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Last active November 29, 2016 10:58
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Save martinnormark/4466472 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backbone implementation of the Twitter Bootstrap Popover view
(function () {
App.Views.PopoverView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
_.bindAll(this, "render", "setContent", "show", "hide", "toggle", "destroy", "remove");
this.offsetTop = 30;
this.offsetLeft = 0;
if (options && options.header) {
this.Header = options.header;
if (options && options.content) {
this.Content = options.content;
if (options && options.placement) {
this.Placement = options.placement;
if (options && options.trigger) {
this.Trigger = options.trigger;
if (options && options.delay) {
this.Delay = options.delay;
if (options && options.offsetTop && $.isNumeric(options.offsetTop)) {
this.offsetTop += options.offsetTop;
if (options && options.offsetLeft && $.isNumeric(options.offsetLeft)) {
this.offsetLeft += options.offsetLeft;
render: function (show) {
var that = this;
this.popoverElement = $("<div />").addClass("popover-dummy").css("position", "absolute").appendTo($(document.body));
this.popover = this.popoverElement.popover({
title: this.Header,
content: this.Content || "",
placement: this.Placement || "left",
trigger: this.Trigger || "click",
delay: this.Delay || 0
if (show === true) {;
return this;
setContent: function (el) {
show: function () {
var position = this.$el.offset(),
height = this.$el.height();
this.popoverElement.css("top", + (height / 2));
this.popoverElement.css("left", position.left + this.offsetLeft);
this.$body = this.popover.$tip.find(".popover-content");
if (!this.Content) {
this.setContent(new App.Views.WaitSpinnerView().render().$el);
if (this.popover.options.placement === "left" || this.popover.options.placement === "right") {
this.popover.$tip.find(".arrow").css("top", this.offsetTop);
$("<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">×</button>")
.one("click", this.remove);
hide: function () {
toggle: function () {
destroy: function () {
this.popoverElement = null;
remove: function () {
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Do you have a sample app with use of this?

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I second pratikpparikh - I'd love to see an example of this in action!

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thadk commented Aug 19, 2013

I added html attribute to passthrough to bootstrap, my button is #button

this.popoverView = new App.Views.PopoverView({
          el: '#Button',
          content: InteriorView.render().el,
          html: true, /*XSS warning from bootstrap, avoid using this technique on user data*/
          placement: 'bottom'

events: {
  "click #Button": "showPopover"
showPopover: function () {

It rendered mostly like a normal popover, but hasn't centered perfectly for me yet. For me, it successfully skirts the problem of the Backbone events getting detached when bootstrap does a $.remove() on the content element for the first time.

Make sure to remove or redefine the Spinner.

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natalan commented Feb 11, 2015

Use .data("bs.popover") instead of .data("popover") in Bootstrap 3

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