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A* search in Java and Ada
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
-- compile it: (small) | |
-- gnatmake -O2 astar.adb -bargs -largs -s | |
-- (normal) | |
-- gnatmake astar.adb | |
-- run in cmd (not powershell) | |
-- type input.txt | astar.exe | |
-- using powershell: | |
-- Invoke-command "gnatmake astar.adb && type input.txt | astar.exe" | |
-- or simply run: | |
-- build-run.bat | |
-- or | |
-- build_run.ps1 | |
-- or | |
-- | |
-- to clean folder: gnatclean | |
with Ada.Text_IO; | |
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; | |
with Ada.Containers; | |
with Ada.Strings.Hash; | |
with Ada.Containers.Vectors; | |
with graphs; | |
procedure astar is | |
package tio renames Ada.Text_IO; | |
package nio renames Ada.Integer_Text_IO; | |
type Dimension is range 1 .. 10; | |
subtype Risk_level is Integer range 1 .. 10; | |
type Risk_Map is array(Dimension, Dimension) of Risk_level; | |
type Dir is (Up, Left, Down, Right); | |
type Coord is record | |
x, y: Dimension; | |
risk: Risk_level; | |
end record; | |
function "=" (c1, c2: in Coord) return Boolean is | |
(c1.x = c2.x and c1.y = c2.y and c1.risk = c2.risk); | |
function Cycle(c: in Coord) return Boolean is (false); | |
function To_String(c: in Coord) return String is | |
("((" & c.x'image & ',' & c.y'image & ") =>" & c.risk'image & ')'); | |
function Hash(c: in Coord) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is | |
(Ada.Strings.Hash(To_String(c))); | |
cave: Risk_Map := (others => (others => 1)); | |
package Move_Graph is new Graphs | |
(Index_Type => Positive, Node_Type => Coord, Is_Cycle => Cycle); | |
package mg renames Move_Graph; | |
cave_graph: mg.Graph; | |
procedure Read_Map is | |
line: String(1..11); | |
length: Natural; | |
last: Positive; | |
begin | |
for I in Dimension loop | |
begin | |
tio.Get_Line(line, length); | |
exception | |
when tio.Data_Error => exit; | |
when tio.End_Error => exit; | |
end; | |
exit when length = 0 or length > Integer(Dimension'last); | |
for J in Dimension loop | |
nio.Get(line(Integer(J)) & "", cave(I, J), last); | |
end loop; | |
end loop; | |
end Read_Map; | |
procedure Populate_Graph is | |
edge: mg.Edge; | |
co1, co2: Coord; | |
begin | |
for I in Dimension loop | |
for J in Dimension loop | |
co1 := (I, J, cave(I, J)); | |
mg.Add(cave_graph, co1); | |
if Integer(I) - 1 >= Integer(Dimension'first) then | |
co2 := (I-1, J, cave(I-1, J)); | |
edge := (co1, co2); | |
mg.Add(cave_graph, co2); | |
mg.Add(cave_graph, edge); | |
end if; | |
if Integer(I) + 1 <= Integer(Dimension'last) then | |
co2 := (I+1, J, cave(I+1, J)); | |
edge := (co1, co2); | |
mg.Add(cave_graph, co2); | |
mg.Add(cave_graph, edge); | |
end if; | |
if Integer(J) - 1 >= Integer(Dimension'first) then | |
co2 := (I, J-1, cave(I, J-1)); | |
edge := (co1, co2); | |
mg.Add(cave_graph, co2); | |
mg.Add(cave_graph, edge); | |
end if; | |
if Integer(J) + 1 <= Integer(Dimension'last) then | |
co2 := (I, J+1, cave(I, J+1)); | |
edge := (co1, co2); | |
mg.Add(cave_graph, co2); | |
mg.Add(cave_graph, edge); | |
end if; | |
end loop; | |
end loop; | |
end; | |
start_Node : Coord; | |
end_Node : Coord; | |
paths: mg.nv.Vector; | |
function Zero_Cost return Integer is (0); | |
function Cost(c1, c2: in Coord) return Integer is (c2.risk); | |
function Distance(c1, c2: in Coord) return Integer is | |
(abs(Integer(c1.x) - Integer(c2.x)) + abs(Integer(c1.y) - Integer(c2.y))); | |
function Dijkstra_search is new mg.Uniform_Search | |
(Cost_Type => Natural); | |
function A_star is new mg.A_Star_Search | |
(Cost_Type => Natural); | |
begin | |
Read_Map; | |
start_Node := (Dimension'first, Dimension'first, | |
cave(Dimension'first, Dimension'first)); | |
end_Node := (Dimension'last, Dimension'last, | |
