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Last active February 4, 2025 18:26
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Simple relay control for the Denkovi USB Relay Module 4 Channels, for Home Automation - v2
# Simple relay control for the Denkovi USB Relay Module 4 Channels, for Home Automation - v2
# Better tools are offered on but they need an internet
# connection, and are not open source.
__author__ = "Martin Roth"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017 Google Inc."
__license__ = "GPL v2"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
__status__ = "Development"
import usb.core
import usb.util
import sys
# Check for pyusb 1.0.0 - Lots of incompatibilities with older versions.
# We're not exiting, because it *COULD* work.
if hasattr(usb, 'version_info'):
if usb.version_info[0] < 1:
print "You probably want a newer version of pyusb"
print "You probably want a newer version of pyusb"
# Set some global variables
list_devices = False # True if just listing devices
serial = 0 # Serial number from command line
serial_num = 0 # Serial number read from device
NewGPIO = -1 # Relay configuration from command line
reattach = [0,0,0] # Interfaces detatched from the kernel
# Define the command structures that are being used
get_status_cmd = chr(0x80)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00) + \
chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00) + \
chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00) + \
cfg_cmd = chr(0x10)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00) + \
chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00) + \
chr(0x04)+chr(0xe1)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00) + \
# Check command line arguments
if (len(sys.argv) == 1) or (sys.argv[1] == "--help"):
print "Usage: %s <list|serial No> <Hex GPIOs Enabled>" % sys.argv[0]
print "Examples:"
print " list - Shows all attached relay boards"
print " 0001652501 - Shows current relay status"
print " 0001652501 0x0f - Enable all relays"
print " 0001652501 0 - Disable all relays"
print " 0001652501 8 - Enable just relay 4"
if sys.argv[1] == 'list':
list_devices = True
serial = sys.argv[1]
if (list_devices == False) and (len(sys.argv) > 2):
NewGPIO = int(sys.argv[2], 16)
# Find all the MCP2200 devices
usbdevs = usb.core.find(find_all=True, idVendor=0x04d8, idProduct=0x00df)
# Loop through and print devices found or select requested device
for dev in usbdevs:
serial_num = usb.util.get_string(dev,dev.iSerialNumber)
if list_devices == True:
print "Serial Number: ", serial_num
elif serial_num == serial:
# Make sure we found specified device, or exit if we were just listing
if serial_num == 0:
print "No devices found"
elif list_devices == True:
elif serial_num != serial:
print "Error: Serial Number %s not found." % serial
# Get the configuration, and detach every interface from the kernel
# We get a 'usb.core.USBError: [Errno 16] Resource busy' error otherwise
# Save the interfaces we detached for re-attachment later
cfg = dev.get_active_configuration()
for i in range(cfg.bNumInterfaces):
if dev.is_kernel_driver_active(i):
# Because we know the device, just set the endpoints directly
epin = dev[0][(2,0)][0]
epout = dev[0][(2,0)][1]
# No idea why this would happen, but hey, checking is good.
if (epin is None) or (epout is None):
print "endpoint not found."
# Get the current status of the relays
dev.write(epout.bEndpointAddress, get_status_cmd)
status =,16,1000)
# Set the relays if requested
if NewGPIO != -1:
dev.write(epout.bEndpointAddress, cfg_cmd[:6] + chr(status[6]) + cfg_cmd[7:])
dev.write(epout.bEndpointAddress, cfg_cmd[:6] + chr(NewGPIO) + cfg_cmd[7:])
dev.write(epout.bEndpointAddress, get_status_cmd)
status =,16,1000)
# Display the current value of the GPIOs / Relays
print "0x%02x"%status[6]
# Clean up and release the device
for i in range(cfg.bNumInterfaces):
if reattach[i] == 1:
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RufusVS commented Mar 21, 2022

Was this for a linux or mac system? I tried running it on a Windows 10 system and pyusb is unable to enumerate the USB devices.
Working on solving that. I may try it on a linux system too.
(Edit: problem solved. See later comment.)

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martinlroth commented Mar 21, 2022 via email

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RufusVS commented Mar 21, 2022

I've been muddling about with the python hid module and hidapi. After muddling around with cmake and building hidapi (I think it was my efforts) I was able to import hid module. So far I have been able to open and read the status, now I am about to write the relays. I'll summarize and send you test code later, though I don't know if I have the energy to go back and figure out the hidapi install I got through, though if I install on another windows machine, I'll pay more attention.

Edit: Stupid me, I didn't have my proper libusb.dll installed. I was able to just download the binary from sourceforge thanks to an Adafruit learn guide...

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