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Created June 1, 2013 13:45
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package Redis::Custom;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Redis::Custom->setup_custom_command( $redis, 'sjaccardstore', $lua_script, 1 );
sub setup_custom_command {
my ($package, $redis, $command_name, $lua_script, $key_count, @binded_values) = @_;
my ($sha1) = $redis->script_load( $lua_script );
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
*{ "Redis::$command_name" } = sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->evalsha( $sha1, $key_count, @binded_values, @_ );
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin::libs;
use Benchmark qw/:hireswallclock :all/;
use Test::RedisServer;
use Redis;
use Redis::SJaccardStore;
my $server = Test::RedisServer->new;
my $redis = Redis->new( $server->connect_info );
my ($keys, $scard) = @ARGV;
sub prepare {
for my $key (1..$keys) {
for (1..$scard) {
$redis->sadd( "u:$key" => int( rand() * $scard ) );
Redis::SJaccardStore->setup( $redis );
sub sunion {
for (my $index = 1; ($index < $keys); $index++ ) {
$redis->sunion( "u:1" => "u:$index" );
sub sinter {
for (my $index = 1; ($index < $keys); $index++ ) {
$redis->sinter( "u:1" => "u:$index" );
sub jaccard {
for (my $index = 1; ($index < $keys); $index++ ) {
# $redis->sinter( "u:1" => "u:$index" );
my @inter = $redis->sinter( "u:1" => "u:$index" );
my @union = $redis->sunion( "u:1" => "u:$index" );
my $jaccard = ((scalar @inter) || (scalar @union)) ? (scalar @inter) / (scalar @union)
: 0;
$redis->zadd( "j:u:1" => $jaccard => "u:$index" );
sub lua {
for (my $index = 1; ($index < $keys); $index++ ) {
$redis->sjaccardstore( "j:u:1", "u:1", "u:$index", "u:$index" );
printf( "env: %d sets, %d members for each set\n", $keys, $scard );
my $r = timethese( 0, {
sunion => \&sunion,
sinter => \&sinter,
jaccard => \&jaccard,
lua => \&lua,
# use wallclock time
for my $v (values %$r) {
$v->[1] = $v->[3] = $v->[0];
$v->[2] = $v->[4] = 0;
perl-5.12.4 1.961
redis 2.6.1
Rhodos% perl script/benchmarks/ 100 10
env: 100 sets, 10 members for each set
Benchmark: running jaccard, lua, sinter, sunion for at least 3 CPU seconds...
jaccard: 3.35703 wallclock secs ( 2.94 usr + 0.17 sys = 3.11 CPU) @ 25.40/s (n=79)
lua: 5.08822 wallclock secs ( 2.83 usr + 0.33 sys = 3.16 CPU) @ 131.65/s (n=416)
sinter: 3.22002 wallclock secs ( 2.84 usr + 0.16 sys = 3.00 CPU) @ 73.33/s (n=220)
sunion: 3.15851 wallclock secs ( 2.90 usr + 0.12 sys = 3.02 CPU) @ 53.31/s (n=161)
Rate jaccard sunion sinter lua
jaccard 11.8/s -- -54% -66% -71%
sunion 25.5/s 117% -- -25% -38%
sinter 34.2/s 190% 34% -- -16%
lua 40.9/s 247% 60% 20% --
Rhodos% perl script/benchmarks/ 100 100
env: 100 sets, 100 members for each set
Benchmark: running jaccard, lua, sinter, sunion for at least 3 CPU seconds...
jaccard: 3.41807 wallclock secs ( 2.96 usr + 0.05 sys = 3.01 CPU) @ 4.65/s (n=14)
lua: 8.35508 wallclock secs ( 2.83 usr + 0.31 sys = 3.14 CPU) @ 132.48/s (n=416)
sinter: 3.50854 wallclock secs ( 3.04 usr + 0.04 sys = 3.08 CPU) @ 15.26/s (n=47)
sunion: 3.24783 wallclock secs ( 2.97 usr + 0.04 sys = 3.01 CPU) @ 7.64/s (n=23)
Rate jaccard sunion sinter lua
jaccard 2.05/s -- -42% -69% -92%
sunion 3.54/s 73% -- -47% -86%
sinter 6.70/s 227% 89% -- -73%
lua 24.9/s 1116% 603% 272% --
Rhodos% perl script/benchmarks/ 100 1000
env: 100 sets, 1000 members for each set
Benchmark: running jaccard, lua, sinter, sunion for at least 3 CPU seconds...
