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Created April 18, 2017 11:17
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# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2010-2016
# All rights reserved
# Licensed under Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE)
As of zookeeper 3.4.0, the `mntr` admin command is provided for easy parsing of zookeeper stats.
This check first parses the `stat` admin command for a version number.
If the zookeeper version supports `mntr`, it is also parsed.
Duplicate information is being reported by both `mntr` and `stat` to keep backwards compatability.
`stat` reports: zookeeper.latency.avg
`mntr` reports: zookeeper.avg.latency
If available, make use of the data reported by `mntr` not `stat`.
The duplicate `stat` reports are only kept for backward compatability.
Besides the usual zookeeper state of `leader`, `follower`, `observer` and `standalone`,
this check will report three other states:
`down`: the check cannot connect to zookeeper
`inactive`: the zookeeper instance has lost connection to the cluster
`unknown`: an unexpected error has occured in this check
States can be accessed through the gauge `zookeeper.instances.<state>,
through the set `zookeeper.instances`, or through the `mode:<state>` tag.
Parses the response from zookeeper's `stat` admin command, which looks like:
Zookeeper version: 3.2.2--1, built on 03/16/2010 07:31 GMT
Latency min/avg/max: -10/0/20007
Received: 101032173
Sent: 0
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0x1034799c7
Mode: leader
Node count: 487
`stat` tested with Zookeeper versions 3.0.0 to 3.4.5
The following is an example of the `mntr` commands output:
zk_version 3.4.5-cdh4.4.0--1, built on 09/04/2013 01:46 GMT
zk_avg_latency 0
zk_max_latency 0
zk_min_latency 0
zk_packets_received 4
zk_packets_sent 3
zk_num_alive_connections 1
zk_outstanding_requests 0
zk_server_state standalone
zk_znode_count 4
zk_watch_count 0
zk_ephemerals_count 0
zk_approximate_data_size 27
zk_open_file_descriptor_count 29
zk_max_file_descriptor_count 4096
`mntr` tested with ZooKeeper 3.4.5
# stdlib
from collections import defaultdict
from distutils.version import LooseVersion # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from StringIO import StringIO
import re
import socket
import struct
# project
from checks import AgentCheck
class ZKConnectionFailure(Exception):
""" Raised when we are unable to connect or get the output of a command. """
class ZKMetric(tuple):
A Zookeeper metric.
Tuple with an optional metric type (default is 'gauge').
def __new__(cls, name, value, m_type="gauge"):
return super(ZKMetric, cls).__new__(cls, [name, value, m_type])
class ZookeeperCheck(AgentCheck):
ZooKeeper AgentCheck.
Parse content from `stat` and `mntr`(if available) commmands to retrieve health cluster metrics.
# example match:
# "Zookeeper version: 3.4.10-39d3a4f269333c922ed3db283be479f9deacaa0f, built on 03/23/2017 10:13 GMT"
version_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)')
SOURCE_TYPE_NAME = 'zookeeper'
# `mntr` information to report as `rate`
_MNTR_RATES = set(
def check(self, instance):
host = instance.get('host', 'localhost')
port = int(instance.get('port', 2181))
timeout = float(instance.get('timeout', 3.0))
expected_mode = (instance.get('expected_mode') or '').strip()
tags = instance.get('tags', [])
cx_args = (host, port, timeout)
sc_tags = ["host:{0}".format(host), "port:{0}".format(port)] + list(set(tags))
hostname = self.hostname
report_instance_mode = instance.get("report_instance_mode", True)
zk_version = None # parse_stat will parse and set version string
# Send a service check based on the `ruok` response.
# Set instance status to down if not ok.
ruok_out = self._send_command('ruok', *cx_args)
except ZKConnectionFailure:
# The server should not respond at all if it's not OK.
status = AgentCheck.CRITICAL
message = 'No response from `ruok` command'
if report_instance_mode:
self.report_instance_mode(hostname, 'down', tags)
ruok = ruok_out.readline()
if ruok == 'imok':