cave(Dimension'last, Dimension'last)); | |
Populate_Graph; | |
for I in Dimension loop | |
for J in Dimension loop | |
tio.Put(cave(I, J)'image); | |
end loop; | |
tio.New_Line; | |
end loop; | |
for C in cave_graph.nodes.Iterate loop | |
tio.Put(To_String(mg.Nodes_vector.Element(C)) & ", "); | |
end loop; | |
tio.Put_Line("The total nodes are" & Integer(cave_graph.nodes.Length)'image); | |
declare | |
edge: mg.Edge; | |
begin | |
for E in cave_graph.edges.Iterate loop | |
edge := mg.Edges_vector.Element(E); | |
tio.Put_Line(To_String(edge.Node1) & " => " & To_String(edge.Node2)); | |
end loop; | |
end; | |
tio.Put_Line ("The total edges are" & Integer(cave_graph.edges.Length)'image); | |
tio.Put_Line("A_Star_Search"); | |
paths := A_Star(cave_graph, start_Node, end_Node); | |
declare | |
total_cost: Natural := 0; | |
begin | |
for V in paths.Iterate loop | |
tio.Put_Line(To_String(paths(V))); | |
if mg.nv.To_Index(V) /= paths.First_Index then | |
total_cost := total_cost + paths(V).risk; | |
end if; | |
end loop; | |
tio.Put_Line("The total risk path is" & total_cost'image); | |
total_cost := 0; | |
tio.New_Line; | |
tio.Put_Line("Dijkstra_search"); | |
paths := Dijkstra_search(cave_graph, start_Node, end_Node); | |
for V in paths.Iterate loop | |
tio.Put_Line(To_String(paths(V))); | |
if mg.nv.To_Index(V) /= paths.First_Index then | |
total_cost := total_cost + paths(V).risk; | |
end if; | |
end loop; | |
tio.Put_Line("The total risk path is" & total_cost'image); | |
end; | |
end astar; |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
import; | |
import; | |
import java.util.ArrayList; | |
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; | |
import; | |
/* | |
Compile and run: | |
$ javac *.java | |
$ java AstarMain < input.txt | |
or simply: | |
build-run-java.bat | |
or: | |
build_run_java.ps1 | |
*/ | |
class CoordCost implements Comparable<CoordCost>, Addable<CoordCost>, Copyable<CoordCost> { | |
int value; | |
public int compareTo(CoordCost other) { | |
return, other.value); | |
} | |
CoordCost(int value) { | |
this.value = value; | |
} | |
public void addFrom(CoordCost other) { | |
this.value += other.value; | |
} | |
public String toString() { | |
return String.format("%3d", value); | |
} | |
public CoordCost copy() { | |
return new CoordCost(value); | |
} | |
static final CoordCost zeroCost = new CoordCost(0); | |
} | |
class Coord implements Cycleable, Comparable<Coord>, Costable<Coord, CoordCost> { | |
int x, y; | |
CoordCost risk; | |
public Coord(int x, int y, CoordCost risk) { | |
this.x = x; | |
this.y = y; | |
this.risk = risk; | |
} | |
public CoordCost zeroCost() { return new CoordCost(0); } | |
public CoordCost cost(Coord otherVertex) { | |
return otherVertex.risk; | |
} | |
public boolean isCycle() { return false; } | |
public int compareTo(Coord other) { | |
if (x == other.x && y == other.y && risk.compareTo(other.risk) == 0) { | |
return 0; | |
} else if (x < other.x || y < other.y || risk.compareTo(other.risk) < 0) { | |
return -1; | |
} else { | |
return 1; | |
} | |
} | |
public CoordCost distanceTo(Coord targetVertex) { | |
return new CoordCost( | |
Math.abs(x - targetVertex.x) + | |
Math.abs(y - targetVertex.y)); | |
} | |
public String toString() { | |
return String.format("((%2d, %2d) => %2d)", x, y, risk.value); | |
} | |
} | |
public class AstarMain { | |
public static void main(String[] args) { | |
var maplist = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Coord>>(); | |
var buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; | |
var atomicj = new AtomicInteger(1); | |
var atomici = new AtomicInteger(1); | |
var graph = new Graph<Coord, CoordCost>(); | |
try { | |
while(true) { | |
var s = buf.readLine(); | |
if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) break; | |
var row = s. | |
chars(). | |
mapToObj(c -> new Coord( | |
