February 6, 2017 16:44
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" .VIMRC | |
set nocompatible " This should be the first line. It sets vim to not be backwards compatible with vi. | |
set encoding=utf-8 " Encoding | |
filetype off | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim | |
call vundle#begin() | |
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' | |
Plugin 'cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim' | |
Plugin 'kien/ctrlp.vim' | |
Plugin 'mattn/emmet-vim' | |
Plugin 'othree/html5.vim' | |
Plugin 'captbaritone/better-indent-support-for-php-with-html' | |
Plugin 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator' | |
Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround' | |
Plugin 'jeetsukumaran/vim-buffergator' | |
Plugin 'tpope/vim-vinegar' | |
Plugin 'ap/vim-css-color' | |
Plugin 'rking/ag.vim' | |
Plugin 'kchmck/vim-coffee-script' | |
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline' | |
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes' | |
Plugin 'mustache/vim-mustache-handlebars' | |
Plugin 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim' | |
Plugin 'trevordmiller/nova-vim' | |
call vundle#end() | |
syntax enable " Enable Syntax Highlighting | |
set t_Co=256 " 256 colours, please | |
" set background=dark " Dark background | |
" colorscheme base16-ocean " Dark Color Scheme | |
" colorscheme base16-bright " Light Color Scheme | |
colorscheme nova | |
hi normal ctermbg=NONE " Stuff for iTerm" | |
" @mrmrs vim styles | |
" hi LineNr ctermfg=gray ctermbg=NONE | |
" hi htmlTagName ctermfg=black ctermbg=NONE | |
" Tabs, indentation and lines | |
filetype plugin indent on | |
" 4 spaces please | |
set expandtab | |
set shiftwidth=4 | |
set tabstop=4 | |
set softtabstop=4 | |
" Round indent to nearest multiple of 4 | |
set shiftround | |
set wrap " Word wrapping | |
" set textwidth=90 | |
" set formatoptions=cqt | |
" set formatoptions=qrn1 " Make line wrap create new vim line | |
set smartindent | |
set breakindent " Make word wrapping behave like it does in every other sane text editor | |
set autoindent | |
set wrap linebreak nolist | |
" set linespace=4 | |
" Show status line | |
set laststatus=2 | |
" Show what mode you’re currently in | |
set showmode | |
" Show what commands you’re typing | |
set showcmd | |
" visual autocomplete for command menu | |
set wildmenu | |
" redraw only when we need to | |
set lazyredraw | |
" Allow modelines | |
set showmatch | |
" highlight matching [{()}] | |
set modeline | |
" Show current line and column position in file | |
set ruler | |
" Show file title in terminal tab | |
set title | |
" Set relative line numbers... | |
set relativenumber | |
" ...but absolute numbers on the current line | |
set number | |
" Limit line-length to 80 columns by highlighting col 81 | |
set colorcolumn=81 | |
" Highlight current line | |
set cursorline | |
" Don’t keep results highlighted after searching... | |
set nohlsearch | |
" ...just highlight as we type | |
set incsearch | |
" Ignore case when searching... | |
set ignorecase | |
" ...except if we input a capital letter | |
set smartcase | |
" That bell is the worst sound. Shut it the fuck off. | |
set visualbell | |
" Set relevant filetypes | |
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.md set filetype=markdown | |
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.lens set filetype=html | |
" Start scrolling slightly before the cursor reaches an edge | |
set scrolloff=3 | |
set sidescrolloff=5 | |
" Scroll sideways a character at a time, rather than a screen at a time | |
set sidescroll=1 | |
" Allow motions and back-spacing over line-endings etc | |
set backspace=indent,eol,start | |
set whichwrap=h,l,b,<,>,~,[,] | |
" Underscores denote words | |
set iskeyword-=_ | |
set autoread " Make Vim automatically open changed files (e.g. changed after a Git commit) | |
" set iskeyword+=- "Makes foo-bar considered one word | |
" Set , as the leader key | |
let mapleader = "\<Space>" | |
" makes j and k work the way you expect instead of working in some archaic | |
" “movement by file line instead of screen line” fashion. | |
nnoremap j gj | |
nnoremap k gk | |
" jj to throw you into normal mode from insert mode | |
inoremap jj <esc> | |
" jk to throw you into normal mode from insert mode | |
inoremap jk <esc> | |
" New line below, staying in current line with Enter when in normal mode | |
nmap <CR> o<ESC>k | |
" Disable arrow keys (hardcore) | |
map <up> <nop> | |
