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Created August 22, 2014 14:41
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class BlockRift extends BaseBlock(Names.Blocks.Rift, Core.CreativeTab, Material.rock) with TileProvider[TileRift] with TileRendering[TileRift] {
trait TileProvider[T <: TileEntity] extends BaseBlock {
this: TileProvider[T] =>
def initTileProvider()(implicit ev: ClassTag[T]): Unit = {
_clazz = ev.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
* @param meta check if there is a TE for the given metadata
* @return true, if the supplied teClass is not null (by default)
override def hasTileEntity(meta: Int): Boolean = true
* By default, creates a new TE from the teClass
* @param world a world object
* @param meta the meta of the block to get the TE for
* @return a TileEntity instance, if hasTileEntity returns true
override def createTileEntity(world: World, meta: Int): TileEntity = _clazz.newInstance()
override def onBlockEventReceived(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, eventId: Int, eventArgument: Int): Boolean = {
val tileentity: TileEntity = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)
if (tileentity != null) tileentity.receiveClientEvent(eventId, eventArgument) else false
def tileClass = _clazz
private var _clazz: Class[T] = _
object TileRendering {
type Tile = T forSome {type T <: TileEntity}
trait TileRendering[T <: TileRenderer[Tile]] extends BaseBlock with TileProvider[Tile] {
def initTileRendering()(implicit ev: ClassTag[T]): Unit = {
if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide.isClient)
private def init(ev: ClassTag[T]): Unit = {
_clazz = ev.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
def registerRenderer(): Unit = {
val renderer = _clazz.newInstance()
ClientRegistry.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer(tileClass, renderer)
override def getRenderType: Int = -1
override def renderAsNormalBlock(): Boolean = false
override def isOpaqueCube: Boolean = false
private var _clazz: Class[T] = _
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