atomici.get(), | |
atomicj.getAndIncrement(), | |
new CoordCost(c - '0'))). | |
collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList<Coord>::new)); | |
atomicj.set(1); | |
atomici.incrementAndGet(); | |
maplist.add(row); | |
} | |
} catch(Exception e) { | |
e.printStackTrace(); | |
} | |
for (var i = 0; i < maplist.size(); i++) { | |
var row = maplist.get(i); | |
for (var j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) { | |
System.out.print(row.get(j).risk.value); | |
} | |
System.out.println(); | |
} | |
populateGraph(graph, maplist); | |
/* | |
for (var node : graph.nodes.toArray(Coord[]::new)) { | |
System.out.println(node); | |
} | |
*/ | |
System.out.println("edges length: " + graph.edges.size()); | |
var count = 1; | |
for (var edge : graph.edges.toArray(Graph.Edge[]::new)) { | |
System.out.printf("edge %3d %s\n", count++, edge); | |
} | |
System.out.println(); | |
var start = maplist.get(0).get(0); | |
var end = maplist.get(maplist.size()-1).get(maplist.get(0).size()-1); | |
var paths = graph.AStar(start, end); | |
System.out.println("\ntotal path nodes: " + paths.size()); | |
System.out.println("AStar:"); | |
for (var node : paths.toArray(Coord[]::new)) { | |
System.out.println(node); | |
} | |
var total = 0; | |
for (var i = 1; i < paths.size(); i++) { | |
total += paths.get(i).risk.value; | |
} | |
System.out.println("Total risk: " + total); | |
} | |
static void populateGraph(Graph<Coord, CoordCost> graph, | |
ArrayList<ArrayList<Coord>> maplist) | |
{ | |
var colsize = maplist.size(); | |
for (var y = 0; y < colsize; y++) { | |
var rowsize = maplist.get(y).size(); | |
for (var x = 0; x < rowsize; x++) { | |
graph.addVertex(maplist.get(y).get(x)); | |
if (x - 1 >= 0) { | |
graph.addVertex(maplist.get(y).get(x-1)); | |
graph.addEdge(maplist.get(y).get(x), maplist.get(y).get(x-1)); | |
} | |
if (x + 1 < rowsize) { | |
graph.addVertex(maplist.get(y).get(x+1)); | |
graph.addEdge(maplist.get(y).get(x), maplist.get(y).get(x+1)); | |
} | |
if (y - 1 >= 0) { | |
graph.addVertex(maplist.get(y-1).get(x)); | |
graph.addEdge(maplist.get(y).get(x), maplist.get(y-1).get(x)); | |
} | |
if (y + 1 < rowsize) { | |
graph.addVertex(maplist.get(y+1).get(x)); | |
graph.addEdge(maplist.get(y).get(x), maplist.get(y+1).get(x)); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
javac *.java | |
java AstarMain < input.txt |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
gnatmake astar.adb | |
type input.txt | astar.exe |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
Invoke-command 'gnatmake astar.adb && type input.txt | astar.exe' |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
gnatmake astar.adb | |
./astar < input.txt |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
Invoke-command "javac *.java && java AstarMain < input.txt" |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
javac *.java | |
java AstarMain < input.txt |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
with Ada.Text_IO; | |
with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps; | |
with Ada.Containers.Synchronized_Queue_Interfaces; | |
with Ada.Containers.Unbounded_Priority_Queues; | |
package body graphs is | |
package tio renames Ada.Text_IO; | |
function "="(E1, E2: in Edge) return Boolean is | |
((E1.Node1 = E2.Node1 and E1.Node2 = E2.Node2) or | |
(E1.Node1 = E2.Node2 and E1.Node2 = E2.Node1)); | |
function Nodes(g: in Graph) return nv.Vector is (g.nodes); | |
function Edges(g: in Graph) return ev.Vector is (g.edges); | |
procedure Add(g: in out Graph; V: in Node_Type) is | |
begin | |
if g.nodes.Contains(V) then return; end if; | |
g.nodes.Append(V); | |
end Add; | |
procedure Add(g: in out Graph; E: in Edge) is | |
begin | |
if g.edges.Contains(E) then return; end if; | |
g.edges.Append(E); | |
end Add; | |
