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Created October 21, 2017 19:05
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A simple scraping and analysis script to get programming language data from CurseForge projects. Includes the latest dump.

Curse Language Statistics

These are two simple Python scripts to gather some basic data about Minecraft mods on CurseForge. scrapes the project listing, while evaluates the scraped data and outputs some accumulated results. Mind you that I'm far from a Python expert, so the scripts might not be the most well written.

In order to save you the effort of scraping, I've dumped the latest 1.12 data (as of 2017-10-21) in a separate Gist.

The evaluated data is visualized in a Google Spreadsheet.

import heapq
import json
from collections import defaultdict
with open('data-1.12.json') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
stats = defaultdict(int)
grouped_lang = defaultdict(list)
grouped_license = defaultdict(int)
for p in data:
grouped_license[p["license"]] += 1
for l, ps in grouped_lang.items():
stats[l] = len(ps)
print(l + ": " + str(list(map(lambda p: p['url'], sorted(heapq.nlargest(3, ps, lambda p: p['downloads']),
key=lambda p1: -p1['downloads'])))))
for p in grouped_lang['kotlin']:
for l, ps in sorted(list(grouped_license.items()), key=lambda xs: xs[1]):
print(l + "\t" + str(ps))
import http.client
import json
import operator
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby
import heapq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from github import Github
from pybitbucket.repository import Repository
gh = Github('{MUH SECRIT}')
connection = http.client.HTTPSConnection('')
baseUrl = '/mc-mods?filter-game-version=2020709689%3A6580&filter-sort=downloads'
stats = defaultdict(int)
projectData = []
repos = 0
page = 1
nextUrl = baseUrl + "&page=1"
def inspect_github(repo_link):
global repos
repo = repo_link.replace('', '')
languages = gh.get_repo(repo).get_languages()
if len(languages) == 0:
print('No language found')
return "unknown"
used_lang = max(languages.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
repos += 1
return used_lang.lower()
except Exception:
return "failure"
def inspect_bitbucket(repo_link):
global repos
repo = repo_link.replace('', '')
result = Repository.find_repository_by_full_name(repo)
language =['language']
if len(language) != 0:
repos += 1
return lang.lower()
print('No language found')
return "unknown"
except Exception:
return "failure"
while nextUrl is not None:
connection.request('GET', nextUrl)
response = connection.getresponse()
soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')
projects ='ul.project-listing .name-wrapper a')
for project in projects:
projectUrl = project['href']
print('Inspecting ' + projectUrl)
connection.request('GET', projectUrl)
response = connection.getresponse()
projectSoup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')
menu ='.e-header-nav .e-menu a')
lang = "unknown"
for link in menu:
if "Source" not in link.string:
repoLink = link['href']
if "github" in repoLink:
lang = inspect_github(repoLink)
elif "bitbucket" in repoLink:
lang = inspect_bitbucket(repoLink)
licence = 'unknown'
downloads = 0
details ='.cf-details.project-details li')
for detail in details:
detail_label = detail.select_one('.info-label').string.strip()
if detail_label == 'Total Downloads':
downloads = int(detail.select_one('.info-data').string.replace(',', ''))
elif detail_label == 'License':
licenceLink = detail.select_one('.info-data a')
licence = licenceLink.string
if licence is None:
licence = licenceLink.select_one('span')['title']
licence = licence.strip()
notice = 'none'
if lang == 'failure':
notice = 'Failed: ' + repoLink
lang = 'unknown'
'url': '' + projectUrl,
'language': lang,
'downloads': downloads,
'license': licence,
'notice': notice
print("Done inspecting page " + str(page))
next_button = soup.select_one('.listing-header .paging-list a[rel="next"]')
if next_button is None:
nextUrl = None
nextUrl = next_button["href"]
page += 1
grouped = {}
for l, psGrouper in groupby(projectData, lambda x: x['language']):
ps = list(psGrouper)
grouped[l] = ps
for l, ps in grouped.items():
stats[l] = len(ps)
print(l + ": " + str(list(map(lambda p: p['url'], heapq.nlargest(3, ps, lambda p: p['downloads'])))))
with open('data-1.12.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(projectData, outfile, indent=4)
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