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Last active August 14, 2023 20:22
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with boletos as
to_char (ii .created_at , 'YYYY-MM' ) as mes ,
--sum(ii .amount ) as valor_total_invoices ,
--count(ii .id ) as quantidade_invoices ,
sum (ii .amount ) filter (where bb.created_at is not null) as valor_total_boletos ,
count(distinct i .account_id ) filter (where bb.created_at is not null) as total_clientes_com_boletos ,
count(bb .id ) filter (where bb .created_at is not null) as quantidade_boletos_emitidos ,
count(bb .id ) filter ( where bb.paid_at is not null) as quantidade_boletos_liquidados ,
count(distinct i.account_id ) filter (where bb.paid_at is not null) as total_clientes_com_boletos_liquidados ,
sum(ii .amount ) filter (where bb.paid_at is not null) as valor_total_boletos_liquidados ,
count(bb .id ) filter (where bb.canceled_at is not null) as quantidade_boletos_cancelados
invoices_items ii
inner join invoices i on i .id = ii .invoice_id
left join bank_billets bb on bb.invoice_item_id = ii .id
ii .created_at between '2023-01-01' and '2023-05-31'
group by to_char (ii .created_at , 'YYYY-MM' )
order by to_char (ii .created_at , 'YYYY-MM' )
tarifas as (
to_char (m .operation_date , 'YYYY-MM' ) as mes ,
sum(amount ) filter (where m .operation = 'partner.bonus' ) as partner_bonus ,
sum(amount ) filter (where m .operation = 'pay.rate' ) as pay_rate ,
sum(amount ) filter (where m .operation = 'transfer.rate' ) as transfer_rate
from movements m
where m .operation_date between '2023-01-01' and '2023-05-31'
and operation in (
'partner.bonus' ,
'pay.rate' ,
group by to_char (m .operation_date , 'YYYY-MM' )
order by to_char (m .operation_date , 'YYYY-MM' )
t.partner_bonus ,
t.pay_rate * -1 as pay_rate ,
t .transfer_rate * -1 as transfer_rate
from boletos b
left join tarifas t on t .mes = b .mes
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