function Contains(g: in Graph; V: in Node_Type) return Boolean is | |
(g.nodes.Contains(V)); | |
function Contains(g: in Graph; E: in Edge) return Boolean is | |
(g.edges.Contains(E)); | |
function Contains(E: in Edge; V: in Node_Type) return Boolean is | |
(V = E.Node1 or V = E.Node2); | |
function Neighbors(g: in Graph; V: in Node_Type) return nv.Vector is | |
acc: nv.Vector; | |
begin | |
for I in g.edges.First_Index .. g.edges.Last_Index loop | |
if Contains(g.edges(I), V) then | |
acc.Append(neighbor(g.edges(I), V)); | |
end if; | |
end loop; | |
return acc; | |
end Neighbors; | |
function Neighbor(E: in Edge; V: in Node_Type) return Node_Type is | |
begin | |
if V = E.Node1 then | |
return E.Node2; | |
else | |
return E.Node1; | |
end if; | |
end Neighbor; | |
procedure Trail(Vs: in nv.Vector; prompt: String := "") is | |
begin | |
if prompt /= "" then | |
tio.Put_Line(prompt); | |
end if; | |
tio.Put(" "); | |
for I in Vs.First_Index .. Vs.Last_Index loop | |
tio.Put(To_String(Vs(I)) & ", "); | |
end loop; | |
tio.New_Line; | |
end Trail; | |
function Paths(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type) | |
return Paths_Vector.Vector is | |
result: Paths_Vector.Vector; | |
function In_Path(Goal, V: in Node_Type; state: in out nv.Vector) return Boolean is | |
nextbound : nv.Vector; | |
visiting : Node_Type; | |
begin | |
state.Append(v); | |
if V = Goal then | |
if not result.Contains(state) then | |
result.Append(state); | |
end if; | |
state.Delete_Last; | |
return true; | |
end if; | |
nextbound := Neighbors(g, V); | |
for I in nextbound.First_Index .. nextbound.Last_Index loop | |
visiting := nextbound(I); | |
if visiting /= V and (not state.Contains(visiting) or Is_Cycle(visiting)) then | |
if not In_Path(Goal, visiting, state) then | |
state.Delete_Last; | |
end if; | |
end if; | |
end loop; | |
return false; | |
end In_Path; | |
Unused: Boolean; | |
state: nv.Vector; | |
begin | |
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then return result; end if; | |
Unused := In_Path(V_end, V_start, state); | |
return result; | |
end Paths; | |
package Node_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps | |
(Element_Type => Node_Type, Key_Type => Node_Type, | |
Hash => Hash, Equivalent_Keys => "="); | |
package nm renames Node_Maps; | |
function Traceback (V_start, V_end: in Node_Type; path : in nm.Map) return nv.Vector is | |
result : nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector; | |
current : Node_Type; | |
begin | |
current := V_end; | |
loop | |
result.Append(current); | |
exit when current = V_start; | |
if not path.Contains(current) then return nv.Empty_Vector; end if; | |
current := path(current); | |
end loop; | |
result.Reverse_Elements; | |
return result; | |
end Traceback; | |
function Breadth_Search(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type) | |
return nv.Vector is | |
visited: nm.Map := nm.Empty_Map; | |
visiting: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector; | |
next_visit: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector; | |
node, next_node: Node_Type; | |
found_goal: Boolean := false; | |
procedure Traverse_Path is | |
begin | |
visited.Include(V_start, V_start); | |
visiting.Append(V_start); | |
loop | |
exit when Integer(visiting.Length) = 0; | |
node := visiting.First_Element; | |
visiting.Delete_First; | |
next_visit := Neighbors(g, node); | |
for N in next_visit.Iterate loop | |
next_node := next_visit(N); | |
if next_node = V_end then found_goal := true; end if; | |
if not visited.Contains(next_node) or Is_Cycle(next_node) then | |
visiting.Append(next_node); | |
visited.Include(next_node, node); | |
end if; | |
exit when found_goal; | |
end loop; | |
exit when found_goal; | |
end loop; | |
end Traverse_Path; | |
begin | |
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then | |
