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R code to annotate genes (specified by their official symbol) with GO terms, as well as example usage.
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source("go_annotations.R") | |
# Get the GO BP/MF/CC terms ids associated with STAT3 | |
gene2gos("STAT3") | |
# Get the GO BP/MF/CC terms description associated with STAT3 | |
go2terms(gene2gos("STAT3")) | |
# union of go terms for a list of genes | |
go2terms(gene2gos(c("STAT3","STAT2"))) | |
# To select go terms of interest, either go to AMIGO, or build a mapping from terms to GO ID | |
# This is very slow, has to be done once | |
go.terms <- | |
unique(go.terms[grep("DNA binding",go.terms$Term),c("go_id","Term")]) | |
# Once we know the ID of genes of interest, let's annotate a list of genes with them | |
# We consider a gene to be associated with a GO term if it's associated with it or with any of its descendants | |
# For the exemple, we chose: | |
# DNA binding corresponds to GO:0003677, | |
# Protein binding to GO:0005515 | |
# Insuling binding to GO:0043559 | |
annotate.genes.with.gos(c("STAT3","STAT2","IGF1R","EGFR"),c("GO:0003677","GO:0005515","GO:0043559"),with.descendants=T) | |
# Let's display a wordle to get specific annotations (Can take several seconds and spit warnings for lengthy go terms) | |
gocloud.for.genes("STAT3") |
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# Go terms annotation ------ | |
require(GO.db) | |
# For word cloud generation (can be commented if wordclouds are not used) | |
library(tm) | |
library(wordcloud) | |
# TODO: generalize so that we are specie agnostic. Requires to pass a param to the package? | |
# Uncomment for Mouse DB | |
# require( # generalize | |
# annotation.db< | |
# annotation.dbSYMBOL<-org.Mm.egSYMBOL | |
# annotation.egGO<-org.Mm.egGO | |
# Uncomment for Human DB | |
require( | |
annotation.db< | |
annotation.dbSYMBOL<-org.Hs.egSYMBOL | |
annotation.egGO<-org.Hs.egGO | |
gene2ez=revmap(annotation.dbSYMBOL) | |
gene2go<- function(gene){ | |
if(!exists(gene,gene2ez)) return(NULL) | |
ez=get(gene,gene2ez) | |
gos=get(ez,annotation.egGO) | |
if(length(gos)==0 || return(c()) | |
goids=lapply(gos,"[[","GOID") | |
sapply(lapply(goids, function(z) get(z, GOTERM)), "Term") | |
} | |
geneWithGo<- function(go){ | |
if(!exists(go,revmap(annotation.egGO))) return(c()) | |
ez.genes=get(go,revmap(annotation.egGO)) | |
unlist(mget(ez.genes,annotation.dbSYMBOL)) | |
} | |
geneHasAnnotation<- function(gene,term){ | |
genes=unlist(strsplit(gene,"+",fixed=T)) | |
for(gene in genes){ | |
terms=gene2go(gene) | |
if(length(grep(term,terms))>0) return(T) | |
} | |
return(F) | |
} | |
geneHasAnnotations<- function(gene,terms=c()){ | |
# If transcript info present, remove it | |
gene=strsplit(gene," ",fixed=T)[[1]][1] | |
genes=unlist(strsplit(gene,"+",fixed=T)) | |
res=list() | |
for(term in terms){ | |
res[term]=F | |
} | |
for(gene in genes){ | |
gene.terms=gene2go(gene) | |
for(term in terms){ | |
if(length(grep(term,gene.terms))>0){ | |
res[term]=T | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return(,row.names=c(gene))) | |
} | |
# go.descendants <- function(go){ | |
# visited=c() | |
# to.visit=c(go) | |
# while(length(to.visit)>0 && !{ | |
# visited=union(visited,to.visit) | |
# children<-unique(unlist(mget(to.visit,GOBPCHILDREN))) | |
# children<-children[complete.cases(children)] | |
# to.visit=setdiff(children,visited) | |
# } | |
# return(visited) | |
# } | |
# More efficient | |
go.descendants <- function(go,onto=c("BP","MF","CC")){ | |
onto=match.arg(onto) | |
if(onto=="BP"){ | |
}else if(onto=="MF"){ | |
}else if(onto=="CC"){ | |
} | |
children<-unique(unlist(mget(go,onto,ifnotfound=NA))) | |
children=union(children,go) | |
return(children[complete.cases(children)]) | |
} | |
go2terms <- function(gos){ | |
sapply(lapply(gos, function(z) get(z, GOTERM)), "Term") | |
# Maybe better? | |
# unlist(sapply(mget(go.descendants("GO:0072539"),GOTERM),function(z) Term(z))) | |
} | |
go2genes <- function(go,with.descendants=FALSE){ | |
genes=c() | |
if(with.descendants){ | |
#Check if recursive | |
goids<-go.descendants(go) | |
}else{ | |
goids<-c(go) | |
} | |
ezgenes<-unique(unlist(mget(goids,revmap(annotation.egGO),ifnotfound=NA))) | |
ezgenes<-ezgenes[!] | |
symbols<-unique(unlist(mget(ezgenes,annotation.dbSYMBOL))) | |
return(symbols) | |
} | |
gene2gos <- function(gene,flatten=T){ | |
ezgenes<-unique(unlist(mget(gene,gene2ez,ifnotfound=NA))) | |
ezgenes<-ezgenes[!] | |
if(flatten){ | |
gos<-unlist(mget(ezgenes,annotation.egGO),recursive=F,use.names=F) | |
goids=unique(sapply(gos,"[[","GOID")) | |
return(goids) | |
}else{ | |
