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Last active August 21, 2022 19:48
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  • Save masnick/5239278 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save masnick/5239278 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Proceed at your own risk. Back up. Don't blame anyone but yourself if you lose all your email or send your personal information to a nefarious third party.


  1. On a VPS to increase speed (I used a Digital Ocean VPS):

  2. Create a text file called map with the following contents:

     [Gmail]/Sent Mail:Sent Items
     [Gmail]/All Mail:Archive
  3. Using screen, open up some stunnels. In two separate windows (so both continue to run):

     stunnel -c -f -d 1143 -r -P ''
     stunnel -c -f -d 1144 -r -P ''

Note that you may need to replace with

  1. In yet another screen window run the following, replacing the user-specific stuff as necessary (including an app-specific password if you're using 2-factor authentication for Google):

     perl \
       -S localhost:1143/[email protected]/google.password \
       -D localhost:1144/[email protected]/new.password \
       -M map -m "[Gmail]/All Mail,[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
  2. Wait. This may take several hours (I left it running all night for 55,000+ messages). When you're done, change your Google and FastMail passwords for security purposes (or delete your app-specific Google password).

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I had to use stunnel3 on Debian unstable (the stunnel4 package contains both and defaults to 4, which couldn't parse the options) to get it to work, and use the [Google Mail] prefix, too (German account).

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