jaccard: 3.84865 wallclock secs ( 3.66 usr + 0.02 sys = 3.68 CPU) @ 0.54/s (n=2)
(warning: too few iterations for a reliable count)
lua: 47.3268 wallclock secs ( 2.92 usr + 0.39 sys = 3.31 CPU) @ 85.50/s (n=283)
sinter: 3.55866 wallclock secs ( 3.36 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.37 CPU) @ 1.78/s (n=6)
sunion: 3.7364 wallclock secs ( 3.58 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.58 CPU) @ 0.84/s (n=3)
(warning: too few iterations for a reliable count)
s/iter jaccard sunion sinter lua
jaccard 3.85 -- -35% -69% -91%
sunion 2.49 55% -- -52% -87%
sinter 1.19 224% 110% -- -72%
lua 0.334 1051% 645% 255% --
package Redis::SJaccardStore;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Redis::Custom;
use Data::Section::Simple qw(get_data_section);
# SJACCARDSTORE( destination1, set1, set2, member1 )
# $jaccard = SINTER( set1, set2 ) / SUNION( set1, set2 )
# ZADD( destination1, $jaccard, member1 )
# SJACCARDSTOREBOTHWAYS( destination1, destination2, set1, set2, member1, member2 )
# $jaccard = SINTER( set1, set2 ) / SUNION( set1, set2 )
# ZADD( destination1, $jaccard, member1 )
# ZADD( destination2, $jaccard, member2 )
sub setup {
my ($package, $redis) = @_;
my $common = get_data_section( 'common.lua' );
my $sjaccardstore = get_data_section( 'sjaccardstore.lua' );
my $sjaccardstorebothways = get_data_section( 'sjaccardstorebothways.lua' );
Redis::Custom->setup_custom_command( $redis,
join( "\n",
$sjaccardstore ),
0 );
Redis::Custom->setup_custom_command( $redis,
join( "\n",
$sjaccardstorebothways ),
0 );
@@ common.lua
-- sjaccardstore( 'j:sim:u:1', 'sim:u:1', 'sim:u:2', 'u:2' )
local function sjaccardstore( destination1, set1, set2, member1 )
local sinter_count = 0
local sunion_count = 0
-- minimize scope for tables
local sinter = 'sinter', set1, set2 )
sinter_count = #sinter
local sunion = 'sunion', set1, set2 )
sunion_count = #sunion
local jaccard = 0
if sunion_count ~= 0 then
jaccard = sinter_count / sunion_count
if jaccard ~= 0 then 'zadd', destination1, jaccard, member1 )
else 'zrem', destination1, member1 )
-- lua number converts to redis integers
-- we want float, so return string
return jaccard
@@ sjaccardstore.lua
return tostring( sjaccardstore( ARGV[1], ARGV[2], ARGV[3], ARGV[4] ) )
@@ sjaccardstorebothways.lua
-- sjaccardstorebothways( 'j:sim:u:1', 'j:sim:u:2', 'sim:u:1', 'sim:u:2', 'u:2', 'u:1' )
local function sjaccardstorebothways( destination1, destination2, set1, set2, member1, member2 )
local jaccard = sjaccardstore( destination1, set1, set2, member1 )
if jaccard ~= 0 then 'zadd', destination2, jaccard, member2 )
else 'zrem', destination2, member2 )
return jaccard
return tostring( sjaccardstorebothways( ARGV[1], ARGV[2], ARGV[3], ARGV[4], ARGV[5], ARGV[6] ) )
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