return nv.Empty_Vector; | |
end if; | |
Traverse_Path; | |
return Traceback(V_start, V_end, visited); | |
end Breadth_Search; | |
function Uniform_Search(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type) | |
return nv.Vector is | |
type Node_Priority_Cost is record | |
node: Node_Type; | |
cost: Cost_Type; | |
end record; | |
function Get_Priority(el: Node_Priority_Cost) return Cost_Type is | |
(el.cost); | |
package Node_Priority_Interface is new Ada.Containers.Synchronized_Queue_Interfaces | |
(Element_Type => Node_Priority_Cost); | |
package Node_Priority is new Ada.Containers.Unbounded_Priority_Queues | |
(Queue_Interfaces => Node_Priority_Interface, Queue_Priority => Cost_Type, | |
Before => "<"); | |
package np renames Node_Priority; | |
package Node_Cost is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps | |
(Key_Type => Node_Type, Element_Type => Cost_Type, Hash => Hash, | |
Equivalent_Keys => "="); | |
package nc renames Node_Cost; | |
visited: nm.Map := nm.Empty_Map; | |
visiting: np.Queue; | |
next_visit: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector; | |
node, next_node: Node_Type; | |
cost_so_far: nc.Map := nc.Empty_Map; | |
found_goal: Boolean := false; | |
new_cost : Cost_Type := Zero_Cost; | |
node_cost_of_priority : Node_Priority_Cost; | |
begin | |
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then | |
return nv.Empty_Vector; | |
end if; | |
cost_so_far.Include(V_start, Zero_Cost); | |
visited.Include(V_start, V_start); | |
visiting.Enqueue((V_start, Zero_Cost)); | |
loop select | |
visiting.Dequeue(node_cost_of_priority); | |
node := node_cost_of_priority.node; | |
exit when node = V_end; | |
next_visit := Neighbors(g, node); | |
for N in next_visit.Iterate loop | |
next_node := next_visit(N); | |
if cost_so_far.Contains(node) then | |
new_cost := cost_so_far(node); | |
end if; | |
new_cost := new_cost + Cost(node, next_node); | |
--tio.Put_Line("new_cost:" & new_cost'image); | |
if not visited.Contains(next_node) then | |
if not cost_so_far.Contains(next_node) then | |
cost_so_far.Include(next_node, new_cost); | |
elsif cost_so_far.Contains(next_node) and new_cost < cost_so_far(next_node) then | |
cost_so_far(next_node) := new_cost; | |
end if; | |
visiting.Enqueue((next_node, new_cost)); | |
visited.Include(next_node, node); | |
end if; | |
end loop; | |
else exit; | |
end select; | |
end loop; | |
return Traceback(V_start, V_end, visited); | |
end Uniform_Search; | |
function Greedy_Best_Search(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type) | |
return nv.Vector is | |
type Node_Priority_Cost is record | |
node: Node_Type; | |
cost: Cost_Type; | |
end record; | |
function Get_Priority(el: Node_Priority_Cost) return Cost_Type is | |
(el.cost); | |
package Node_Priority_Interface is new Ada.Containers.Synchronized_Queue_Interfaces | |
(Element_Type => Node_Priority_Cost); | |
package Node_Priority is new Ada.Containers.Unbounded_Priority_Queues | |
(Queue_Interfaces => Node_Priority_Interface, Queue_Priority => Cost_Type, | |
Before => "<"); | |
package np renames Node_Priority; | |
visited: nm.Map := nm.Empty_Map; | |
visiting: np.Queue; | |
next_visit: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector; | |
node, next_node: Node_Type; | |
found_goal: Boolean := false; | |
new_cost : Cost_Type := Zero_Cost; | |
node_cost_of_priority : Node_Priority_Cost; | |
begin | |
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then | |
return nv.Empty_Vector; | |
end if; | |
visited.Include(V_start, V_start); | |
visiting.Enqueue((V_start, Zero_Cost)); | |
loop select | |
visiting.Dequeue(node_cost_of_priority); | |
node := node_cost_of_priority.node; | |
exit when node = V_end; | |
next_visit := Neighbors(g, node); | |
for N in next_visit.Iterate loop | |
next_node := next_visit(N); | |