status = AgentCheck.OK
status = AgentCheck.WARNING
message = u'Response from the server: %s' % ruok
'zookeeper.ruok', status, message=message, tags=sc_tags
# Read metrics from the `stat` output.
stat_out = self._send_command('stat', *cx_args)
except ZKConnectionFailure:
if report_instance_mode:
self.report_instance_mode(hostname, 'down', tags)
except Exception as e:
if report_instance_mode:
self.report_instance_mode(hostname, 'unknown', tags)
# Parse the response
metrics, new_tags, mode, zk_version = self.parse_stat(stat_out)
# Write the data
if mode != 'inactive':
for metric, value, m_type in metrics:
submit_metric = getattr(self, m_type)
submit_metric(metric, value, tags=tags + new_tags)
if report_instance_mode:
self.report_instance_mode(hostname, mode, tags)
if expected_mode:
if mode == expected_mode:
status = AgentCheck.OK
message = u"Server is in %s mode" % mode
status = AgentCheck.CRITICAL
message = u"Server is in %s mode but check expects %s mode"\
% (mode, expected_mode)
self.service_check('zookeeper.mode', status, message=message,
# Read metrics from the `mntr` output
if zk_version and LooseVersion(zk_version) > LooseVersion("3.4.0"):
mntr_out = self._send_command('mntr', *cx_args)
except ZKConnectionFailure:
if report_instance_mode:
self.report_instance_mode(hostname, 'down', tags)
except Exception as e:
if report_instance_mode:
self.report_instance_mode(hostname, 'unknown', tags)
metrics, mode = self.parse_mntr(mntr_out)
mode_tag = "mode:%s" % mode
if mode != 'inactive':
for metric, value, m_type in metrics:
submit_metric = getattr(self, m_type)
submit_metric(metric, value, tags=tags + [mode_tag])
if report_instance_mode:
self.report_instance_mode(hostname, mode, tags)
def report_instance_mode(self, hostname, mode, tags):
gauges = defaultdict(int)
if mode not in self.STATUS_TYPES:
mode = "unknown"
tags = tags + ['mode:%s' % mode]
self.set('zookeeper.instances', hostname, tags=tags)
gauges[mode] = 1
for k, v in gauges.iteritems():
gauge_name = 'zookeeper.instances.%s' % k
self.gauge(gauge_name, v)
def _send_command(self, command, host, port, timeout):
sock = socket.socket()
buf = StringIO()
chunk_size = 1024
# try-finally and try-except to stay compatible with python 2.4
# Connect to the zk client port and send the stat command
sock.connect((host, port))
# Read the response into a StringIO buffer
chunk = sock.recv(chunk_size)
num_reads = 1
max_reads = 10000
while chunk:
if num_reads > max_reads:
# Safeguard against an infinite loop
raise Exception("Read %s bytes before exceeding max reads of %s. "
% (buf.tell(), max_reads))
chunk = sock.recv(chunk_size)
num_reads += 1
except (socket.timeout, socket.error):
raise ZKConnectionFailure()
return buf
def parse_stat(self, buf):
''' `buf` is a readable file-like object
returns a tuple: (metrics, tags, mode, version)
metrics = []
# Check the version line to make sure we parse the rest of the
# body correctly. Particularly, the Connections val was added in
# >= 3.4.4.
start_line = buf.readline()
match =
if match is None:
return (None, None, "inactive", None)
raise Exception("Could not parse version from stat command output: %s" % start_line)
version =
has_connections_val = LooseVersion(version) > LooseVersion("3.4.4")
# Clients:
buf.readline() # skip the Clients: header
connections = 0
client_line = buf.readline().strip()
if client_line:
connections += 1
while client_line:
client_line = buf.readline().strip()
if client_line:
connections += 1
# Latency min/avg/max: -10/0/20007
_, value = buf.readline().split(':')
l_min, l_avg, l_max = [int(v) for v in value.strip().split('/')]
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.latency.min', l_min))
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.latency.avg', l_avg))
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.latency.max', l_max))
# Received: 101032173
_, value = buf.readline().split(':')
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.bytes_received', long(value.strip())))
# Sent: 1324
_, value = buf.readline().split(':')
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.bytes_sent', long(value.strip())))
if has_connections_val:
# Connections: 1
_, value = buf.readline().split(':')
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.connections', int(value.strip())))
# If the zk version doesnt explicitly give the Connections val,
# use the value we computed from the client list.
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.connections', connections))
# Outstanding: 0
_, value = buf.readline().split(':')
# Fixme: This metric name is wrong. It should be removed in a major version of the agent
# See
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.bytes_outstanding', long(value.strip())))
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.outstanding_requests', long(value.strip())))
# Zxid: 0x1034799c7
_, value = buf.readline().split(':')
# Parse as a 64 bit hex int
zxid = long(value.strip(), 16)
# convert to bytes
zxid_bytes = struct.pack('>q', zxid)
# the higher order 4 bytes is the epoch
(zxid_epoch,) = struct.unpack('>i', zxid_bytes[0:4])
# the lower order 4 bytes is the count
(zxid_count,) = struct.unpack('>i', zxid_bytes[4:8])
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.zxid.epoch', zxid_epoch))
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.zxid.count', zxid_count))
# Mode: leader
_, value = buf.readline().split(':')
mode = value.strip().lower()
tags = [u'mode:' + mode]
# Node count: 487
_, value = buf.readline().split(':')
metrics.append(ZKMetric('zookeeper.nodes', long(value.strip())))
return metrics, tags, mode, version
def parse_mntr(self, buf):
Parse `mntr` command's content.
`buf` is a readable file-like object
Returns: a tuple (metrics, mode)
if mode == 'inactive', metrics will be None
first = buf.readline() # First is version string or error
if first == 'This ZooKeeper instance is not currently serving requests':
return (None, 'inactive')
metrics = []
mode = 'inactive'
for line in buf:
key, value = line.split()
if key == "zk_server_state":
mode = value.lower()
metric_name = self._normalize_metric_label(key)
metric_type = "rate" if key in self._MNTR_RATES else "gauge"
metric_value = int(value)
metrics.append(ZKMetric(metric_name, metric_value, metric_type))
except ValueError:
u"Cannot format `mntr` value. key={key}, value{value}".format(
key=key, value=value
except Exception:
u"Unexpected exception occurred while parsing `mntr` command content:\n"
return (metrics, mode)
def _normalize_metric_label(self, key):
if re.match('zk', key):
key = key.replace('zk', 'zookeeper', 1)
return key.replace('_', '.', 1)
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