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Last active April 11, 2024 20:20
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  • Save marvkis/04db1cb0e29fb97a387a7c106b8eea53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marvkis/04db1cb0e29fb97a387a7c106b8eea53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build kubevirt-passt-binding plugin for ARM64/aarch64
  • Create a lxc/icinga ubuntu container, install git & docker
  • Compile kubvirt-passt-binding
git clone
cd kubevirt
# make fails
hack/dockerized ". ./hack/ ; bazel run --config=aarch64 :build-cni-passt-binding -- \${CMD_OUT_DIR}/cniplugins/kubevirt-passt-binding"
# binary is now in _out/cmd/cniplugins/kubevirt-passt-binding

The resulting binary has to be installed into /opt/cni/bin/kubevirt-passt-binding.

My compiled binary (on a rock-5b). Only for testing purposes - this is not a validated build: -> kubevirt-passt-binding.xz

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