--tio.Put_Line("new_cost:" & new_cost'image); | |
if not visited.Contains(next_node) then | |
new_cost := Distance(V_end, next_node); | |
visiting.Enqueue((next_node, new_cost)); | |
visited.Include(next_node, node); | |
end if; | |
end loop; | |
else exit; | |
end select; | |
end loop; | |
return Traceback(V_start, V_end, visited); | |
end Greedy_Best_Search; | |
function A_Star_Search(g: in Graph; V_start, V_end: in Node_Type) | |
return nv.Vector is | |
type Node_Priority_Cost is record | |
node: Node_Type; | |
cost: Cost_Type; | |
end record; | |
function Get_Priority(el: Node_Priority_Cost) return Cost_Type is | |
(el.cost); | |
package Node_Priority_Interface is new Ada.Containers.Synchronized_Queue_Interfaces | |
(Element_Type => Node_Priority_Cost); | |
package Node_Priority is new Ada.Containers.Unbounded_Priority_Queues | |
(Queue_Interfaces => Node_Priority_Interface, Queue_Priority => Cost_Type, | |
Before => "<"); | |
package np renames Node_Priority; | |
package Node_Cost is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps | |
(Key_Type => Node_Type, Element_Type => Cost_Type, Hash => Hash, | |
Equivalent_Keys => "="); | |
package nc renames Node_Cost; | |
visited: nm.Map := nm.Empty_Map; | |
visiting: np.Queue; | |
next_visit: nv.Vector := nv.Empty_Vector; | |
node, next_node: Node_Type; | |
cost_so_far: nc.Map := nc.Empty_Map; | |
found_goal: Boolean := false; | |
new_cost : Cost_Type := Zero_Cost; | |
node_cost_of_priority : Node_Priority_Cost; | |
priority : Cost_Type := Zero_Cost; | |
begin | |
if not Contains(g, V_start) or not Contains(g, V_end) then | |
return nv.Empty_Vector; | |
end if; | |
cost_so_far.Include(V_start, Zero_Cost); | |
visited.Include(V_start, V_start); | |
visiting.Enqueue((V_start, Zero_Cost)); | |
loop | |
exit when Integer(visiting.Current_Use) = 0; | |
visiting.Dequeue(node_cost_of_priority); | |
node := node_cost_of_priority.node; | |
exit when node = V_end; | |
next_visit := Neighbors(g, node); | |
for N in next_visit.Iterate loop | |
next_node := next_visit(N); | |
if cost_so_far.Contains(node) then | |
new_cost := cost_so_far(node); | |
end if; | |
new_cost := new_cost + Cost(node, next_node); | |
--tio.Put_Line("next visit:" & To_String(next_node) & ", new_cost:" & Integer'image(new_cost)); | |
if not visited.Contains(next_node) then | |
if not cost_so_far.Contains(next_node) then | |
cost_so_far.Include(next_node, new_cost); | |
elsif cost_so_far.Contains(next_node) and new_cost < cost_so_far(next_node) then | |
cost_so_far(next_node) := new_cost; | |
end if; | |
priority := new_cost + Distance(V_end, next_node); | |
visiting.Enqueue((next_node, priority)); | |
visited.Include(next_node, node); | |
end if; | |
end loop; | |
end loop; | |
return Traceback(V_start, V_end, visited); | |
end A_Star_Search; | |
end graphs; |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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with Ada.Containers.Vectors; | |
with Ada.Containers; | |
generic | |
type Node_Type is private; | |
type Index_Type is range <>; | |
with function "=" (Left, Right: in Node_Type) | |
return Boolean is <>; | |
with function Is_Cycle(V: in Node_Type) | |
return Boolean is <>; | |
with function To_String(V: in Node_Type) | |
return String is <>; | |
with function Hash(V: in Node_Type) | |
return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is <>; | |
package Graphs is | |
type Edge is record | |
Node1, Node2: Node_Type; | |
end record; | |
function "="(E1, E2: in Edge) return Boolean; | |
package Nodes_vector is new Ada.Containers.Vectors | |
(Element_Type => Node_Type, Index_Type => Index_Type, "=" => "="); | |
package nv renames Nodes_vector; | |
package Edges_vector is new Ada.Containers.Vectors | |
(Element_Type => Edge, Index_Type => Index_Type, "=" => "="); | |