res<-melt(mget(ezgenes,annotation.egGO)) | |
res<-res[res$"L3"=="GOID",] | |
res["gene"]=unlist(mget(res$"L1",annotation.dbSYMBOL)) | |
res["term"]=go2terms(as.character(res$L2)) | |
res<-res[,c("L1","gene","L2","term")] | |
colnames(res)<-c("ezgene","gene","GO","term") | |
rownames(res)<-NULL | |
return(unique(res)) | |
} | |
} | |
annotate.genes.with.gos<- function(genes,gos,with.descendants=F,use.descendants=F,go.terms=F){ | |
## Value | |
## Returns a logical matrix of genes * terms | |
## If with.descendants, then the set of go terms is expanded to include the descendants | |
## If use.descendants, then genes are associated with a go term g if they are associated with any of its descendants | |
#get the genes of all the go terms | |
if(with.descendants){ | |
gos<-go.descendants(gos) | |
} | |
if(use.descendants){ | |
geneByGo<-sapply(gos,function(go) go2genes(go,with.descendants=T)) | |
}else{ | |
ezgenes=mget(gos,revmap(annotation.egGO),ifnotfound=NA) | |
geneByGo<-lapply(ezgenes,function (z){ | |
if(length(z)==1 && return(c()) | |
unique(unlist(mget(z,annotation.dbSYMBOL))) | |
}) | |
} | |
genes.annot<-t(unlist(sapply(genes,function(gene){ | |
unlist(lapply(geneByGo,function(golist){ | |
gene<-strsplit(gene,"_",fixed=T)[[1]][1] | |
length(intersect(unlist(strsplit(gene,"+",fixed=T)),golist)) | |
})) | |
}))) | |
if(go.terms){ | |
colnames(genes.annot)<-go2terms(colnames(genes.annot)) | |
} | |
return(genes.annot) | |
} | |
# go2terms(gene2gos(c("Stat3"))) | |
gotable.for.genes <- function(genes){ | |
some.gos<-gene2gos(genes) | |
some.gos.terms<-go2terms(some.gos) | |
some.gos.lengths<-unlist(lapply(some.gos,function(go) length(go2genes(go,with.descendants=T)))) | |
this.gos<-data.table(gos=some.gos,terms=some.gos.terms,lengths=some.gos.lengths) | |
max.freq=max(this.gos[,lengths]) | |
max.freq=9266 | |
this.gos[,specificity:=min(c(round(max.freq/lengths),1000)),by=gos] | |
return(this.gos) | |
} | |
gocloud.for.genes <- function(genes,go.table=NULL,rot.per=0.15,scale=c(1.3,.5)){ | |
if(is.null(go.table)){ | |
go.table<-gotable.for.genes(genes) | |
} | |
#go.table[,specificity:=min(c(round(max.freq/lengths),100)),by=gos] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("positive","pos.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("negative","neg.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("protein","prot.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("kinase","kin.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("signaling","signal.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("cellular","c.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("cell","c.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("reactive oxygen species","ROS",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("metabolic","metab.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("metabolism","metab.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("process","proc.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("oxygen","O2",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("production","product.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("regulation","reg.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("activity","actvty.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("response","resp.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("electron","e-",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("endoplasmic","endop.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("transcription factor","TF.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("transcription","transcr.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("retinoic acid","RA",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("interleukin","IL",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("interferon","IFN",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("tumor necrosis factor","TNF",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("aryl hydrocarbon receptor","AHR",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("complex","cplx.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("proliferation","prolif.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("nuclear","nucl.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table[,terms:=gsub("response","resp.",terms,,fixed=F)] | |
go.table<-go.table[order(specificity,decreasing=T)] | |
pal2 <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2") | |
# Shorten some GO terms | |
wordcloud(go.table$terms,go.table$specificity, scale=scale,max.words=50, random.color=F,random.order=FALSE, rot.per=rot.per,colors=pal2,min.freq=10) | |
} |
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