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Last active February 5, 2018 11:05
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  • Save massich/f382ec0181ce6603b38208f9dec3e4d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# This script installs Travis helper functions and tools used in openmeeg repositories
# To use them, add the following lines in .travis.yml:
# - export DL_DIR=$HOME/downloads # Export the path where to store downloaded files
# - curl -fsSkL > && source ./
function _download() {
url="$1"; f="${2:-$(basename $url)}";
if [ ! -e $DL_DIR/$f ] ; then
mkdir -p $DL_DIR ;
echo "Downloading: ${DL_DIR}/$f" ;
travis_retry wget --no-verbose $url -O $DL_DIR/$f ;
echo "Reading from cache: ${DL_DIR}/$f" ;
function download() { _download "$1" "" ; }
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