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iOS widget powered by the Scriptable app that shows the current capacity of your McFit gym (RSG group)
* Script for scriptable to get the current capacity of McFit Gyms
let gymId = 1731068920
let param = args.widgetParameter
if (param != null && param.length > 0) {
gymId = param
const currentGymCapacity = await fetchGymCapacity(gymId)
const storeInfo = await fetchGymInfo(gymId)
const gymName = await fetchGymInfo(gymId)
const widget = new ListWidget()
await createWidget()
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentSmall()
//Create the widget
async function createWidget() {
const headlineText = widget.addText("🏋️ Capacity")
headlineText.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(19)
const capacityText = widget.addText(currentGymCapacity.toString() + "%")
capacityText.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(50)
if (currentGymCapacity < 20) {
capacityText.textColor = new Color("#33cc33")
} else if (currentGymCapacity < 30){
capacityText.textColor = new Color("#ff9900")
capacityText.textColor = new Color("#ff3300")
const gymNameText = widget.addText(gymName)
gymNameText.font = Font.regularSystemFont(12)
//Fetches the current capacity of the McFit gym
async function fetchGymCapacity(id) {
const url = '' + id
const req = new Request(url)
const result = await req.loadJSON()
var counter = 0
for (var i in result.items) {
counter = result.items[i].percentage
return counter
//Fetches the name of the gym
async function fetchGymInfo(id) {
const url = ''
const req = new Request(url)
const apiResult = await req.loadJSON()
for(var i in apiResult){
if(apiResult[i].id == id){
return apiResult[i].studioName
return 'Your McFit'
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@iToab Die Studios von Jumpers Fitness findet man auf jeden Fall hier:

Hier gibts die Daten:{studioId}/utilization - bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob die tatsächlich live sind oder einfach jeden Tag das gleiche angezeigt wird.

@erikspall FYI

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