I hereby claim:
- I am matallo on github.
- I am matallo (https://keybase.io/matallo) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 5CC0 A430 62EB 7044 E9C1 20AE 0AD6 01D5 6149 D3AF
To claim this, I am signing this object:
RankedOrganicTweet | |
ActivityTweet | |
suggestrecycledtweet_inline | |
suggestpyletweet | |
suggestactivitytweet | |
suggest_who_to_follow | |
suggest_timeline_tweet | |
suggest_sc_tweet | |
suggest_recycled_tweet_inline | |
suggest_recycled_tweet |
const defaultDelay = 500; | |
export default function getDelay(): number { | |
if (typeof window !== "undefined") { | |
if (window.navigator && window.navigator.connection) { | |
const connection = window.navigator.connection.effectiveType; | |
switch (connection) { | |
case "4g": | |
return defaultDelay; | |
case "3g": |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
to_json(ARRAY[config])->>0 |
2 | |
los dos: both | of | us/you/them | |
ninguno: neither | of | us/you/them | |
cualquiera: either | of | us/you/them | |
I want both of them to come | |
I want neither of them to come | |
I don't want either of them to come |
gulp.task('responsive-images', ['html'], () => { | |
const cloudinaryURL = 'https://res.cloudinary.com/dcuclvhyb/image/upload/'; | |
return gulp.src('dist/**/*.html') | |
.pipe(plugins.replace(/(\/img\/.*?\.(?:gif|jpeg|jpg|png|webp|svg))(\??([a-zA-Z0-9_:,]*))/g, (match, p1, p2, p3) => { | |
log(`Found ${match}`); | |
return `${cloudinaryURL}${p3}/v1526741840/matall.in${p1}`; | |
})) | |
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); |
<img srcset="http://res.cloudinary.com/matallin/image/upload/ar_16:9,c_fill,w_280/v1526506792/25720441604_9c26662678_o.jpg 280w, | |
http://res.cloudinary.com/matallin/image/upload/ar_16:9,c_fill,w_360/v1526506792/25720441604_9c26662678_o.jpg 360w, | |
http://res.cloudinary.com/matallin/image/upload/ar_16:9,c_fill,w_520/v1526506792/25720441604_9c26662678_o.jpg 520w, | |
http://res.cloudinary.com/matallin/image/upload/ar_16:9,c_fill,w_560/v1526506792/25720441604_9c26662678_o.jpg 560w, | |
http://res.cloudinary.com/matallin/image/upload/ar_16:9,c_fill,w_720/v1526506792/25720441604_9c26662678_o.jpg 720w, | |
http://res.cloudinary.com/matallin/image/upload/ar_16:9,c_fill,w_1040/v1526506792/25720441604_9c26662678_o.jpg 1040w" | |
sizes="(max-width: 560px) 520px, (max-width: 800px) 360px, 280px" | |
src="http://res.cloudinary.com/matallin/image/upload/v1526506792/25720441604_9c26662678_o.jpg" | |
alt="{{ post.title }}"> |
geo2topo ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces_copy_copy.geojson untitled_table.geojson -o output.json |
lsof -i :PORT_NUMBER |