package ev renames Edges_vector; | |
package Paths_Vector is new Ada.Containers.Vectors | |
(Element_Type => nv.Vector, Index_Type => Index_Type, "=" => nv."="); | |
type Graph is record | |
nodes: nv.Vector; | |
edges: ev.Vector; | |
end record; | |
function Nodes(g: in Graph) return nv.Vector; | |
function Edges(g: in Graph) return ev.Vector; | |
procedure Add(g: in out Graph; V: in Node_Type); | |
procedure Add(g: in out Graph; E: in Edge); | |
function Contains(g: in Graph; V: in Node_Type) return Boolean; | |
function Contains(g: in Graph; E: in Edge) return Boolean; | |
function Contains(E: in Edge; V: in Node_Type) return Boolean; | |
function Neighbors(g: in Graph; V: in Node_Type) return nv.Vector; | |
function Paths(g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type) | |
return Paths_Vector.Vector; | |
generic | |
type Cost_Type is private; | |
with function Cost(V1, V2: in Node_Type) return Cost_Type is <>; | |
with function "+"(C1, C2: in Cost_Type) return Cost_Type is <>; | |
with function "<"(C1, C2: in Cost_Type) return Boolean is <>; | |
with function Zero_Cost return Cost_Type is <>; | |
function Uniform_Search(g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type) | |
return nv.Vector; | |
generic | |
type Cost_Type is private; | |
with function Distance(Goal, Point: in Node_Type) return Cost_Type is <>; | |
with function "<"(D1, D2: in Cost_Type) return Boolean is <>; | |
with function Zero_Cost return Cost_Type is <>; | |
function Greedy_Best_Search(g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type) | |
return nv.Vector; | |
generic | |
type Cost_Type is private; | |
with function Cost(V1, V2: in Node_Type) return Cost_Type is <>; | |
with function "+"(C1, C2: in Cost_Type) return Cost_Type is <>; | |
with function "<"(C1, C2: in Cost_Type) return Boolean is <>; | |
with function Zero_Cost return Cost_Type is <>; | |
with function Distance(Goal, Point: in Node_Type) return Cost_Type is <>; | |
function A_Star_Search(g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type) | |
return nv.Vector; | |
function Breadth_Search (g: in Graph; V_Start, V_End: in Node_Type) | |
return nv.Vector; | |
private | |
function Neighbor(E: in Edge; V: in Node_Type) return Node_Type; | |
procedure Trail(Vs: nv.Vector; prompt : String := ""); | |
end Graphs; |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
import java.util.ArrayDeque; | |
import java.util.ArrayList; | |
import java.util.HashMap; | |
import java.util.PriorityQueue; | |
import; | |
interface Cycleable { | |
boolean isCycle(); | |
} | |
interface Addable<C> { | |
void addFrom(C other); | |
} | |
interface Copyable<C> { | |
C copy(); | |
} | |
interface Costable<V, C extends Comparable<C>> { | |
C zeroCost(); | |
C cost(V otherVertex); | |
C distanceTo(V targetVertex); | |
} | |
public class Graph< | |
V extends Comparable<V> & Cycleable & Costable<V, C>, | |
C extends Comparable<C> & Addable<C> & Copyable<C>> | |
{ | |
public class Edge { | |
V node1, node2; | |
public String toString() { | |
return String.format("%s -> %s", node1, node2); | |
} | |
public Edge(V n1, V n2) { | |
node1 = n1; | |
node2 = n2; | |
} | |
} | |
public ArrayList<V> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); | |
public ArrayList<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>(); | |
HashMap<V, ArrayList<V>> internalEdges = new HashMap<>(); | |
public void addVertex(V v) { | |
if (nodes.contains(v)) return; | |
nodes.add(v); | |
} | |
public void addEdge(V v1, V v2) { | |
if (!nodes.contains(v1)) nodes.add(v1); | |
if (!nodes.contains(v2)) nodes.add(v2); | |
if (internalEdges.containsKey(v1) && internalEdges.get(v1).contains(v2)) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (internalEdges.containsKey(v2) && internalEdges.get(v2).contains(v1)) { | |
return; | |
