remote
remte = remote
remore = remote
rrm = rm
s = status
st = status
sta = status
stat = status
statu = status
staus = status
staqt = status
styat = status
ststy = status
statis = status
stauts = status
stastus = status
sgtatus = status
statuas = status
ststus = status
statyus = status
statuus = status
sttyus = status
satus = status
stats = status
stast = status
satat = status
staat = status
start = status
sttus = status
staty = status
stst = status
stzt = status
ztat = status
stay = status
atat = status
stayt = status
statg = status
astat = status
stsat = status
say = status
syat = status
sats = status
stsy = status
styt = status
stt = status
statss = status
stasty = status
statuds = status
astaty = status
tstat = status
asta = status
stqt = status
sts = status
strat = status
sytat = status
pretty = format:%h %Cblue%ai%Creset %ae %Cgreen%s%Creset
name = Martin Lindhe
email = [email protected]
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