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Created May 5, 2015 13:17
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Save matael/d68217233af4a3763859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package Combot;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::GitHub::V3;
use DBI;
use Redis; # for authorizations
use LWP::UserAgent; # for spaceapi requests
use Bot::BasicBot;
use base qw( Bot::BasicBot );
use Unicode::MapUTF8;
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{insultes} = [
"T'as encore merdé ? Tu fais de la merde là...",
"Et c'est le défilé des bugs à la con.",
"Quoi ? T'as pété le site ? ... vache... on file des accès à n'importe qui de nos jours.",
"Bravo. T'as tout flingué. Continue comme ça, et tu vas te faire claquer par un robot."
sub said {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
# redis link
my $redis_db = $self->{redis_db};
my $redis_pref = $self->{redis_pref};
my $master = $self->{master};
my $rdb = Redis->new();
if ($msg->{body} =~ /^!updatesite$/) {
if ($rdb->get($redis_pref.$msg->{who})) {
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("Mise à jour du site en cours...")
my $back = `cd /var/www/ && git co upstream && git pull && source .venv_pelican/bin/activate && rm -r cache/ && make publish && deactivate && echo "OK"`;
my @out = split( /\n/ , $back);
my $message;
if (pop @out eq "OK") {
$message = "Le site est à jour !";
} else {
$message = $self->{insultes}[ rand @{$self->{insultes}} ];
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8($message)
} else {
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("On se connait ?")
# github todolist
if ( $msg->{body} =~ /^\!todolist\s?(.+)?$/) {
my $issues;
my $gh = Net::GitHub::V3->new;
my $issues_api = $gh->issue;
my %default_params = (state => 'open');
if (defined $1) {
$default_params{labels} = $1;
$issues = $issues_api->repos_issues(
} else {
$issues = $issues_api->repos_issues(
foreach my $issue (@{$issues}) {
my @labels;
foreach my $l (@{$issue->{labels}}) {
push @labels , $l->{name};
my $body = $issue->{number}.'# '.$issue->{title}.' ['.join('][', @labels).']';
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8($body),
# agenda
if ( $msg->{body} =~ /^\!agenda\s?(add|remove|modify|all)?\s?(.+)?$/) {
# Custom sorting function form custom dates
sub datesort {
join('', (split '/', (split ' ',$a->[4])[0])[2,1,0]) cmp join('', (split '/', (split ' ',$b->[4])[0])[2,1,0]);
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=".$self->{agenda_db}) or $self->say(
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("Impossible de se connecter à la db ".$self->{agenda_db})
if (!defined $1 or $1 eq "all") {
my $query = 'select rowid,* from agenda where status=1 order by rowid asc';
$query .= " limit 5" if (!defined $1);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query.";");
my $events = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
my @sorted_events = sort datesort @$events;
foreach my $e (@sorted_events) {
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("#".$e->[0].": ".$e->[1]." ; ".$e->[2]." le ".$e->[4])
} elsif ($rdb->get($redis_pref.$msg->{who})){
my $operation; # kind of database operation
my $sth;
if ($1 eq "add") {
if (defined $2 and $2 =~ /(\d{1,2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}\s\d{1,2}:\d{2})\s"([^"]+)"\s"([^"]+)"(.+)$/) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into agenda (titre,lieu,description,date,status) values (?,?,?,?,1)");
$sth->execute($3, $2, $4, $1);
$operation = "l'insertion";
} else {
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8('Pour ajouter un élément, : !agenda add JJ/MM/YYYY (h)h:mm "Lieu" "Titre" Description')
} elsif ($1 eq "modify") {
if (defined $2 and $2 =~ /(\d+)\s(titre|lieu|date|status)\s(.+)$/) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("update agenda set ".$2."=? where rowid=?");
$sth->execute($3, $1);
$operation = "la modification";
} else {
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("Pour modifier un élément, : !agenda modify id [titre|lieu|date|status] nouvelle valeur")
undef $operation;
} elsif ($1 eq "remove") {
if (defined $2 and $2 =~ /(\d+)\s*$/) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("update agenda set status=0 where rowid=?");
$operation = "la suppression";
} else {
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("Pour supprimer un élément, : !agenda remove id")
undef $operation;
if (defined $operation) {
if ( $sth->err ) {
who => "matael",
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("Erreur pour ".$operation." en base : ".$sth->errstr)
} else {
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("C'est dans la boite !")
} else {
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("On se connait ?")
if (($msg->{body} =~ /!spaceapi\s*(state)\s*(.+)$/)) {
if ($1 eq 'state') {
my $state = 'close';
my $spaceapi_msg = '';
if ($2 eq 'open') {
$state = 'true';
$spaceapi_msg = '';
} elsif ($2 eq 'close') {
$state = 'false';
$spaceapi_msg = '';
} elsif ($2 eq 'members') {
$state = 'true';
$spaceapi_msg = 'Réservé aux membres !';
} elsif ($2 =~ /theme:(\w+)/) {
$state = 'true';
$spaceapi_msg = 'Thème du jour : '.$1;
my $userAgent = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $request = new HTTP::Request POST => '';
# encode the URL and add it to the url parameter in the request
my $sensors = '{"state":{"open":'.$state.'}}';
$sensors = URI::Escape::uri_escape($sensors);
my $spaceapikey = URI::Escape::uri_escape($self->{spaceapikey});
my $response = $userAgent->request($request);
# if ($response->is_success) {
# $self->say(
# who => $msg->{who},
# channel => $msg->{channel},
# body => Encode::decode_utf8("All went well !! ~o~")
# );
# } else {
my ($status, $message) = split(/ /,$response->status_line, 2);
who => $msg->{who},
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("Une réponse de chez SpaceAPI : [$status] $message")
# }
# add an user to the "known nicks" list
if (($msg->{who} eq $master) and $msg->{body} =~ /!allow\s*(\w+)/) {
$rdb->set($redis_pref.$1, 1);
who => $master,
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("Ok ! $1 est maintenant dans la liste des twolls potentiels :3")
# remove an user from the "known nicks" list
if (($msg->{who} eq $master) and $msg->{body} =~ /!disallow\s*(\w+)/) {
$rdb->del($redis_pref.$1) if $rdb->get($redis_pref.$1);
who => $master,
channel => $msg->{channel},
body => Encode::decode_utf8("Adieu $1, je l'aimais bien")
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