} | |
var v1v2 = internalEdges.getOrDefault(v1, new ArrayList<>()); | |
var v2v1 = internalEdges.getOrDefault(v2, new ArrayList<>()); | |
v1v2.add(v2); | |
v2v1.add(v1); | |
internalEdges.put(v1, v1v2); | |
internalEdges.put(v2, v2v1); | |
var e = new Edge(v1, v2); | |
edges.add(e); | |
} | |
public void addVertices(V[] vs) { | |
for (var v : vs) { | |
nodes.add(v); | |
} | |
} | |
public boolean contains(V v) { | |
return nodes.contains(v); | |
} | |
public boolean contains(Edge e) { | |
return edges.contains(e); | |
} | |
public void addEdges(Edge[] es) { | |
for (var e : es) { | |
addEdge(e.node1, e.node2); | |
} | |
} | |
public ArrayList<V> neighbors(V node) { | |
var neighbors = new ArrayList<V>(); | |
for (var e : edges) { | |
if (e.node1 == node) { | |
neighbors.add(e.node2); | |
} else if (e.node2 == node) { | |
neighbors.add(e.node1); | |
} | |
} | |
return neighbors; | |
} | |
public ArrayList<ArrayList<V>> paths(V start, V end) { | |
if (!nodes.contains(start) || !nodes.contains(end)) { | |
return null; | |
} | |
var state = new ArrayDeque<V>(); | |
ArrayList<ArrayList<V>> res = new ArrayList<>(); | |
inPath(end, start, state, res); | |
return res; | |
} | |
boolean inPath(V goal, V node, ArrayDeque<V> state, ArrayList<ArrayList<V>> acc) { | |
state.add(node); | |
if (node == goal) { | |
var thelist =<V>::new)); | |
if (!acc.contains(thelist)) { | |
acc.add(thelist); | |
} | |
state.removeLast(); | |
return true; | |
} | |
var nextbound = neighbors(node); | | -> { | |
if (v != node && (!state.contains(v) || v.isCycle())) { | |
if (!inPath(goal, v, state, acc)) { | |
state.removeLast(); | |
} | |
} else { | |
//System.out.printf("Cannot visit neighbor (%s)\n", v); | |
} | |
}); | |
return false; | |
} | |
class NodePriority { | |
V node; | |
C cost; | |
NodePriority(V node, C cost) { | |
this.node = node; | |
this.cost = cost; | |
} | |
} | |
ArrayList<V> traceback(V start, V end, HashMap<V, V> path) { | |
var retpath = new ArrayList<V>(); | |
var current = end; | |
while(true) { | |
retpath.add(0, current); | |
if (current == start) break; | |
if (!path.containsKey(current)) { | |
return new ArrayList<>(); | |
} | |
current = path.get(current); | |
} | |
return retpath; | |
} | |
public ArrayList<V> AStar (V start, V end) { | |
if (!nodes.contains(start) || !nodes.contains(end)) { | |
return new ArrayList<>(); | |
} | |
var visited = new HashMap<V, V>(); | |
var costSoFar = new HashMap<V, C>(); | |
var visiting = new PriorityQueue<NodePriority>( | |
(n1, n2) -> n1.cost.compareTo(n2.cost)); | |
visited.put(start, start); | |
visiting.add(new NodePriority(start, start.zeroCost())); | |
C newcost = start.zeroCost(); | |
costSoFar.put(start, start.zeroCost()); | |
while (true) { | |
if (visiting.size() == 0) { | |
break; | |
} | |
var v = visiting.poll(); | |
if (v.node == end) { | |
break; | |
} | |
var nextvisit = neighbors(v.node); | |
for (var i = 0; i < nextvisit.size(); i++) { | |
var nextnode = nextvisit.get(i); | |
newcost = costSoFar.get(v.node).copy(); | |
newcost.addFrom(v.node.cost(nextnode)); | |
if (!costSoFar.containsKey(nextnode) || newcost.compareTo(costSoFar.get(nextnode)) < 0) { | |
costSoFar.put(nextnode, newcost); | |
var priority = newcost.copy(); | |
priority.addFrom(nextnode.distanceTo(end)); | |
visiting.add(new NodePriority(nextnode, priority)); | |
visited.put(nextnode, v.node); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return traceback(start, end, visited); | |
} | |
} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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1163751742 | |
1381373672 | |
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3694931569 | |
7463417111 | |
1319128137 | |
1359912421 | |
3125421639 | |
1293138521 | |
2311944581 |
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