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Created June 25, 2014 15:25
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RORK (Redmine Orphaned Repositories Killer)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Rork v.0.1 (Redmine Orphaned Repositories Killer)
# (c) 2014 Martin Seener ([email protected])
# Deletes orphaned Redmine Repositories which cannot be deleted from within Redmine
# Usage: You only need the original path to the repository. The rest will be handled by this tool.
# Attention: This tool must be run from the "postgres" user, because it does not handle authentication yet.
# How does it work?
# 1. It gets the repository id using a search for the repository path
# 2. It deletes all entries from the "changes" table
# 3. It deleted all entries from the "changesets" table
# 4. ... and finally deletes the entry from the "repositories" table
if [ "$1" == '' ]; then
echo -e "\e[0;31mAborting. There is no database name given. Usage: <dbname> <pathToRepo>"
exit 1
if [ "$2" == '' ]; then
echo -e "\e[0;31mAborting. There is no repository path given. Usage: <dbname> <pathToRepo>"
exit 1
echo -e "\e[0;32mDeleting all entries of 'changes' table from repository '$2' in the database '$1'\e[00m"
psql -d $1 -c "DELETE FROM changes WHERE changes.changeset_id IN (SELECT FROM changesets WHERE changesets.repository_id IN (SELECT id FROM repositories WHERE root_url = '$2'));"
echo -e "\e[0;32mDeleting all entries of 'changesets' table from repository '$2' in the database '$1'\e[00m"
psql -d $1 -c "DELETE FROM changesets WHERE changesets.repository_id IN (SELECT id FROM repositories WHERE root_url = '$2');"
echo -e "\e[0;32mDeleting repository '$2' from 'repositories' table in the database '$1'\e[00m"
psql -d $1 -c "DELETE FROM repositories WHERE root_url = '$2';"
echo -e "\e[0;32mDone!\e[00m"
exit 0
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Be aware, this little script has no real or good checks for what you input. Use with caution and make a backup first! This tool is also tested with Redmine v2.5.1 and PostgreSQL 9.1.12 but should work great with older or later versions. Licensed under the GPL-v2.

I appreciate any enhancements!

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