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Forked from omnicolor/UnitTestsOnCheckin.php
Created November 4, 2013 04:06
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Save masayuki5160/7297937 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Pre-commit Subversion script that runs unit tests.
* @author Omni Adams <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2010 Digital Darkness
* Path to the ant binary.
define('ANT', '/usr/bin/ant');
* Path to the patch binary.
define('PATCH', '/usr/bin/patch');
* Path to the php binary.
define('PHP', '/usr/local/bin/php');
* Path to the svn binary.
define('SVN', '/usr/bin/svn');
* Path to svnlook binary.
define('SVNLOOK', '/usr/bin/svnlook');
* Divider to inject into error messages.
* Run unit tests for the repository.
* If any unit tests fail, write the failure information
* to standard error and return true.
* @param string $transaction SVN transaction ID.
* @param string $repository Full path to the repository.
* @return boolen True if there was an error.
function runUnitTests($transaction, $repository) {
// Check out the latest from the repository into a
// temporary directory.
$fullRepoUrl = 'file:///' . $repository . '/trunk';
$workingDirectory = '/tmp/svn-precommit/'
. $transaction;
mkdir($workingDirectory, 0700, true);
exec(SVN . ' co "' . $fullRepoUrl . '" '
. $workingDirectory);
// Pull a patch of files changed from the transaction.
$diffCommand = SVNLOOK . ' diff -t "' . $transaction
. '" "' . $repository . '"';
$diffOutput = array();
exec($diffCommand, $diffOutput);
$diff = implode(PHP_EOL, $diffOutput);
file_put_contents($workingDirectory . '/patch',
// Apply the patch to a fresh copy of the repository.
exec(PATCH . ' < ' . $workingDirectory . '/patch');
// Run the test target.
$output = array();
exec(ANT . ' test 2> /dev/null', $output);
$output = implode(PHP_EOL, $output);
if (false === strpos($output, 'FAILURES')) {
// Build passed!
return false;
// Clean up the output a little bit before displaying
// it to the user.
$output = str_replace(array(' [exec]',
$workingDirectory), '', $output);
. 'Unit tests failed. Fix the unit tests before '
. 'submitting.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $output;
file_put_contents('php://stderr', $output);
return true;
$repository = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
$transaction = $_SERVER['argv'][2];
if (runUnitTests($transaction, $repository)) {
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