imap <up> <nop> | |
map <down> <nop> | |
imap <down> <nop> | |
map <left> <nop> | |
imap <left> <nop> | |
map <right> <nop> | |
imap <right> <nop> | |
" Easier split navigations, use ctrl+j instead of ctrl+w j, etc. | |
nnoremap <C-J> <C-W><C-J> | |
nnoremap <C-K> <C-W><C-K> | |
nnoremap <C-L> <C-W><C-L> | |
nnoremap <C-H> <C-W><C-H> | |
" Open new split panes to right and bottom | |
set splitbelow | |
set splitright | |
" Open the file explorer | |
nnoremap <leader>n :Explore<cr> | |
nnoremap <C-N> :Explore<cr> | |
" Toggle paste | |
set pastetoggle=<F2> | |
" Source .vimrc | |
nmap <silent> <leader>sv :so $MYVIMRC<CR> | |
" Make `Y` behave like `C` and `D` | |
map Y y$ | |
" Highlight redundant whitespaces and tabs. Only shows trailing whitespace :) | |
highlight RedundantSpaces ctermbg=red | |
match RedundantSpaces /\s\+$/ | |
" This function trims trailing whitespace on save | |
function! TrimWhiteSpace() | |
%s/\s\+$//e | |
endfunction | |
autocmd FileType html,php,vimrc,scss,css,js autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> :call TrimWhiteSpace() | |
" Paste space + register | |
nmap <leader>m i<space><esc>p | |
nmap <leader>M i<space><esc>P | |
" vp doesn't replace paste buffer | |
function! RestoreRegister() | |
let @" = s:restore_reg | |
return '' | |
endfunction | |
function! s:Repl() | |
let s:restore_reg = @" | |
return "p@=RestoreRegister()\<cr>" | |
endfunction | |
vmap <silent> <expr> p <sid>Repl() | |
" let g:user_emmet_install_global = 0 | |
" autocmd FileType html,css,scss,php,hbs EmmetInstall | |
" let g:user_emmet_leader_key='<C-Z>' | |
"set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*/node_modules/*,*/css-temp/*,*/js-temp/*,*/_site/*,*/wp-admin/*,*/wp-content/plugins/*,*/wp-includes/* | |
" Setup some default ignores/Doen't work when using user_command with ag.vim | |
"let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { | |
" \ 'dir': '\v[\/](\.(git|hg|svn)|\dist)$', | |
" \ 'file': '\v\.(exe|so|dll|class|png|jpg|jpeg)$', | |
"\} | |
" Use the nearest .git directory as the cwd | |
" This makes a lot of sense if you are working on a project that is in version | |
" control. It also supports works with .svn, .hg, .bzr. | |
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'r' | |
" lets us change the working directory during a Vim session and make CtrlP | |
" respect that change. | |
" let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 0 | |
" Use a leader instead of the actual named binding | |
nmap <leader>p :CtrlP<cr> | |
" Easy bindings for its various modes | |
nmap <leader>bb :CtrlPBuffer<cr> | |
nmap <leader>bm :CtrlPMixed<cr> | |
nmap <leader>bs :CtrlPMRU<cr> | |
" Clear File Cache | |
nmap <leader>cc :CtrlPClearCache<cr> | |
" Use ag.vim/The Silver Searcher for searching | |
let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'ag %s -l --nocolor -g ""' | |
let g:airline_theme='base16' | |
" Automatically displays all buffers when there's only one tab open. | |
" let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 | |
" Disable Bufferline | |
let g:airline#extensions#bufferline#enabled = 0 | |
" Show just the filename | |
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod = ':t' | |
" Remove powerline separator symbols | |
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 0 | |
let g:airline_left_sep = '' | |
let g:airline_right_sep = '' | |
" Check indentation differences between spaces/tabs within a line, overlong | |
" lines and trailing whitespaces | |
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#checks = [ 'indent', 'trailing', 'long' ] | |
" Use the top side of the screen, 100% width | |
let g:buffergator_viewport_split_policy = 'T' | |
" I want my own keymappings... | |
let g:buffergator_suppress_keymaps = 1 | |
" Looper buffers | |
let g:buffergator_mru_cycle_loop = 1 | |
" Go to the previous buffer open | |
nmap <leader>kk :BuffergatorMruCyclePrev<cr> | |
" Go to the next buffer open | |
nmap <leader>jj :BuffergatorMruCycleNext<cr> | |
" View the entire list of buffers open | |
nmap <leader>bl :BuffergatorOpen<cr> | |
" To open a new empty buffer | |
" This replaces :tabnew which I used to bind to this mapping | |
nmap <leader>T :enew<cr> | |
" Close the current buffer and move to the previous one | |
" This replicates the idea of closing a tab | |
nmap <leader>bc :bp <BAR> bd #<cr> | |
" CLose all buffers | |
nmap <leader>bq :%bd<cr> | |
" open ag.vim | |
nnoremap <leader>a :Ag |
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